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*Fresh Dew*

_The True Test of Love: Commitment Through Adversity. It is revealed not in easy moments, but in how we stand by someone during challenges. Genuine love goes beyond fleeting feelings; it’s about patience, forgiveness, and sacrifice. It requires choosing to support and uplift the other person, even when it's hard. Love is proven through action, loyalty, and unwavering commitment, especially during difficult times. True love grows stronger through adversity and is defined by the choices we make to remain dedicated, no matter the circumstances._ Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew  👇👇👇
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WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH 2024 INTERCESSION IS FOR OTHERS ...Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25). Intercession involves standing in the gap between two parties or more. It's about pleading a case on behalf of someone else, often without their awareness of their predicament or their need for help. For instance, when you intercede for someone who isn't born again, they may not be conscious of their spiritual state or their need for salvation. In such cases, you're presenting reasons to God on their behalf. You're bringing their ignorance and lack of understanding about their spiritual standing before the Lord. Consider how God described the Ninevites to Jonah—they didn't know right from wrong. But God sent Jonah to them to preach and get them to repent from their wickedness. Remarkably, the Ninevites, from the king to the common people, took Jonah's mes


Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi Documentary: Drugs of Doom REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC DSC DD  Welcome to today's program.  I hope that you followed that video.  Several troubling points. To think that those you've trusted for your health may actually be your biggest problem is sometimes very difficult to swallow.  And these are the same bureaucrats who want to create policies on how we should live everyday in our various countries. these are the same people who control the health systems, ministry of health, public health policies...These are the perpetrators of the wickedness we find in our pharmaceutical industries  God's word already warned us and told us that in the last days, the world would be deceived through the pharmaceutical industry. It's in the Bible, and it's very specific. I shared the details with you before.  Those of you who are in that industry, you have to refuse to be used.b Don't be a collaborator or an enabler of the

*Fresh Dew*

_ Pride Goes Before a Fall: The Perils of Arrogance. It warns us of the dangers of arrogance and overconfidence. When pride blinds us to our flaws, it leads to poor decisions and broken relationships. This false sense of superiority not only alienates others but also stifles personal growth. In contrast, humility fosters self-awareness, openness, and better judgment. While pride sets the stage for failure, humility creates the foundation for lasting success. Embracing humility helps us avoid the inevitable downfall that pride brings, allowing us to grow and thrive. _ Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH 2024 THE “LALIA” OF CHRIST ...Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word (John 8:43). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME Two words used in our opening verse may seem synonymous, but they have striking differences. They’re “speech” (Greek: “Lalia”) and “word” (Greek: “Logos”). “Logos” is the general term for “Word.” The Bible says,  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).  “Logos” encompasses speech, idea, thought, and message; it is the substance of a message. John 1:14 tells us that the Word or “Logos” of God became flesh, and that’s Jesus Christ. All of God's thoughts, ideas, and opinions, are encapsulated in Him. “Lalia,” on the other hand, describes a mode of speech; it’s the way you say what you say. This can be by gesticulations, semasiological communication, dialects or pronunciations. Jesus said to the pharisees and the Jews as they questioned His words, "Why do ye not unders

Daily Juice

If you have time to mindlessly scroll on social media, you have time to do something that will actually improve your life. Use your words to project yourself forward. Until you understand the power embedded in words, you may use words against yourself instead for yourself.  Your words are your tools to pull into the present the future you have planned for. Where you are now is just a reflection of your past thoughts and words. Our lives go where our mouth goes. What we continually say will find a way of getting to us. Until we say it, heaven has nothing to work with for us. Our life today is the character of our words. Even if we don't say anything, something will still happen, but what will happen would be what we don't like.  Be careful not to become ensnared by your own words. Remember, truth does not depend upon you to believe it to be true..... click on the link below to study Previous Daily Juice  👇👇👇

*Fresh Dew*

_Honesty and Integrity: Pillars of True Success. They are essential traits that define a person's character. Honesty means being truthful and transparent, building trust and strong relationships. Integrity goes deeper, involving the courage to do what’s right, even when no one is watching. Together, they set a foundation for long-lasting success, respect, and inner peace. In a world where shortcuts are common, living by these values makes one a beacon of reliability and authenticity. Ultimately, honesty and integrity create meaningful connections and leave a legacy of honor....... click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇