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Showing posts from April 3, 2022


It’s up to you to make up your mind to either be a vessel to honour or one to dishonour in God’s house; you must recognize that as a vessel, you must always be prepared. Don’t allow anything take you away from your prayer life; anything that would hinder your prayer life is not worth it. That’s why it’s important to mark your circle, those who wouldn’t let you pray; you must avoid them. Be sober, be vigilant and keep watch. Click on the link below to study yesterday's Reality check 👇👇👇 Click here to study yesterday's Reality check

Daily Juice

If you don't enjoy your life, sorrow, sadness, suffering, fear, shame and guilt will take preeminence over your life. Relax your mind and enjoy your life. A lot of the stress we deal with are just thoughts. Do not think that what your thoughts dwell upon is of no matter. Your thoughts are gathering things to you. Remember that stress doesn't come from what's going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what's going on in your life. One bad day does not mean you have a bad life. Don't use the circumstances of life to judge God's love for you because He has already proved His love by the death of His Son. The challenge may not go away when you pray and when it doesn't go away, it simply means God knows that He has trained you enough to face it and win!


“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” (1 JOHN 5:11 NIV) Moses and the Israelites were in a quagmire before the Red Sea, and in panic, they cried out to God for help. The Lord, however, responded to Moses in a most amazing manner: “…Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground” (Exodus 14:15-16 NIV). The Lord was making Moses aware that the help he required was already with him. In other  words, “Moses, use what you have!”  Click here to study the message: stay strong and courageous by pastor Chris In our wonderful journey of faith, God expects us to have a life of continual victory and prosperity; and all that’s required is for you to use what you have. As a Christian, you have treasures resident in your spirit (2 Corinthians 4:7). One of such treasures is eternal...


════════════ TOPIC: SPEAK “THE WORD”  👤 PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME ═══════════════ THURSDAY, 7TH APRIL 2022 ═══════════════ But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her (LUKE 10:42). ═══════════════ The Word of God is everything. Jesus reiterated this in our opening verse when He chastised Martha for being encumbered and troubled by many things. He said one thing is needful, which is the Word of God, and her sister Mary, gave attention to it.  Click here for previous Rhapsody of Reality When the world was a chaotic mass, empty and in darkness, what did God do? He didn’t call the angels for a construction exercise; He didn’t fix it by trying to do anything with His hands. He only said, “Let there be light,” and there was light (Genesis 1:3).  Words are powerful, but the Word of God is all powerful. Always remember that. When you were born again, you were born of the Word: “Being born again, not of corruptib...

Daily Juice

Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world. Keep the smile of a victor on your face all the time. Worrying people are never successful for long. In fact, when they are successful in anything, it is short lived. The measure of the strength of a man is the way he bears up under challenges. Never be bullied into silence; never allow yourself to be made a victim or a slave to the society. Do not allow fear hold you in its paralyzing grip. So many people can be responsible for your success; but you are responsible for your failure. It doesn't matter what others are doing, what matters is what you are doing! Your life will never be truly yours if you constantly care about what others think. A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. Be alive to your responsibility. Click here to study yesterday's daily Juice

Global communion service with pastor Chris (April Edition)

Word of the month - APRIL: THE MONTH OF WATCHING AND PRAYING Matthew 26:41, Luke 21:25-26; 37 (AMPC) Learn to put prayer first. You cannot rise in your life above your prayer life. It determines the kind of relationship you have with God and the results in your life. Learning to put prayer first in your life is not a topic of discussion, its a Reality. Just like eating food. It is just something you do not discuss. That's what you do. You pray! THREE IMPORTANT THINGS 1. Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. 2. Watch and pray for we know not what time it is. 3. Watch and pray always that you may be able to escape all the troubles in the world! Meditate on these verses that I shared with you, it's through the word of God that you watch. You can interpret the things with the  knowledge of the word. This month pay close attention to the word of God by praying. Pray always. Be a prayerful man, prayerful woman Give attention to praying. Don't wait till ni...


👤 Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Dsc.DD And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils… (MARK 16:17-18) Isn’t it amazing that the very first thing Jesus said we could do in His Name is casting out devils? It goes to show just how much Satan has been defeated; he’s not a factor at all. Someone who only gave his life to Christ moments ago can cast out devils. That’s because the Christian is superior to Satan; the Christian has the life of God and the righteousness of Christ; he’s in God’s class. Hallelujah!  Click here to study the message: Stay strong and be courageous by pastor Chris Therefore, keeping Satan in check isn’t a question of how “strong” or “spiritual” you think you are; it’s about Jesus and the authority He’s given you; you walk and live in His Name. Satan has no right to run things in your life, in your home or in the lives of your loved ones; run him out! Exercise your authority in Christ over him. You can cast out demons ...


═══════════════ TOPIC: REJOICE AND BE GRATEFUL  👤 PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME ═══════════════ SUNDAY 3RD APRIL 2022 ═══════════════ 📖Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready (REVELATION 19:7). ═══════════════ True Christianity is living by faith in God’s Word, where you’re forever grateful and giving glory to God for His life in you. Your ability to express gratitude is key to your greatness. David was never ashamed or afraid to express his gratitude to the Lord openly. Many times, he expressed his gratitude in songs, and in psalms. No wonder he lived such a great life. Click here to study yesterday's Rhapsody of Realities On a certain occasion, while I was meditating on the awesomeness of the Lord and thanking Him for all He’s done, I was drawn to one of the psalms of David, which is recorded in 1 Chronicles 16. It says, “Then on that day David delivered first this psalm to thank the LO...


Happy Sunday to our family friends and fans from around the world!!! It's the first Sunday of the month of April 💃💃💃 We have good news for you! Are you on kingschat? If yes, then this is the time to join THE KINGS group called (THE KINGS NATION) on kingschat with over 254 members and still counting to Start kinging. What will you benefit from THE KINGS NATION'S group on kingschat? You will be fed and loaded with God's word daily from articles and videos by pastor Chris and Ioveworld related that will build you spiritually, physically and mentally. Daily articles posted on THE KINGS NATION'S group on kingschat are: *Reality check *Daily Juice *Rhapsody of Realities for Adult *Rhapsody of Realities Teevo *Rhapsody of Realities for Early Readers *Pastor Chris messages (written format) *Divine health confessions *Confessions for today *My daily proclamations and etc. Kindly click here to join THE KINGS NATION'S group on kingschat and let's king togeth...