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Showing posts from September 11, 2022

Daily Juice

Stop struggling, success in life begins with Christ! What people think about you doesn't matter as much as what you think about yourself.. so be what God wants you to be, not what people want! Because their opinions change, but your vision of yourself will stick with you for life. You can change environment, but until you change, nothing else will ever change. Remember, things don't change with time, things change with the application of truth. Aging is a matter of the mind, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Maturity doesn't come with age, it comes with demands and responsibilities. The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don't want. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. New information may be required to birth something new. You may have to change your strategy. Your personal values if not geared towards divine acceleration comformity would h...

Who is a husband and what’s his role?

By pastor Chris oyaKhilome Husband does not mean the male partner in a marriage, husband means master. The reason for most problems in Christian marriages is the fact that women refute God’s definition of marriage and form theirs. They believe they are equal partners. If most women had their fathers bold enough to talk to them, they will be very successful in their marriage and they will be very happy people. Most women have never been taught by their parents, their fathers particularly and that’s their biggest problem because they don’t know who a man is, they think he is another woman. Click on the link below for the message: Your Life is shaped by your thoughts by pastor Chris 👇👇👇 In marriage, you have the man who is the head of that union and because he’s the head of that union, its important to understand him. You think he’s the one that needs to understand his wife and that is w...


14TH SEPTEMBER 2022 Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips  DOCUMENTARY: CURRENCY FALLACY Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD  This one is a short phase. We've got just 3 days.  But there is so much for us to talk about. Many things have happened since the last time. And a very important one, which is the passing of the Monarch, was the most popular in the world for decades; Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away days ago.  And while there are mixed feelings for a lot of people.... Some are mourning because she's been an important figure on the world's stage for 70 years plus.  Then also, the crown has passed immediately to their heir who is King Charles III.  That is a good thing... A period of mourning, a period of calm celebration...  But apart from being an important figure in the world, she had a family who will miss her more than the rest of us. So, we will not make insensitive statements.  Click on the link below for ...

*Fresh Dew*

In life, there are awful people, awful places, and awful experiences. This could be a source for disgust or an opportunity for transformation. How will you react? Personal growth is not a matter of learning new information but unlearning old limits.If you are not improving and moving forward you are stagnating or worse, moving backwards. Everything's in the mind. That's where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it. Every good thing you do creates ripples that you may not see. Do them anyway. Every success story is a tale of constant adaption,  revision and change._


One of the fiery darts of the wicked is fear. Therefore, as a child of God, under no circumstances are you supposed to yield to fear. When things happen or circumstances arise that tend to stir fear against you, affirm the Word. Be bold about the Word of God. Be bold to affirm what God has said about you. Every so often, declare boldly, “I’ll always be a success. I’ll forever walk in divine health. I refuse to fear.” Such declarations are statements of distinction, showing that you’re not of this world. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” It makes no difference what the enemy tries to use to intimidate you; refuse to budge! Stand your ground in the Word!

Daily Juice

Life originates and comes from your spirit, not from your flesh or your mind. What is fulfilled in your life is your responsibility. In your life, you can decide to grow or you can decide to fail; it's your responsibility. For some people, suffering is a gift, not from God but because of their attitudes. Don't bad-mouth or back-bite others. If you are still involved in harming others, hostility, gossip, unkindness, meanness, you are not growing spiritually and you are attracting negativities into your life. There's no law that is greater than love. The extent of your maturity is expressed in your love walk.

Fresh Dew

14th September 2022 Appreciate yourself for exactly who you are, not what you think you should be.Practice appreciation for yourself everyday to change your world. Tell at least one loved one what they mean to you today, it could brighten up both your days. Replace expectation with gratitude. Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. Smiling makes room for blessings to return to your life. #FreshDew

Fresh Dew

Learn to overcome your doubts.When we focus on what God has not done we end up feeding our doubt.When we focus on what God has done we feed our faith. When David walked to fight Goliath, he remembered all the times where God had previously delivered him. Most of us have stories where certain things were allowed to happen to us, and we build monuments of the things God has not done, instead of building memorials for what God has done.When you have doubt filling you up, remember the miracles of God in your life.You'll see how your faith will be made stronger and your doubt will drown. #FreshDew

Daily Juice

Realize that you are not your mistakes, then let it go. Your present and future don't have to suffer the mistakes of the past. Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be. You are a product of divine skill. You can't depend on anyone or anything else outside of yourself to be happy. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Learn to like yourself; learn to love yourself, not as men love you but as God loves you. You have everything within you to be a success and have good success. This is your life and no one else can live it for you. Find joy each day in the little things and you will find beauty in everything.


There’re different kinds of visions; there’s the vision where the Spirit of God shows you what to do in a particular situation and guides you on how to do it—vision for guidance. God guides His people through visions; and if you’d lift your eyes in the spirit as well, He’d guide you in your endeavours. He’d give you visions and show you the right steps to take. Give yourself to the Word of God and yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer; you’d see visions of the things He wants you to do and the steps you should take.