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Showing posts from August 18, 2024


  SATURDAY, AUGUST 24TH 2024 KINGDOM VALUES AND PRINCIPLES Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon (Exodus 20:26). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The scriptures help us to gain insights into God's thinking and character. Take for example God's instruction to the children of Israel regarding the construction of the altar. He instructed them not to build altars requiring steps to ascend. Why? It’s simply because He didn't want anyone who may be watching from below to see their nakedness: “Don't use steps to climb to my Altar because that will expose your nakedness” (Exodus 20:26 MSG). It illustrates God's attention to modesty and decency, even in architectural details. Such instructions reveal His character and way of thinking, and as such, a caution against cultural trends and fashion that tend to promote indecency or compromise personal dignity. Don’t adorn or condone indecent, revealing outfits. Uphold values of mod


Jesus Christ is LORD over all, and the God of all flesh. With this knowledge, you can, and should, put a stop to the uprisings, wars, epidemics, wickedness, perils, and havocs the devil concocts and attempts to wreak around the world. Putting a stop to these things is simple: Use the authority and power of His Name in prayer! We’re His seed, prolonging His days; He rules through us. When you speak, it’s Him speaking. When you take action against the forces of darkness and wickedness in your nation, that’s Him taking an action. Satan has no chance if you’d recognise and take advantage of your position and ability in Christ—the glory and power you wield in His Name! Click on the link below to study yesterday's Reality Check  👇👇👇

*Fresh DEW*

_ A toxic relationship drains your energy, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. These relationships are marked by control, manipulation, criticism, dishonesty, and disrespect. Constant belittling, the silent treatment, and emotional abuse create an unhealthy dynamic that traps one or both people involved. Recognizing these signs is the first step toward change. Staying in a toxic relationship can lead to anxiety, depression, and a loss of self-worth. You may feel isolated, walking on eggshells to maintain peace, losing your sense of identity, and burning out emotionally. _ Click on the link below to study previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇

Daily Juice

God is good! He doesn't bless us because we are good, He blesses us because He is good! God loves you so much. In fact, He loves you unconditionally! God’s purpose for creating human beings was all about relationship—not to create beings to perform for Him.  But religion has succeeded at turning us from “human beings” into “human doings.” When that becomes the focus, we begin to tie God’s love for us to something that we do for Him. But that was never His plan. God’s love has never been or ever will be conditional. As long as you believe God is judging you according to your performance, you will never fully receive His love. Love is a decision, and God decided to love you, even when you didn’t deserve it. There is nothing you can do to earn it or deserve it, so just receive it as a free gift! Click on the link below to study previous Fresh Dew  👇👇👇


Ephesians 2:6 says 'And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus'. There’s so much that we can do when we take advantage of our authority and dominion in Christ. Too many Christians have been too quiet about many things, living as though they’re victims in life; no! Take charge; you’re in office. You’re seated with Christ in the place of power, in the position of authority; you have His dominion; it’s yours by right; so, use it! Make things right in your life, in your home, in your ministry, job, business, city, nation, etc., using the Name of Jesus. That Name is greater than every government, or institution, name or title that could be conferred, both in this world and in the world to come. Click on the link below to study yesterday's Reality Check  👇👇👇


THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 2024 YOU’RE GOD’S PROPERTY What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price... (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The Bible says you were bought with a price; that means you’re God’s treasure, His property. How amazing this is. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says, “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” Your value is the precious blood of the Lord Jesus because that’s the price God paid for your salvation; always remember that. Your spirit, soul and body belong to God; that means no trespass for Satan and his cohorts of darkness. Satan has no business in your life and in the quarters of your body because you legally belong to Christ. Now that you’re bo


  DID YOU KNOW??? JESUS DIDN'T DIE ON FRIDAY. The Bible never said Jesus died on Friday. Some religious people assumed this to be so because they read in the Bible that Jesus died the day before the Sabbath and they knew that Saturday was Sabbath. What they didn’t know was that the Sabbath the Bible was referring to wasn’t the weekly Sabbath but the Passover Sabbath. This Passover Sabbath was a special event that took place on the 14th day of the month of Nisan every year. It therefore wasn’t fixed to any particular day of the week. It’s just the same way Christmas is on the 25th of December for most of the world, but the 25th of December doesn’t fall on a Monday every year. That year, the 14th day of Nisan fell on a Thursday. And so, Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday, the day before the Passover Sabbath. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke didn’t mention that this was Passover Sabbath, but John clearly stated it, “…the Jewish leaders didn’t want the bodies hanging there the nex

*Fresh Dew*

_Good communication is the bedrock of any healthy relationship, fostering trust, understanding, and emotional connection. It involves not just speaking clearly, but actively listening with empathy and without judgment. By expressing feelings openly and honestly, while also listening attentively, both partners create a safe space where they feel valued and understood. Effective communication helps resolve conflicts peacefully, allowing for compromise and mutual respect. It strengthens emotional intimacy and ensures that both individuals feel secure in sharing their thoughts. Ultimately, strong communication builds trust and deepens the bond, helping relationships thrive through life’s challenges._

Daily Juice

Ignorance is not a demon, you can't cast it out. You can't pray your way out of a problem you behaved your way into. Work on your attitude! It matters who says you are doing well, some compliments aren't genuine. You can control your choices, but you cannot control the outcome of your choices. Develop good attitudes and habits that help put you on a path of success. Every greatness has an attitude like a system that creates and maintains it.


The Word of God is seed, and what do you do to a seed if you want it to produce a good harvest? You sow it in the right environment. Through meditation, you sow God’s Word into your heart. If you don’t sow the right seeds, weeds will grow of themselves. Your heart is God’s garden and you can’t allow “weeds” to grow in it. Weeds are wrong thoughts that are received into the heart. If you allow them, they’ll destroy the crop of God’s Word in your life. Galatians 6:7 says 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap'. Click on the link below to study Previous Reality Check  👇👇👇


  WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 2025 REIGNING IN THE MIDST OF ADVERSITIES For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet (1 Corinthians 15:25). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Some read the verse above and assume it means all enemies aren’t yet under Jesus’ feet, but that’s not what it’s saying. Observe that it doesn't say that Christ will reign “when” He has put all enemies under His feet. Rather, it says, “…until He has put all enemies under His feet.” In other words, He reigns in the midst of His enemies. The Greek word translated reign is ‘basileuō’ (a verb), and it means to rule or to king. To truly grasp this, let’s review an aspect of Romans 5:17, the part that says, "...much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ." The Lord Jesus, who must reign or “king” as read in our opening verse, is in heaven where there are no enemies to reign over. This means the place to reign is here on eart

Daily Juice

If you can't stomach the effects of a choice, don't initiate the cause. Our happiness isn't shaped by our circumstances or by people; it's shaped by how we respond to them. And that response begins with the thoughts we nurture. Depression doesn't come from what's going on in your life. It comes from your thoughts about what's going on in your life. People get depressed and discouraged because they are caught up in the world. They dwell on things they should not be thinking about or they do not recognize the priority that God should have in their life. Irrespective of the challenges or circumstances, you can choose your response. How you live your life is totally up to you. It's not dependent on your circumstances. It's dependent on your choices. Arrange your thoughts so that you choose happiness each and everyday. You don't need anybody's help or consent to be happy. You have what you need to be happy. Click on the link below to study previou

*Fresh DEW*

_Silent treatment can create an emotional rift in relationships, slowly chipping away at trust and intimacy. While it may seem like a way to avoid conflict, silence builds walls instead of bridges, making it harder to communicate and resolve issues. The longer it lasts, the more resentment and frustration build, leading to feelings of neglect, abandonment, and emotional disconnection. Healthy relationships thrive on open communication, understanding, and mutual respect. Addressing issues with honesty, even if difficult, fosters growth and deeper connection. Silence breeds isolation, while dialogue nurtures love and harmony._ Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew  👇👇👇


TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH 2024 WE’RE THE LIMBS OF CHRIST For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones (Ephesians 5:30). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  This is amazing! The Bible says, “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.” That means we’re the limbs of Christ; that’s what the word “members” means. Therefore, your legs are Christ's legs; your hands are His hands. You’re inseparably fused as one with Him. This is the meaning of 1 Corinthians 6:15 where it says, “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ?...” That's the same thing we read in Ephesians 5:30; it addresses individual members of the Church. In you, Christ is fully represented, expressed and manifested. He walks in you, talks in and through you, works in and through you. Wherever you are, you’re the “body” of Christ—the limbs of Christ. This should be your daily consciousness. Being born again, you’ve come into union with Christ: that's the biggest thing about our salv

Daily Juice

Don't judge yourself so harshly because you failed. That is the job of your haters. Obsessing about what happened will improve nothing. It will only take away your peace and self-esteem. Things will change not by overanalysis but by taking an action to change. You can! Just give it another shot! There's something in you more precious than what others have said about you. Don't ever let anyone throw you away. Refuse to let anybody demean you; you are God's best! You are not a junk. When God looks at you, He sees things that others ignores. Don't accept the opinion of others because they do not see what God sees. Click on the link below to study Previous Daily Juice  👇👇👇

*Fresh DEW*

_Love and anger are powerful emotions, but they don't have to be at odds. Love is about understanding, patience, and forgiveness, while anger, though natural, needs to be managed. True love creates space for growth, allowing both partners to work through their frustrations. When anger rises, it's important to remember that the person you love is more important than the momentary outburst. Patience and calm communication can dissolve even the toughest anger, fostering deeper connections. In love, choose to heal rather than hurt, to understand rather than react. Let love lead the way._ Click on the link below to study yesterday's Fresh Dew  👇👇👇 Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcometoAugust #Themonthofgreatgrace #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation


MONDAY, AUGUST 19TH 2024 IT’S YOUR JOB TO LET THEM KNOW For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved…and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher (Romans 10:13-14). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Many around the world are still living under the dominion of sin, unaware that Jesus Christ came to set them free from the power of sin. They don’t know He came to give them life so they can live righteously as God wants them to. It’s however our job to let them know. We’ve been given the Holy Spirit to help others find truth and to lead them in the way of salvation. That’s why you’re here; the Spirit of God has filled your life with the presence, power and the grace of God to make His Word known through you to your world. Everyone has his world. There’s a world you live in, your sphere of contact. When someone comes into your world, they should learn about Jesus. Only through you will they know how kind and gracious H


The will, nature, and purpose of God are revealed in His Word. To neglect the Word is to be in the dark about the will of the Father and how He wants you to live. We’ve produced several materials to help you in your personal study. The knowledge of God’s Word for each one of us is very important. You must therefore seek to have, by all means, an accurate knowledge of the Word; there’s no alternative to it. Remember, the Word of God is undated. It’s good for today; So, make your personal study of the Word an integral part of your daily routine. Click on the link below to study yesterday's Reality Check  👇👇👇  


SUNDAY, AUGUST 18TH 2024 HE’S “THE WAY,” NOT “A WAY” Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The Bible says there’s no salvation in any other, for there’s no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. This statement gives us no chance to think that there might be some other means for salvation. Salvation is only in the Name of Jesus; the Lord Himself was definite about this. Some people think otherwise and believe there’s more than one way to get to God. In fact, they claim that Jesus is one of the many ways to God. Before taking their claim seriously, one first has to ask them how they came about what they’re saying and on what authority it is based. Click on the link below to study yesterday's Rhapsody of Realities  👇👇👇 They also need to tell


Colossians 1:27 says 'To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory'. When you talk, let Christ be heard. Let His love effuse from your words and actions. Let His wisdom mantle your hearers as you speak only gracious and lifting words; let Him talk through you.  Click on the link below to study previous Reality Check  👇👇👇 Let Him see through your eyes, walk with your legs and work with your hands. 2 Corinthians 4:11 says, “For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” This is Christianity. Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcometoAugust #Themonthofgreatgrace #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation