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Showing posts from September 8, 2024


SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14TH 2024 UNDERSTANDING HELPS YOU APPLY THE WORD CORRECTLY ..…O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart (Proverbs 8:5). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME Understanding God's Word is crucial to applying it effectively in our lives. The Bible says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7). The Lord Jesus Himself emphasized the significance of understanding in Matthew 13:3-8 when He told the parable of the sower.  In His illustration, He explained that as the sower went forth to sow his seeds, they fell into different grounds. Some fell by the wayside and the birds of the air came and picked them up, and they had no chance to grow. The Lord Jesus however highlighted the problem of this group of people to be their lack of understanding of the Word they heard: “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, a


In these last days, there’s only one thing that matters: living for the Lord; living for His glory; living a life of purpose. Jesus showed us the example to follow in this regard. In John 17:4, He said, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” That ought to be your thinking as well; glorifying the Father should be your passion and purpose for living. How do you glorify the Father? It’s by doing His will; doing that which He commits to you and finishing the work. Have you discovered His purpose for your life? Are you about His work? Examine yourself and set your priorities right. Click on the link below to study Previous Reality Check  👇👇👇

Daily Juice

Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. You are not what has happened to you. You are what you decide to do next. If all your friends are in an uninspiring level, you 're in trouble; even if you take one step forward, the energy that sorrounds you would take you two steps backwards. Quality attracts quality. Become better to find better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Their opinions aren't your focus. People will always paint their own picture of you, it's up to you if you autograph it. When you give too much attention on what people think, you will always be their prisoner. Give yourself discipline on how you spend your time. A time well spent is a life well lived! Click on the link to study Previous Daily Juice  👇👇👇

Excerpts from Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 9 Phase 7 Grand-Finale



FRIDAY,  SEPTEMBER 13 2024 HIS FOCUS IS HUMAN SOULS For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost (Matthew 18:11).  PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The most important thing to God is human souls. It’s the reason Jesus came and gave His life. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He didn’t come for the redemption of the mountains, hills and beautiful vegetation of the world. These creations, while majestic and valuable to God, were not the focus of His sacrificial mission. He came to save human beings— men, women, boys and girls! His life, death, and resurrection were all centred on the salvation of mankind. This act of love underscores the immense value God places on each person. We must have that in our hearts and live always with the consciousness that every human being is important to God. If you live with this understanding, it’ll shape your intera

*Fresh Dew*

_Life is a multifaceted journey, where each facet holds its own unique beauty and challenge. Embrace the ups and downs, for they shape our character and resilience. The pursuit of dreams, the cultivation of relationships, and the commitment to personal growth each contribute to a richer, more fulfilling existence. Remember, every experience, whether joyous or difficult, adds depth to your story. By approaching each facet with curiosity and determination, you transform life's complexities into opportunities for growth and discovery. Celebrate every step along the way, knowing that each facet of life offers a chance to learn, evolve, and thrive._ Click on the link below to study yesterday's Fresh Dew 👇👇👇


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH 2024 THE MISSION CONTINUES The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it (Psalm 68:11). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  With so many English Bible versions available today, it’s easy for many to erroneously believe that the Bible was originally given in English language. However, it was the translators who performed this crucial work, and the Holy Spirit continues to guide them even today to make the Bible and other Christian materials accessible to many more in their native languages. Think about the fact that the sacred writings of the Scriptures were written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. But it took dedicated individuals who loved the Lord and desired to spread His message to the entire world to make it available in various languages as we have today. This mission continues through the work of modern-day missionaries and evangelists who travel to distant lands, much like those early translators. They go into remote and often challenging

*Fresh Dew*

_An economic meltdown can feel overwhelming, casting uncertainty and fear into everyday life. Yet, it also serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and adaptability within us. In these challenging times, focus on practical steps to navigate the turbulence: reevaluate your financial plans, prioritize essential needs, and seek out new opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace flexibility and innovation as you adapt to changing circumstances. Remember that history shows us recovery is possible, and your ability to stay grounded, resourceful, and optimistic can turn adversity into a catalyst for personal and collective progress. By remaining proactive and open to new strategies, you can emerge stronger and more prepared for future challenges. Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇


WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH, 2024 GOD’S GRAND PLAN FOR REDEMPTION For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous (Romans 5:19). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  When Adam was created, he existed in innocence, knowing only good because everything God created was good (Genesis 1:31). God entrusted Adam with authority over His creation, effectively making him the steward of this world. Along with this authority, God provided Adam with specific instructions, of which notably, was to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was in the midst of the garden. God clearly warned Adam of the consequences of eating of the tree: “…for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:17). Adam, nonetheless, disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden tree. This act of disobedience constituted treason against God, and as a result, Adam forfeited his authority to Satan, who then became the god of this w


Opening Prayers by H.E. Rev Ray Okocha Documentary: Info Wars REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC DSC DD  I want to welcome you to today's program. We are starting today with Season 9, Phase 7.  What you just saw is a reminder of the wickedness in our world. It's sometimes difficult to consider that certain individuals could be as evil. To think that your next door neighbor could be the perpetrator of some heinous crime.  It's somewhat difficult. That's why it's important for us to remember firstly, things that the Bible tells us. Secondly, history. The most popular of them is the Holocaust and think about what happened in Rwanda years ago; the killings. These were neighbors. People of the same country (hootsies and tootsies). Think about what happened in Cambodia years ago. Who would believe that their own leaders would destroy so many people? History is replete with such information. Then if course, Mao Zedong. More than 45m were killed because of his policy of c

*Fresh Dew*

_ Trust issues can feel like an insurmountable barrier, often born from past pain and betrayal, but they also present an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Trust, at its core, begins with yourself — learning to trust your instincts, your judgment, and your worth. It’s okay to take your time to heal and to be cautious as you navigate new relationships or rebuild old ones. Remember that not everyone will betray your trust; there are people out there who will honor it and prove their reliability over time. Be patient with yourself, embrace the journey of healing, and recognize that trust is not a weakness, but a strength that you can nurture and rebuild one step at a time. _ Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇


TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH,  2024 DON’T SEEK TO PLEASE GODLESS MEN Be not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them (Proverbs 24:1 RSV). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Sometimes, you find Christians who envy godless individuals and wish to be in their company. Some get really excited to identify with some “big names.” If, for some reason, they get invited to be in the company of certain well-known people, they consider it a big deal. But that’s not how God sees it. He doesn’t want you to envy Godless men and women. Remember what He said in Psalm 1:1, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” You’re blessed for not hanging out with the wicked who despise the way of the Lord and the life of the Kingdom. Don't envy or seek to please them. Even if they’re rich and influential, don’t be enticed by their wealth. I came across our opening verse when I was still very young and it gave me goo


The light of God is in you, in your spirit. You bear the perfections of Christ. Hallelujah! The Bible says, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6). You’re truly the living tabernacle of God! Christ is alive in you. We are the last generation; the generation called to manifest His glory in the earth. This is what the earth has been waiting for. Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” We’re in office; we’ve taken our place of dominion, impacting our world with the glory of God. Click on the link below to study Previous Reality Check  👇👇👇

Daily Juice

In a world that's constantly trying to bring you down, stay up. Stay strong! Don't devalue yourself. Don't let others treat you like a doormat. Because you are much better and greater than what you think about yourself. Treat yourself with respect. Acknowledge your awesomeness. When you build boundaries, others will have to follow them. Click on the link below to study Previous Daily Juice  👇👇👇

*Fresh DEW*

_Character defamation is a painful and unjust experience, but it also provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate resilience, integrity, and strength. When others attempt to tarnish your reputation, remember that their words do not define you; your actions and values do. Use the situation as a stepping stone to reinforce your character, show grace under pressure, and remain true to yourself. The truth always finds a way to surface, and in time, those who matter will see the sincerity and authenticity in your actions. Stay focused on your path, rise above the negativity, and let your true character speak louder than any false accusation._ Click on the link below to study Previous Fresh Dew 👇👇👇


SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH 2024 HE KNOWS THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come (John 16:13). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Oftentimes, when people get sick, many aren’t aware of the reason for their trouble. They try all kinds of drugs, some of which even cause more problems than they realize. When nothing changes, they begin to wonder, “Why am I going through these difficulties? Why am I feeling so sick? Why is this happening to me?” Well, the Holy Spirit was sent to guide you into all truth, including the truth about your health. He can help you know the problem and also the solution. Did you know the Holy Spirit is a healer? Yes, He is. The Bible says, "if He lives in you, He will vitalize your physical body." It doesn’t matter that you’ve been diagnosed with some disease; now that He lives in y

Excerpts from Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 9 Phase 7 Day 2


Excerpts from Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 9 Phase 7 Day 1


Daily Juice

Don't allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not! Rise above that pain and your past!  Never let mistakes define who you are; only you can choose who you are, and what you become! You are stronger than your past! You are not a product of your circumstances; you are a product of your decisions! What if everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for.  Don’t be too hard on yourself when you make a mistake. It’s much more effective to be handled with love. Telling the self off is a terrible habit, it subtly shapes a nature of sorrow in you. Click on the link below to study Previous Daily Juice  👇👇👇