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Showing posts from August 14, 2022


For a long time, many of God’s children equated meditation with just thinking or pondering over the Word. However meditation is much more than thinking deeply on a subject. That is just one aspect of meditation; there’s more to it revealed in God’s Word. Meditation is one of the Godly exercises that you must practice for a life of dominion and glory. It is a vital activity for every child of God, and its power cannot be overemphasized. In Joshua 1:8, the Bible says “this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate on it therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” THREE LEVELS of MEDITATION The word “meditation” in the verse of scripture above is translated from the Hebrew word “hagar” which means to “imagine; mutter”. It also means to “roar”. This immediately tells us that there are three levels of meditation...

Daily Juice

Nothing in this world can affect a person as much as his thoughts. Irrespective of where you're in life or what has happened to you,  get over it, move forward and make a success out of your life. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.  The greatest investment is in yourself. Become the best version of yourself. Work on being, not just on having; with what you 're, you'll have. Rule your mind and mouth or they'll ruin you. What appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make! Click on the link below for yesterday's Daily juice 👇👇👇 It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on our kingig link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇

*Fresh Dew*

Repeated trauma requires you to create a system of defenses that protects you. And these protections are so important. They saved your life. They protected your real self. There are people who come home from war and want to talk about the pain, but no one wants to listen; there are others who want to keep silent and repress the memories, and all their family and friends want is to talk about it. People start to heal the moment they feel heard. Bad things do happen how you respond to them defines your character and the quality of your life. You can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of your loss, or You can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift You have – life itself. _ Click on the link below for yesterday's fresh dew 👇👇👇 It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anyt...

Your Loveworld Specials Season 6 Phase 1 with Pastor Chris.

OPENING PRAYER: ESTEEMED PASTOR LANRE ALABI. THE ULTIMATE TOY  video is aired.  Click on the link below for your Loveworld Specials with pastor Chris, season 5 phase 7 Day 1 Note 👇👇👇 I would like to welcome you to this special season 6 Phase 1. Special Appreciation to all those that participated in the just concluded healing streams live healing sessions. The word went all around the world, setting up healing centers both real and virtual. Inviting people; spreading the word around about the healing streams live healing services.  This week there will testimonies being shown for all the be part of the amazing deeds that happened. If you have been following Loveworld, you would notice that we are celebrating 25 years of being on television. Television is a broad spectrum of saying you. You have been part of this from the beginning, and also those that have been with us ...

Daily Juice

Wear your blessings, not your problem. Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. One day, you'll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don't really matter. Your past mistakes are meant to guide you not define you. Don't fall into the mental trap of assuming that people who are doing better than you are actually better than you. This is not necessarily true. They are just doing things differently, and what they had learnt to do, within reason, you could learn as well. Unknowingly, we spend so much time comparing ourselves with others and running after them and we miss out on our own God-given path. It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on our kingig link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇


When you speak the right words, the Spirit acts upon them. Don’t use words carelessly; know, think, talk and sing the Word—whether in merrymaking or in praise to God! Let your life be consistent with God’s truths, and you’d be amazed at the resultant blessings in your life. It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on our kingig link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇

Fresh Dew

17th August 2022 Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Don't ask how much money you make. Ask how many faces you put a smile on. You cannot always have happiness, but you can always give happiness. Remember to do everything with an abundance of love, so that one day you will remember the beauty of every moment lived. The best thing to learn in life is the habit of compromise. Because it's always better to bend a little than to break a beautiful relationship. If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot.Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it. Hating is easy and wrong. Forgiving is hard but right. Have the courage to choose wisely. #FreshDew It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on our kingig link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇 http://row...

Daily juice

6th August 2022 Magnify God; don't magnify your problem. There's no situation that is greater than you. Understand, God did not create you as a victim of circumstances. He didn't create you as a negative thinking person; depressed, stressed out and worried. You were created to be happy, contended, peaceful and to enjoy your life. He wants us to be examples of what it means to live a life of faith. When people see us, they should see so much joy, peace that they will want what we have. See things from this perspective. Begin retraining your mind in these particular areas. Many times, the change or miracle we desire is hinged in our attitudes towards life, things and people. It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on the link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇

*Fresh Dew*

_Has your life been simplified lately or has it grown more complicated? In some ways, your decision-making process may be easier. When you focus on the problems and worry over the details, the mountain in front of you can grow bigger and more ominous. Fixating on fear makes things complicated but focusing on faith brings peace and strength. It's here again!!! Reachoutworld live with pastor Chris, holding from 2nd-3rd September 2022. Don't miss it for anything, be a part of it by clicking on the link below to register yourself and your loved ones 👇👇👇 We can have faith in God at all times. Remember that no mountain is too big for God. When you pray and ask, believe you have received what you asked for. Although we face obstacles and challenges, we can choose whether we allow the mountains in-front of us to grow bigger or be removed. We can anchor our faith in God and let His truth be our perspective._ Clic...


I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance (LUKE 15:7) Living for Jesus Christ and making yourself His partner in building and transforming lives around the world is what counts the most in life. God did the ultimate: He gave His Son to die to bring us to Himself; to win us to Himself. So everything in your life—your thoughts, ideas, the excellence in your life—should be about soul-winning. Many are concerned about the lesser things of life; but you must focus on the Gospel. True fulfillment and satisfaction in life is only derived from living for the Lord, fulfilling His dream. Many get carried away by their needs or their personal dreams; that’s wrong. Take your eyes off yourself; pursue and fulfill God’s dream. Live your life as an ambassador and steward of the mysteries of Christ; that’s what your life is for. He already said all things are yours (1 Corinthian...


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (JOSHUA 1:8) This scripture is your recipe for success. The Amplified version says: “This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe {and} do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely {and} have good success.” Notice it didn’t say “God shall make your way prosperous,” but that “YOU shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely in the affairs of life and have good success.” But for this to happen, you must meditate on the Word. ═══════════════ 🔶✨♦️✨🔷✨♦️✨🔷✨🔶 🌐SPONSOR to Reach 7 Billion  People Online Through the WORDFEST 2022 TODAY🌐!📳📲⏩Click Here⏬ ...


When you know you’re a blessed person and that you’re a blessing to others, you’ll walk in the reality of it. Recognizing this truth will activate the power of God in your life, causing the blessing to manifest so much that everyone will notice and desire to become a partaker of it. When you understand this truth, you wouldn’t struggle or be full of uncertainties; Instead, your life will be one of positive and permanent assurance. Always remember that you’re a package of blessing everywhere you go; people will always look up to you for solutions and answers as they can see something great, inspiring and unique about your life. Hallelujah! Click on the link below for yesterday's Reality check 👇👇👇