TUESDAY, JANUARY 28TH 2025 FRAME YOUR REASONING WITH THE WORD And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind... (Romans 12:2). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME When your reasoning is framed by God's Word, you can't think limitations, defeat, weakness or failure. God's Word gives you a champion's mentality; you just know that come what may, you're always in victory. It brings to mind the story of Joshua and Caleb, two of the twelve spies sent by Moses to scout the land of Canaan, the land God had promised to the Israelites. While ten spies doubted and came back with a negative report, Caleb and Joshua had a different report. Caleb's faith and courage stood out, and God promised that he and Joshua would live to enter the land and that Caleb would inherit the land he had explored. Years later, at 85, Caleb reminded Joshua of God's promise and boldly declared, "Now therefore give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in t...