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Showing posts from January 1, 2023


NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE 2023: NEW YEAR MESSAGE (THE YEAR OF THE PROLIFIC CHURCH) I'm sure you've been waiting for this message of the year, right? Yes! Because expectation is important. That means you have faith, right? We must always receive God's word with faith and then it produces results for us. The clouds surely gathered in 2022. I told you about the different kinds of clouds. I also told you that the most important of all those clouds was our clouds. Because our clouds are water carrying clouds. And the Lord was gracious to us so wonderfully. This year, is a year that the Lord already prepared. Sometimes special preparations for certain things. Luke 14:15- Jesus had been teaching and one of those in crowd after hearing his teachings, said this to him. The response of the master was also quite remarkable. Next verse... V16-24 What a reply from Jesus! All the man said was "Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God*. And Jesus said this. What was he t...

Reality Check

#RealityCheck You may have a reason to be offended or angry, but Ephesians 4:26 says, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” Some have accommodated anger against others for so long, without realizing its destructive effect on their own lives. Practise the Word. Don’t retain anger in your heart; give it up quickly. You may say, “But what so-and-so did against me caused me terrible pain”; it makes no difference. When you’re filled with the Spirit, your heart is ruled with peace and you live joyfully and in love, irrespective of the actions of others.


Daily Juice Mistakes and challenges do not erase who you are. You can still be the person God created you to be. Bad days do not make you a bad person. Don't allow your mistakes to define you. God already provided forgiveness for that mistake even before the thought of it. God is in the now of your life; He does not consult your past to determine your future! Your life is not a chess game. Don't play games with your life. Flies cannot perch on a hot stove; life is spiritual. You are always responsible for how you turn out in life, not people or the circumstances of your life. Don't let how you feel make you forget who you are. Refuse to change what your heart believes because of what your eyes see. There's more to life than meets the eyes. Life is beyond the senses. If you only believe what you see, then you 're terribly limited to what's on the surface.

Seasons Greetings From THE KINGS NATION'S BLOG

Happy New Year to you from THE KINGS 🎉 BLOG, welcome to 2023: The Year of the Prolific Church. This Year we are spending in a speed. We produce extraordinary results and we will soar higher and higher like never before. Amen! We Love You dearly ❤️❤️❤️ Keep shining and kingig 🙌