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I'm sure you've been waiting for this message of the year, right?
Yes! Because expectation is important. That means you have faith, right?
We must always receive God's word with faith and then it produces results for us.

The clouds surely gathered in 2022. I told you about the different kinds of clouds. I also told you that the most important of all those clouds was our clouds. Because our clouds are water carrying clouds.
And the Lord was gracious to us so wonderfully.

This year, is a year that the Lord already prepared. Sometimes special preparations for certain things.

Luke 14:15-
Jesus had been teaching and one of those in crowd after hearing his teachings, said this to him. The response of the master was also quite remarkable. Next verse...
What a reply from Jesus!
All the man said was "Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God*.
And Jesus said this.
What was he telling him?
"I brought you the kingdom. You have been invited."
Of course you know the story. They rejected his offer.

Click on the link below for more spirit filled Articles by Pastor Chris

During the IPPC in November , one of the striking things the Lord said to us is that we should function as a Kingdom, and not as organizations.
That's an extraordinary statement and it requires spiritual understanding what the Lord was saying.
God wants his church to live as a Kingdom.
For a long time, the church has functioned like organizations and charities in the world. Various forms of organizations.. but God says NO, that's not what he called us to be
His plan was to raise a kingdom of priests. Royal priests.
Hebrews 7:23-24.
This man, has an unending life. An unchangeable priesthood.

HEB 6:16-20
Jesus Christ is made an high priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek; Not the Aaronic priesthood in the house of Levi.

This is important. You want to know who he is talking about here..

Hebrews 7:1-3
"King or Salem" is not referring to a town called Salem. It means King of Righteousness and King of Peace.
Melchizedek was King of righteousness. ABRAHAM recognized him and gave him tithes of the spoils.

Concerning Jesus it was prophetically said "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek". King of righteousness. King of Peace.

Rev 1:4-6
He has made us Kings and priests unto God. He is not about to do it. He has done it.
Remember Melchizedek... King of righteousness, king of peace, Preist of the most high God.

1 Peter 2:9
You are a royal priesthood: King priests. Melchizedek was a King priest.
He made us a kingdom of priests.
In Christ Jesus, I am royalty.

Remember Jesus said, when you go to preeach and you enter a city, if you enter a house and say "Peace be upon this house", if your message is accepted, your peace will remain there. Otherwise, your peace will return to you.
Remember we are joint heirs with Christ
We are not priests in the order of Aaron. We are oriets in the order of Melchizedek.
He sends us. We are his ambassadors and we proclaim peace.

We were sent to proclaim peace.
He said say "Peace be upon this house". I agine if you proclaim peace on your nation and on your city.
The Peace will come if you proclaim it.
In this 2023, we will proclaim it.
We can do it and we will do it by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Sometimes we think we are waiting for God but he is waiting for us.

This is 2023. Everything is different.

For the world, it shall be a year of decision. Lik they have never seen before. God is saying I put before you life and death. Choose life. It's a time of decision for the world and many will be receiving their final call. This is so important.
There are many who have been called again and again; God tugging at their hearts.
They've got to make that year. There are many who will never have an opportunity again. This is their year and they must make a decision for Christ. That's why it's very serious.

As at April 2022, when I was praying, the spirit of God began to speak to me about this. That the coming year would be the tile of decision for the world. They are being presented with this opportunity as though they were never given and yet for many it will be their final call. That's very serious.
But it also should stir in us the necessity to take the message to the ends of the earth. It shall be so because this year is the year of THE PROLIFIC CHURCH.

The church shall spread throughout the earth unhindered. .this prolificacy of the church in these days shall be as never before experienced. The church shall proliferate to the ends of the earth unhindered.

The parable of the Kingdom.
It's like a woman that put a little leaven in a dough of bread and it spread to all of it. So is the kingdom. Like a mustard seed, though it be the smallest, when it is down, grows to be a great tree and birds of the air can lodge in it's branches.

You are going to be so prolific everywhere in an outstanding way. You get in there and the spirit of multiplication, you will see it happen because this is God's plan for his church in 2023.
The church will spread throughout the earth unhindered...

THREE important things for us
1. Prioritize the spirit.
In the early church, the holy spirit was so important. In Acts 19, Paul asked the disciples he found there "have you received the holy ghost since you believed"... Then he laid hands on them and they got filled.
Prioritize the ministry of the holy ghost like you never did before.
My brothers and sisters, The holy ghost created you. (Job 33:4)

He made you. He is the maker. He is the performer in the godhead. He actually fashioned you. His delight was in the sons of men. He always wanted to live in us and the Father fulfilled his dream.
Do you know you are so important to the holy spirit?
Many have received the holy spirit but they ignore him
They act like he is a mere experience but he is more than an experience. He is a person. And every Christian must recognize him and fellowship with him. He wants to talk to you all the time. He wants to teach you and show you the way of the kingdom. .
he is the wisdom of God.
Prov 8: 20-21
This is what He wants to do for you in 2023.
He is the voice of God that talks to you, gives you guidance, instruction, that tells you where to go, what to say, what to write.
He wants to lead you to inherit substance. Of you will let him
This world with it's fake, man-made poverty.. you will never be a victim of it if you will listen to the holy spirit. Think what he will do for you if you listen to him.
But you have to be born again and receive the holy spirit in your heart to live in you.

2. Prioritizing the word of God.
Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Not in small amounts. You've got to study it, meditate on it. 
This year I will medidate on the word like never before.

3. Learn to use the name of Jesus.
Most of us have learnt to use the name of Jesus in certain situations. If you live your life like that, progress will be slow. Changes will be slow. If you want to see your life grow quickly and 'Bigly', you do it as the word says. 
Col 3:17.... Whatsoever
.. not some thing's. Not some times.
Do all in the name of the alord Jesus. You will be amazed at the changes that will take place. You will be amazed at the results. 

Many just call him Jesus. They don't know him. Talking about him is different from when you talk to him. When you talk to him, you call him Lord. After his resurrection, nobody called him Jesus. Respond correctly to him. Address him correctly, you will be amazed at the results. 
Jesus Created you.
The holy ghost made you.
There is a difference.

If you study from the book of Genesis, it Distinguishes between the created man and the man that was formed. The outward man was framed into shape by the holy ghost. Your spirit was created by the word. That's Jesus. 

When you talk to him, pray to him, sing to him, address him as Lord. 

Whatever you do, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus

Talk to him right now. 
This is your year.




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