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Showing posts from June 23, 2024


FRIDAY JUNE 28TH 2024 BUILDING SPIRITUAL SENSITIVITY Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME There’re many who are ignorant of spiritual matters, and for that reason, they’re buffeted by the crises of life and walk on in confusion. So, it’s important to build your spiritual sensitivity. For that to happen, you've got to study and understand the Word, to know the mind of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Also, as you study the Word, train yourself to act on it promptly. This should be natural for every Christian because we’re doers of the Word (James 1:22). By responding promptly to the Word of God, you condition your spirit to recognize the effect of the Word in your life. That way, when you face challenges, you respond with the Word; you voice your faith. This practice trains your spirit to consistentl

Educational background of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

- Attended Edo College for primary and secondary education. - Studied Architecture at Ambrose Ali University (formerly known as Bendel State University) on a scholarship. - Graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. - Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Benson Idahosa University. - Honorary Doctor of Science from Ambrose Alli University (AAU). - Honorary Doctor of Science from Igbinedion University (now known as Igbinedion University), Okada, Edo State, which also features a teaching hospital renamed after him. - Recently conferred as the university Chancellor and Head of Government/Chairman of Weldios University in the Republic of Benin. - Recognized as a Professor of theology and divinity due to his contributions to the field of theology and his leadership of Christ Embassy and Loveworld Incorporated. - He is a prolific writer and author who has written hundreds of books and devotionals, including the Rhapsody of Realities. - His sermons, prayers, and thoughtful re


By Leke Beecroft 1. Christian Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 to the family of Elder T.E Oyakhilome who was one of the pioneers of the Assemblies of God Church (AG) in Benin City and major parts of the old Mid-Western Region of Nigeria. He is an Esan from Edo State. 2. Chris Oyakhilome conducted his first crusade at the age of 9. 3. On completion of his secondary education at the Edo College, Benin City, he spent his vacation as a bookstore attendant, selling books at the reknowned Faith Miracle Centre opposite Benin Airport pastored by Rev Benson Idahosa of the Church of God Missions Int’l Incorporated (CGMI). 4. He got admitted into the old Bendel State University established by late Governor Ambrose Alli (now Ambrose Alli University) when it was established in 1981 and studied Architecture. 5. As an undergraduate, he established a fellowship known as Youths For Christ (YFC), notable among the leaders was another student, Tom Amenkhienan who was the leader of the choir. Anita


THURSDAY, JUNE 27TH 2024 YOUR SERVICE MEANS MUCH TO GOD Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building (1 Corinthians 3:8-9). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Every opportunity of service that you have in the house of God is profoundly significant and holds great meaning to God. He’s going to hold you accountable for the work and tasks He assigned to you. So serve the Lord dutifully, and do all that you do for Him with diligence, excellence and integrity of heart. The Bible says, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10).  Oftentimes, when we are involved in something, whether an activity or project, we may not be conscious of the actual impact or effects of our act

*Fresh Dew*

_Health and wellness are essential pillars of a fulfilling life, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Prioritizing health involves making conscious choices to nurture our bodies through nutritious eating, regular exercise, and adequate rest. It also entails caring for our mental and emotional health by managing stress, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed. Investing in wellness not only enhances our physical vitality but also boosts our mood, cognitive function, and overall quality of life. By cultivating a balanced approach to health and wellness, individuals can enjoy greater resilience, productivity, and happiness, laying a foundation for sustained personal growth and fulfillment. Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #WelcometoJune #ThemonthofPrayer #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation

*Fresh Dew*

_Gratitude and positivity are transformative forces that elevate our daily lives and relationships. Embracing gratitude involves recognizing and appreciating the blessings, big and small, that enrich our existence. This practice fosters a positive mindset, helping us focus on what we have rather than what we lack. Cultivating positivity involves consciously choosing optimism, even in the face of adversity, which enhances resilience and emotional well-being. By nurturing gratitude and positivity, individuals can enhance their overall happiness, strengthen their relationships, and create a ripple effect of positivity in their communities. These practices not only uplift our spirits but also empower us to navigate life's challenges with grace and optimism, fostering a fulfilling and meaningful journey. Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #WelcometoJune #ThemonthofPrayer #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation


TUESDAY, JUNE 25TH 2024 GIVE VALUE TO YOUR RESOURCES But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The way to give value and direction to your resources is to invest them in the Kingdom of God. Outside of the Kingdom of God, money holds little significance. There isn't anyone who doesn't have money. Do you know why? Because everything holds value—everything has worth. That means currency isn’t the real money; it’s just what is used in measuring the real money. Therefore, in a sense, everything is money. Once you comprehend this, you'll realise that God has bestowed upon you the wisdom to manage finances.  The reason those who are labelled wealthy seem to have the advantage over those termed as poor is due to their understanding of this mystery. Once you gain the same understanding, suddenly you’ll start seeing value in everything that God gives you. Everything that God gives

*Fresh Dew*

_Turning challenges into opportunities is a powerful mindset shift that empowers individuals to transform adversity into growth and success. Rather than viewing obstacles as roadblocks, embracing them as opportunities for learning and innovation fosters resilience and creativity. By reframing setbacks as stepping stones, individuals can uncover hidden strengths, develop new skills, and discover innovative solutions. This approach not only builds confidence and determination but also cultivates a proactive attitude towards life's challenges. Ultimately, embracing challenges as opportunities not only leads to personal growth but also opens doors to new possibilities and achievements that may have otherwise been overlooked._ Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcometoJune #ThemonthofPrayer #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation


MONDAY, JUNE 24TH 2024 UNDERSTANDING IS IMPORTANT …the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  In Proverbs 4:7, the Bible says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” It points attention to wisdom as the most important thing that you should go for, not money, not friends, but wisdom. Then it says in the concluding part, “…with all thy getting get understanding.” And that’s what I want to emphasize: understanding! Understanding is important. In verse 8, referring to understanding, it says, “Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.” So, do you want promotion? Then you need to exalt understanding, and she shall promote you and bring you to honour. The 9th verse is also beautiful and further refers to what understanding will do for you: “She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glo