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Showing posts from May 19, 2024

*Fresh Dew*

_Happiness is not merely a destination but a journey, cultivated through daily choices and attitudes. Embrace gratitude for what you have and focus on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Cultivate positive relationships, pursue passions, and prioritize self-care to nurture your inner joy. Remember that happiness is a state of mind, within your grasp regardless of external circumstances. By choosing positivity and seeking fulfillment in every moment, you can create a life abundant with happiness and meaning._ Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #May2024 #Themonthofprophecy #Reachoutworld #Project1000 #Everytreeaforest #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration. #Loveworldnation.


John 16:23-24 says And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. There are lots of results we’ll never see except we pray. It’s God’s way of relating with us; He asked us to do it. Have the audacity of faith to expect answers when you pray, because the Lord derives glory from answering your prayers. It brings to mind the words of Jesus in John 15:8: “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” His joy is for you to have a fruitful, productive and effective walk in righteousness. visit our kinging Blog for more Messages by pastor Chris, click on the link below 👇👇 👇 Make sure to follow us, comment and share our posts on our kingig Blog. God bless you richly 🙌 Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #


FRIDAY, MAY 24TH 2024 THE SANCTIFYING POWER OF HIS WORD Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you (John 15:2-3). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  There’s no better way to purify God’s people than sharing the Word with them. Just share the Word of God. A pastor, for instance, could be concerned that some people in the church might not be living right. What he needs to do is to keep speaking and teaching the Word of God, and the people will be cleansed. Notice that Jesus said, “You’re clean through the Word that I have spoken unto you.” As they hear the Word, it’ll purge their spirits and cleanse them. The Word has that sanctifying power. The Bible says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5

*Fresh Dew*

_Lust, while a natural emotion, can cloud judgment and lead to regret if not managed wisely. Redirecting the energy of lust towards meaningful connections, self-improvement, and creative pursuits can lead to deeper fulfillment and lasting satisfaction. Embrace mindfulness and self-awareness to understand the root of your desires and channel them positively. By transcending mere physical impulses, you can cultivate deeper, more fulfilling relationships and experiences that nourish your soul._ Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcomtoMay #Themonthofprophecy #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration.

*Fresh DEW*

_Resentment can be a heavy burden, but transforming it into motivation can lead to profound personal growth. Acknowledge and understand your feelings to gain control over them. Use this energy to set boundaries, improve communication, and pursue new goals. Letting go of resentment isn’t about condoning wrongs; it’s about freeing yourself. By forgiving, you release emotional burdens and create space for positivity. Overcoming resentment helps you reclaim peace and build a life driven by purpose and fulfillment, turning past grievances into sources of strength and empathy._ Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcomtoMay #Themonthofprophecy #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration.

Daily Juice

Make up your mind to be grateful to God. Don't allow people or circumstances change your mind. Keep it set on being thankful. It's not what happens to you or what you have or don't have that is important; it's how your mind is arranged and the choices you make. Know what to ignore and express your joy.  Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else's prayer point and miracle. Someone somewhere is grateful for half of what you have. Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcomtoMay #Themonthofprophecy #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration.


TUESDAY, MAY 21ST 2024 HEAVEN RULES! The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth... (Daniel 4:17 NIV).   PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  In many nations around the world, Christians are being attacked every day. In fact, in some cities, they stand the risk of being jailed or deregistered for speaking about Jesus. For this reason, some churches today are afraid to speak boldly. Even when they speak, they’re mindful of what they say so they don’t offend the “authorities.”  No; as long as you’re proclaiming the truth of God’s Word, be bold. Don’t keep quiet. Declare boldly before anyone the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, meaning God in the flesh. He’s the way, the truth and the life, and no one can come into a relationship with God except by Him (John 14:6).  “But Pastor Chris, the law in my country forbids us from making such a claim,” someone may say. But the quest

*Fresh Dew*

_Embracing "easy does it" means taking things one step at a time, allowing yourself the space to grow and learn without the pressure of immediate perfection. This approach helps prevent burnout, reduces stress, and enhances the quality of your work and life. It encourages patience and persistence, reminding you that steady, thoughtful actions often lead to more sustainable and satisfying outcomes. By adopting "easy does it," you give yourself permission to appreciate the journey, celebrate small victories, and maintain a balanced perspective. This mindset fosters resilience, creativity, and a deep sense of fulfillment, ultimately leading you to achieve your goals with grace and composure. Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint—embrace the pace that allows you to thrive._ Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcomtoMay #Themonthofprophecy #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration.




MONDAY, MAY 20TH 2024 YOUR BOUNDLESS INHERITANCE You’re the seed of Abraham, and the whole world belongs to you. Only a Christian who’s ignorant of this will live a beggarly life. God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” (Hosea 4:6).  PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME    It’s like someone who goes to an event with an all-access ticket yet stops at the gate to plead with the organizers to be allowed in. With your ticket, you don’t need to beg; just walk in and enjoy the party! It’s all about the ticket.    Jesus is your ticket to a boundless inheritance. The Amplified Classic describes it as unsearchable riches—wealth untold which no human being can search out (Ephesians 3:8). He qualified you for the inheritance. Hallelujah!    Then He said in John 16:23, “...Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” In other words, not only did He qualify you to be a partaker of His glorious inheritance, He’s saying, “Use my name!” That’s your ticket to enjoy all t

*Fresh Dew*

_In a world enamored with appearance and quick fixes, the concept of lying vanities serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of seeking what is truly valuable. One of the most pervasive lying vanities in modern society is materialism. The constant bombardment of advertisements and social media influencers glorifying a life of luxury creates an illusion that happiness is directly tied to possessions. While there is no denying that financial stability can alleviate certain stresses, the relentless pursuit of more—more money, more gadgets, more status symbols—often leads to a hollow existence. Recognizing the deceptive nature of materialism, social status, and pleasure helps redirect efforts toward enduring and fulfilling pursuits, enriching our lives and fostering a meaningful, compassionate world._ blessed week Follow us on kingschat: @thekingsnation20 #Happynewmonth #WelcomtoMay #Themonthofprophecy #TheKingsNation #PastorChrisGeneration.