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Showing posts from February 13, 2022


👤 PASTOR CHRIS "SATURDAY 19TH FEBRUARY 2022 * TOPIC: “LIVE PURPOSEFULLY” SCRIPTURE 📖 Ephesians 5:15-16 AMPC Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. 💥THE MESSAGE💥 Recently, the devil desperately attempted to force the world into the environment of the Antichrist, resulting in so much deception and destruction of lives, livelihoods, and businesses. But thanks be unto God! The Church rose to the occasion and truncated all of Satan’s plans and stratagems. Hallelujah! But why did such things even happen at all? It was because many of God’s people were learning the principles of the Kingdom to consume upon their lusts, measuring their successes with earthly things. They began to live as though this world is all there is, not realizing that life on earth is sh...


Today, 19th February 2022, I Confess and Declare that the Lord has granted me length of days, and I am mightily helped and strengthened by the Spirit of God to fulfil my destiny and calling in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Hear Me! I am running my race swiftly, pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, under the inspiration of God’s Spirit, and guidance of His Word.  I Declare Today, that my spirit is in sync with the Spirit of God and I know the next step to take. The light of God’s Word is shining in my heart and in my path; therefore, I will never walk in confusion or in darkness.  Without Any Doubts, I am full of the Holy Spirit, and I can do all things and change any negative situation through His power that is at work in me mightily.  Hallelujah! 🙌🏼🙌🏼  I Announce Today that I am riding on the high places of the earth and I know and experience no defeat in any area of my life because the Holy Spirit is my ...

*Rhapsody of Realities Teevo*

👤Pastor Chris * Saturday, February 19 * TOPIC: REFRAME AND ADJUST (Establish God’s Will For Your World) TO  THE  BIBLE 📖 Hebrews 11:3 AMPC “By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God, so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible.” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God…” (AMPC). The word “framed” is “katartizō” (Greek), and it means to repair or adjust, to complete thoroughly, to restore, prepare, mend or to make perfect. Now He tells you that, with faith, you can frame the course of your life in line with God’s perfect will. There’re things happening in your world today—circumstances and situations—that aren’t consistent with God’s will for you. T...


👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC: “THE REAL BLESSING OF PRAYER” SCRIPTURE: 📖 1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us. 💥THE MESSAGE💥 The real blessing of prayer isn’t the requests and supplications we make; it’s our heavenly Father’s response. If you pray, and God doesn’t hear you, the prayer is useless. But thanks be unto God; we have an assurance—a guarantee to be heard when we pray: “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14). The boldness we have is that whenever we ask anything or make any request according to His will, He listens to us and responds. The first part of His response is the consciousness and the confirmation that He gives to you in your spirit that you’re being heard and answered; that’s a great blessing. In John 15:16, Jesus said, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you,...



My prosperity is unlimited, for I was born with wealth untold. I lay up gold as dust, and the riches of the nations gravitate to me. The Word of God inspires faith in my spirit. With my faith-filled confessions, I have taken hold of eternal life and the blessings that my salvation in Christ has consummated for me. Nothing can cheat me of these blessings because I have possessed them with my spirit. In Jesus Name. Amen!


Today, 18th February 2022, I Confess and Declare that the Father has endowed me with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am full and loaded with good things all around me, and I therefore bring forth excellence from within me all through this Month of February. I Pronounce that I am a success and I am immune to defeat and failure. Success is my Birthright; Excellence is my Calling and Winning is my Lifestyle!  Glorrrryyyy! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I Solemnly Declare that I can never be disadvantaged because I am an associate of the God-kind and I manifest the excellence of the Spirit. Eternal life is at work in me now; therefore, nothing in me produces death.  Hear Me Loudly! The life of God in me makes me superior to the devil and all his works. I will never struggle or walk in the darkness of life. There’s light in my life and in all that concerns me because I am yielded to the ministry of the Word of God.  With All Assuredness In My Spirit I Decla...

Rhapsody of Realities Teevo devotional

👤Pastor Chris * Friday, February 18 * TOPIC: YOU NEED “EPIGNOSIS” (The Knowledge Of God Through Relationship) TO  THE  BIBLE 📖 Ephesians 1:15-17 “Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ Longevity as a Christian doesn’t necessarily spell effectiveness in the things of God. It takes more than singing nicely, praising God joyfully, and even preaching, to be effective for Christ and the Kingdom. You’d have to know Him in a very personal way. This is the reason for Paul’s prayer for the baby church in Ephesus, as read in our opening verse. Paul heard about their love for God—they were excited about the things of God—but he knew they lacked something and prayed that the Lord...


I affirm that the Lord is my Shepherd, therefore, I lack nothing. All my needs are abundantly supplied, and my finances are multiplied by the power of the Holy Spirit. I have more than enough to take care of others and be a blessing to my world. I have no sense of lack or limitation, for Christ is my sufficiency. My spiritual eyes are continually opened to recognize the resources that God has placed at my disposal. I’ve been chosen, ordained, commissioned and appointed to bring forth lasting financial results. God has given me a life of righteousness with dominion, and unending prosperity. Money is made common to me. Glory!


Speak 🗣️ I’m the manifestation, the out-shining of the glory of God. His splendour, excellence and perfection are expressed through me. And despite the darkness and hardship in today’s world, I’m more than a conqueror, for Christ in me is the hope of glory. With boldness and an undeniable faith, I reign in this life. It makes no difference what I face, I refuse to be anxious or afraid. I declare peace and calmness over  circumstances; I’m bold and confident to face life and win, because greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world. Hallelujah!

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs

Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life. I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. Hallelujah!


Speak 🗣️ Today, 17th February 2022, I Confess and Declare that God’s infallible TRUTH is prevailing in my life and that Truth, which is God's Word, is my sure shield and buckler.  Today, I Declare that the truth of God’s Word guides and protects me; it delivers and saves me, and ensures that no evil befalls me and all that is connected to me.  In This Month Of February, I am overwhelmed by the power of the Spirit as the Truth of God’s Word comes forth through me in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs unto the Lord. That truth of the Word of God gains root in my heart and gains the dominion over my thoughts and actions this Month of February, as I make joyful melodies of the Word in my heart unto my Lord.  Hear Me!  In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am strengthened with divine enablement in my inner man by the Holy Ghost and I refuse to be moved by any seemingly impossible situation or be distracted by the intensity of any challenging circumstances...


Speak 🗣️ I declare that Christ lives in me! The anointed One and His anointing are resident in me! How could I fail? It's impossible! I live by the faith of Jesus! He saw what I could be, and He gave His life for me, therefore, I will be that man or woman He believed I would be! I will not be a beggar or a victim in this life, but I will live to the praise of the glory of the Name of Jesus. It is so in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus. 

*Rhapsody of Realities*

👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC:“RELATING WITH THE KNOWN” SCRIPTURE 📖 Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death 💥THE MESSAGE💥 The word “know” in our underlined portion above is from the Greek, “ginōskō.” Here, the Apostle Paul alludes to knowing God like a discovery that you make, like when we say, “Discover Jesus.” That kind of knowledge only comes with revelation. As you study the Scriptures, God reveals certain things to you. And then when you’re praying, there’s more knowledge of God that’s imparted to your spirit. All of this works out by revelation. However, in the 8th verse, he shows us another kind of knowledge; he says, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord….” This time, he’s talking about “gnōsis” (Greek); he’s dealing here with what you may call scientific knowledge, “a finding out. Bu...



👤PASTOR CHRIS  THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 TOPIC:HE HEARS YOU ALWAYS (Prayer: A Joyful Response To God’s Invitation) TO  THE  BIBLE  📖 1 John 5:14 “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ “Look at Jason; he’s always praying in the field,” Zack whispered to Frank. “Maybe he’s in some form of trouble?” Frank replied. “Well, if he is, why not tell us, his friends?” Some people are just like Frank and Zack, always thinking that prayer is a response of the helpless or the weak to insurmountable and overwhelming challenges; no! Prayer, primarily, is fellowship with God; and even though when one is oppressed or suffers injustice, he should pray, that isn’t the reason for prayer.  Prayer is the joyful response of the one who, with a heart full of faith, trusts in the living God. It’s a response, more to God’s invitation to pray than the response to a situation. He invited u...


The Bible says “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” That’s another way of saying, “Get established in the Word!” When you allow the Word of God dwell in you richly, it will influence your life, strengthen your thoughts and produce permanent results in your life.The Word of God can never be overthrown; when you’re established in the Word, it makes no difference what kind of government is in place in the country where you live, or what the state of the economy is, you’ll be a success. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself in this world, if the Word of God establishes you, you’ll remain impregnable to the circumstances of life and live victoriously all the way!

Daily Juice

Don't allow the devil, people or situation get your attention off of what God has told you to do. Don't fail your destiny; you are connected to many destinies. You are the custodian of the dreams of many people. You were created and "re-gened" to be successful and to leave your mark on this generation. Protect yourself; don't give a high position to anyone who talks you down and talks down what you are doing. Don't give high position to those who scoff and scorners in your life. If you don't set things right, they will poison your spirit, Impede your progress and poison your dream. The words of those that sorround you have an effect on your dream and on your life. Everyone cannot be on your team. Don't choke your life and dream with unnecessary people; anyone that is not in your direction is a distraction. Guard the dream God has given to you. Certain things may not happen in your life except certain people leave your life and you cannot ha...


                                                  👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC: “HE GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL” SCRIPTURE 📖 Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all  💥THE MESSAGE💥 Christianity is the life of Christ in a man; it’s not a religion. But it’s been classified as a religion by those who never understood it. The only religion in Christianity, according to the Bible, is visiting the fatherless, helping the widow and the poor in their affliction (James 1:27). But everything else has nothing to do with religion. Jesus Christ is the only One sent to save man. Religious leaders went to war; they killed; they forced people to accept their beliefs. They gave other people’s lives to sav...

Rhapsody of Realities Teevo

👤Pastor Chris  Wednesday, February 16 TOPIC:REIGN IN HIS NAME  (His Name Commands Respect Everywhere) TO  THE  BIBLE  📖  Philippians 2:9-11 “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ “I have the best grades at school in the Name of Jesus!” were Tom’s famous words every morning just before hitting the road for school.  And as was expected, he was always top of the class and envied by other schoolmates of his. Little did they realise that it was the Name of Jesus Christ at work.  As a Christian, you’ve received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, and today you can reign in life by Christ Jesus. “How?” you ask.  By using the Name of ...

Daily Juice

There's a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally. Irrespective of the situation, you have the ability to choose your reactions. Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for your own personal life. Life doesn't give us purpose, we give life purpose. The way you think about yourself determines your reality. You are not being hurt by the way people think about you. Many of those people are a reflection of how you think about yourself. Your thoughts and words are transmitted like a short-wave radio signal. They send messages out on a specific frequency and are transmitted back to you as experience or occurrence in your life. Your thoughts create something like a magnetic field around you which attracts the people, activities and experiences in your life. You can literally change the direction of your life by changing the content of your thoughts.


Let the thoughts of God’s love dwell in your heart, realizing that it cost God the very life of His Son to save you. Never again should you look down on yourself and think, I’m not worthy; I’m just a wretch. No, that will be an insult to God; you’re not your own anymore; you belong to God now. You’ve got to start thinking: God loves me and cares for me. If you believe in Jesus and have been living in lack, debt, sickness or failure, He wants you to get up and out of the rut. Discover everything Jesus did for you through His death, burial, and resurrection; appropriate them to yourself and start walking in the blessing.


Dear Father, thank you for the divine energy, might, strength, efficiency and miracle-working ability you’ve deposited in my spirit, to effect changes and live the supernatural life every day. I declare that by the power of your Spirit in me, I can do all things and produce supernatural results, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs

God’s Word is my reality. I am living proof that the Word of God works because it produces life, wholeness, and soundness in my spirit, soul, and body. Its transforming power makes my life beautiful and causes my health to flourish in ever-increasing beauty.


Speak 🗣️ Today, 15th February 2022, I Confess and Declare that the Lord is my refuge and my strength.  He is my ever-present help in times of trouble or challenge, for He has become my salvation and protection.   Hear Me! The Lord makes my feet like the feet of a deer, because my heart trusts in Him.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak; therefore, I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Hallelujahhhhh 🙌🏼🙌🏼  Hear This Truth! I am strong and courageous! I am the glory of God; the same way Jesus was the glory of the Father. I see glory, victory, success and triumph all around me.  Daily, Throughout This Month Of February, I see with the eyes of the Spirit, through the Word, my glorious heritage and inheritance in Christ.  My heart greatly rejoices, for in Christ I see my salvation, strength, courage, victory, and righteousness!  Without Any Doubts, I make progress by the Spirit, an...


SPEAK  🗣️ The Bible says in Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you”. Glory to God! That same Spirit dwells in me! Divine vitalization is at work in me now! I cannot be infected in my blood by any disease, because I have ceased to live by blood! I live now by the Spirit! Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world! I am more than a conqueror, a master over sickness, poverty, death, demons of darkness and the devil! I am born again, born superior to satan! Christ lives in me. Thank you Father! I know who I am! I belong to you, I am born of you! I cannot be defeated! I live as a victor in this life, in the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank you Lord!


👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC: “HE DOESN’T WORK BY FEELINGS” SCRIPTURE 📖 John 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you 💥THE MESSAGE💥 Once, I asked someone, “What does the power of God feel like and where do you feel it?” He couldn’t tell. So, I began to explain it to him. We can have feelings all over our body and recognize it’s the power of God; we can have feelings in our hands and recognize it’s the power of God. But here’s the question: What if you don’t feel it? Will it mean God is no longer there, or His power is absent? That’s where a whole lot of people miss it. When you feel the power or presence of God, it’s good, but God doesn’t want you to feel anything for you to know He’s with you and in you. This dependency on feelings has destroyed the faith of many. He doesn’t work by feelings. In the New Testament, it makes no difference whether or not you feel the power or presence of God. I’ve felt the power of God many times,...



PASTOR CHRIS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 TOPIC:FOLLOW PROPHETIC INSTRUCTIONS (Instructions From The Lord Are For Your Benefit) TO  THE  BIBLE  📖 Proverbs 4:13 “Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ In 2 Kings 13, we find a very interesting story concerning the Prophet Elisha and Joash, king of Israel. Joash was having trouble with the Syrians and wanted victory over them. So, he came to the man of God, Elisha. Part of their ensuing dialogue was Elisha instructing Joash to take some arrows and smite them upon the ground. The Bible says Joash did it three times and stopped (2 Kings 13:18). Elisha, the man of God was furious with King Joash (2 Kings 13:19) because he stopped. He should have kept on shooting the arrows until the Prophet told him to stop. Shooting the arrows only three times meant he was only going to defeat Syria three times, whereas God’s plan was something far better. Joash didn’...


When you’re born again, not only are you severed from your past, you’re equally separated from the world. Our lives have been set apart by God for divine use; that’s why it’s wrong for you to envy the people of the world or imbibe their way of living. Some Christians think it’s okay to keep their homes in a certain way because that’s the vogue or societal trend; don’t copy that from the world! Never try to do things because that’s how it’s done in the world; you’re not of this world; the Bible says we live in a world of darkness where we must shine as light.


Today, 14th February 2022, I Confess and Declare that the Lord is my strength and my wisdom and I am stirred and ready for anything, and competent to excellently accomplish any task, through God’s Spirit that infuses inner strength into me!  Hear MeI The LOVE OF GOD is shed abroad in my heart and I am sufficient in God's sufficiency! I have been qualified to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. Darkness has no place in me, for I am native-born to the light.  This February I Declare that I manifest this light to my world ever so brightly this Month and always. I refuse to fret today or in the future because the light of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ shines in my heart, showing me the path of victory and success!  Hear This! There’s no darkness whatsoever in my life; my way is bright and my future secure. I know that my tomorrow is greater than my today because the path of the just is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter...


Great ideas, pictures of success, possibilities and victories continuously brew in my mind. I take charge of my thoughts and refuse negative thinking, for the Holy Spirit causes me to have wholesome thoughts, say the right words and act the right way. My sufficiency is of God, who has lavishly endowed me with tremendous abilities and uncanny skills to make me fit for any task. He’s the One at work in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Therefore, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, in Jesus's Name. Amen.

Daily Juice

Take a lesson from David and accept responsibility when you are wrong. Stop making excuses and blaming others like Saul. A victim dodges responsibility and blames others and circumstances for his mistakes or failures, but a victor accepts responsibility and changes things. Regardless of what's been done to you, it's the way you respond to it that makes you the way you are.



👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC:“A JOINT SITTING IN THE HEAVENLIES” SCRIPTURE 📖  Ephesians 2:6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus 💥THE MESSAGE💥 The expression, “sit together” is from the Greek “sugkathizō” and it means “joint sitting.” It’s a legal term, and the Scripture can’t be broken. That means Jesus’ authority has been extended to us; we’re using the same authority with Him. Thus, everything Jesus utters is in our name, and everything we utter is in His Name. He doesn’t make a decision without us, and we don’t make a decision without Him. This is hugely profound! Our joint sitting isn’t earthly; it’s heavenly. It’s been decided from heaven. We’re His legal representatives in the earth. What we say in the earth is endorsed in the heavens. Understanding this is very important. It means you alone can take a stand on God’s Word and effect a change on the basis of this understanding, and it’ll be endorsed from heaven. ...


Speak 🗣️ I reign as a king over the forces and tools of darkness. I was born as the answer to the cries and pains of millions all over the world, and I am distributing eternal life to my world! I declare that I am indestructible, because of eternal life, which is at work in me! No weapon by whatever name it is called, and in whatever form it may take, fashioned against me shall prosper! No sickness, no infirmity can fasten itself to my body! I am more than a conqueror and I live in dominion over all the forces of darkness! Because I have received the very life and nature of God, I declare that I am superior to satan and all the cohorts of hell! I am a victor in this life! Success is mine! Divine health is mine! Victory is mine in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I'm a child of God, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Thank you Jesus!...


👤PASTOR CHRIS  MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 TOPIC:HAVE A BALANCED LIFE  (Go For Knowledge Of God’s Word) TO  THE  BIBLE   📖 Colossians 1:10 AMPC “That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition].” LET’S  TALK 🗣️ The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to pray the prayer above for the Church, letting us understand God’s will for our lives. He prayed that you’d walk in the way of true righteousness, pleasing God in all that you do, being fruitful and productive, as you mature in the rich experience of knowing Him in His fullness. Hallelujah!  God wants your life to be fruitful in every good work. With this fruitfulness, He wants you to increase in your “epignosis” (full, exact ...


speak 🗣️ I affirm that the Spirit of God is mingled with my spirit in inseparable oneness, making me a champion at everything I do. I win always, because the greater One lives in me. I am full of power, by the Holy Ghost in me. I am indomitable, indestructible and invincible - unconquerable, and unlimited by circumstances. I do not have a spirit of fear, but of love, power, a calm and well-balance mind, discipline and self-control. I am up to any task and equal to any demand on my capabilities  in Jesus Name. Amen.


Say these words after me and mean them with your heart Say, 'I can never be sick, I can never be diseased, because Jesus paid the price for my health. Sickness is foreign to my body, in the Name of Jesus. My testimony is that of health, peace, prosperity, wealth, and joy. I walk in the blessings of God. My life does not know sorrow, I am moving upward and forward only, in the Name of Jesus. My path is the path of the just; therefore it shines brighter and brighter unto a perfect day. Everyday of my life, I get stronger; I am moving from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from strength to strength."


Speak 🗣️ No matter where I find myself in this world, I live in victory! The challenges that I face are bread for me! They are my necessary steps to promotion! I declare that my faith is producing results, in the Name of Jesus! As I release the Word of God from my mouth in power, all the obstacles before me are falling down flat! I declare that the limitations that try to stay in my way are walls without foundations! By the anointing of God's Spirit, I am marching on, unstoppable and unshakeable! I refuse to recognize lying vanities, because I am a faith-child of a faith-God, and I live and overcome daily by my faith in the Word of God, which never fails! I know who I am! The Word of God is my assurance! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! Amen!.


👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC:“ PRAY FOR ALL LEADERS (Good People Can Be Misled To Do Evil)” SCRIPTURE 📖 1 Chronicles 21:1 AMPC “Satan [an adversary] stood up against Israel and stirred up David to number Israel.” 💥THE MESSAGE💥 The Bible shows how evil spirits influence men to do wrong. One of such instances is what we read about David in our opening verse. Imagine David, a righteous king, was moved by Satan to take a census of Israel against God’s will. As a result, God took action against Israel. There’s another incident recorded for us in the gospels. When Jesus made it clear to His disciples that He needed to die on account of our sins and be raised back to life for our justification, Peter took Him aside and began to “rebuke” Him, saying, “God forbid, Lord! This must never happen to you; you’re not going to die” (Matthew 16:22). Jesus, right away, identified that it was Satan speaking through Peter, and the Bible says “…He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me,...



👤 PASTOR CHRIS  TOPIC: “WE’RE IN THE LAST DAYS” SCRIPTURE 📖 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed 💥THE MESSAGE💥 When you read about the last days in the Bible, you have to understand it from the perspective of, first, the context, and then the message of the writer. The “Last days” as frequently referenced in the Bible refer to those days just before the millennial period. Now, the prophets who particularly used those terms didn’t include the Church age. So, when we say the last days, we’re not talking about the last days with respect to the Jewish Calendar as provided by the prophets. There’re so many signs that should let you know where we are and how much longer the world has before the judgements of the nations begin. Therefore, no matter wh...