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Showing posts from March 2, 2025


SATURDAY, MARCH 8TH 2025  THE FULL PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL ...So from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ. It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation (Romans 15:19-20 NIV). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME The Apostle Paul, in the verse above, tells us something profound about the extent of his missionary work. His declaration that he had "fully preached" the Gospel signified that he had delivered the entirety of Christ's message, leaving no stone unturned in his evangelistic efforts. In other words, from Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish Faith, to Illyricum, Paul travelled extensively, winning souls, establishing churches and nurturing Christians in the Faith. His commitment to preaching the Gospel in regions where Christ had not been named was driven by a desire to reach the unreached, fulfilling the Great Commissiongiven by t...

Daily Juice

Don't allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not! Rise above that pain and your past! Never let mistakes define who you are; only you can choose who you are, and what you become! You are stronger than your past! You are not a product of your circumstances; you are a product of your decisions! What if everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you make a mistake. It’s much more effective to be handled with love. Telling the self off is a terrible habit, it subtly shapes a nature of sorrow in you.... click on the link below to study previous Daily juice  👇👇👇


REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC. DSC. DD. MARCH 2, 2025 (DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had programs with government . For a long time most didn't know those who were behind the removal of such programs. It was those in the pharmaceutical industry that pressured government to remove them. That was the devilish mind behind that Industry. In most industries, there are two groups. One group to help and serve. The other to serve their satanic agenda.  In the OT, when the people got sick, when they had a health problem, God didn't send them to the physicians but to the priests. Even though they were Physicians  there in those days.  Physicians never get you cured. They get you out of one problem and put you in another.  Why would you put FLOURIDE in milk and toothpaste?  When you buy anything, look at the fine print. If it says FLOURIDE, don't take it. If you take it, you're programing yourself for cancer. FLOURIDE is a maj...


TUESDAY, MARCH 4TH 2025 THE FULLNESS OF THE BLESSING OF THE GOSPEL And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ (Romans 15:29). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  The Apostle Paul’s declaration in the verse above is absolutely profound. He spoke with certainty, saying, “...I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.” This statement reveals the possibility of walking in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while on earth.  Paul did not say he would pray for this to happen; he confidently declared it as a reality he walked in. What does it mean to walk in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel? It signifies living in the complete manifestation of the inheritance of Christ, demonstrating His blessings, power and divine nature. This isn’t an experience reserved for us in the sweet-by-and-by; this is to be experienced on earth, and in this ...

Daily Juice

Leave your anger; it does more harm to you than the person you are angry with! Most people see the worst in others- they see them through the eyes of their own anger, fear and limitation. Look for the best in others. See through the eyes of understanding. I'm not suggesting that you are naive and you don't confront reality. The Word of God is reality. Don't make their mistake their identity and impute a negative intent on them. Be patient with people, we don't all understand things the same way at the same time. And here's the payoff for you: as you seek out the good in people, not only will they show up fully for you, but you will see more good in your world. Someone may still talk about the old you because they do not have access to the new you. Hold the key. Don't give them permission to define you by your past life or mistakes. Keep it shut from toxic people. You know yourself better more than anyone else. Their labels and judgement are nothing when God know...


MONDAY, MARCH 3RD 2025 PRIORITIZE CHURCH ATTENDANCE Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME One of the things you must become more conscious of and take very seriously as we anticipate the Lord’s soon return is what the Bible says in Hebrews 10:25 (NIV), "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." If you’ve been found wanting in this aspect, not taking church attendance very seriously, you need to change and make it a priority. Be regular with your church attendance, because in the house of God, you’ll learn the Word of God and be established in the Faith. This isn’t optional but a clear instruction for every child of God. Today, there’s so much information competing for your attention. This is one more reason...


SUNDAY, MARCH 2ND 2025 BECOME MORE CONSCIOUS OF CHRIST IN YOU And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us... (John 1:14). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  When we say the Christian is one in whom Christ lives, the problem is that not many even know what Christ means or who Christ is. What is the meaning of the word Christ? Christ is the Hebrew word for Messiah, and the Messiah means the Anointed One. In the Old Testament, He was called Messiah, and in the New Testament, He is called Christ, but they both refer to the same person. Whom the Jews understood to be Messiah was what the Prophet Daniel called the “Son of Man.” When Jesus referred to Himself as the “Son of Man” who would be “lifted up,” meaning crucified, the Jews questioned Him, asking, “Who is this Son of Man?” They thought the Christ would live forever. The Bible says in John 12:23, 32-34: “…Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified…And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will d...