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Showing posts from March 19, 2023

Reality Check

#RealityCheck Become conscious that you’re not alone; you’re in the Father, and the Father is in you. You’re one with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17 talks about your inseparable union with the Father: “...he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” This is the reason you can enjoy rich fellowship with Him, and walk in union with Him. Jesus came to make our glorious union and fellowship with the Father possible. The Holy Spirit is in you to reveal God’s blessings to you, and teach you how to walk in them. Recognise His ministry in your life, and there’ll be no fear, no worries, and no darkness in your life.
* Fresh Dew * _ Be clear on your commitments and decide on your priorities. Action steps for meeting goals should be at the top of your list, everyday. There are times for sowing and times for reaping. Discipline will keep you on track during both. Focus on your greater goal, your destiny. When you focus on the good, the good gets better. Just for today, slow down and revive your energy. If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. Efficiency and focus are the keys to success. Push past the limitations of your mind and visualize yourself standing at the finish line. _