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Showing posts from May 1, 2022

Daily Juice

Holding on to anger and bitterness towards someone is like drinking a poison and expecting it to hurt someone else. Anger, resentment and jealousy don't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours. Work on your anger, hatred and bitterness issues before they take you to the wrong destination. They may seem  justifiable to you but the end is destruction. click here for previous Daily Juice  Attachment to a hurt or pain arising from a past event blocks the inflow of blessings and joy into your life and makes you a prisoner of your past. Regardless of how you have been hurt, there's that capacity in you to forgive and move on. Don't choke yourself. Send us an email @


═══════════════ TOPIC: HIS LOVE MANIFESTED IN YOU  PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME FRIDAY 6TH MAY, 2022 ═══════════════ For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh (2 CORINTHIANS 4:11). ═══════════════ The proof that we know God’s love is how we share it. Did you ever stop to think about that? We don’t know God’s love until we share it and manifest it. Jesus was the manifestation of God’s love. He was God’s love in the flesh. That’s to say He was the “body” of love.  The gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John show Him as the embodiment of love. Jesus didn’t merely have love; He was love made flesh! That’s one of the most extraordinary truths ever revealed. Jesus is the perfect description of love.  We read in the Bible that God is love (1 John 4:8), but this will never mean anything to you until you get to know Jesus. Many think of God with various imaginations. But Jesus said,...


As a Christian, you can't sit and wait in hope that things will get better in your city; you have to pray.Learn to take up you responsibility of prayer. You don’t have to wait for evil to strike your home, city or country before you learn to pray and cause changes in the Name of Jesus.  click here for previous Reality check Remember that God has given you the dominion and the authority to alter the course of events in the earth. It’s your responsibility, not His. Send us an email @


Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light (COLOSSIANS 1:12). The Bible says God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:3). This is enough to make you ecstatic with gratitude to the Lord every day of your life. How could anyone read or hear that and still be complaining? God wants us to give thanks every day, not complaints. The Scripture is clear in saying that this is the will of God concerning you: “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). A life of daily thanksgiving, however, doesn’t suggest a life devoid of challenges. Challenges may come, but in the midst of it all, lift your hands and say, “Lord, I give thanks, for greater is He that’s in me than he that’s in the world.” There’s no need to complain or grumble about any situation; as a child of God, you were born into victory; ...

Daily Juice

Oftentimes, we think forgiveness is something we do for someone else, but actually, forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. Unforgiveness creates the wrong ambience around you which creates an inroad for the devil and his activities in your life. It takes more energy to hold onto a hurt, guilt, anger, resentment than it does to forgive.  click here for previous Daily Juice When we forgive, we give peace to ourselves, and free ourselves to move on and move forward. Look at the weaknesses of others with compassion, not with accusation. It's not what they are doing or should be doing that's the issue. The issue is, your interpretation of the situation is what matters most; your chosen response to the situation is your responsibility and maturity. Send us an email @


═══════════════ TOPIC: SPEAKING IN TONGUES IS A GREAT BLESSING  👤PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME ═══════════════ THURSDAY 5TH MAY, 2022 ═══════════════ 📖…I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also (1 CORINTHIANS 14:15). ═══════════════ There’re Christians who after several years of being born again have never spoken in tongues. They’ve done themselves a great disservice. Some only spoke in tongues on the day they received the Holy Spirit. They often reminisce over that spontaneous experience they once had as though it’s meant to be a one-off experience. But the Scriptures teach that speaking in spiritual tongues is to be a regular part of your prayer life.  Speaking in tongues is a great blessing for every Christian, with inexhaustible benefits. Christians who speak in tongues often are hardly ever sick, fearful, or discouraged; they’re on top always, fervent in spirit...


Someone once rightly said that evil prevails when good men to do nothing. This statement is indeed true, especially because a lot of Christians try to make God responsible for what is actually their responsibility. The authority to change things on the earth has been delegated to us. We have the responsibility of changing things, and the way we do this is through prayer. click here for previous Reality check


By him (Jesus Christ) therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name (HEBREWS 13:15). Just as the priest offered sacrifices of burnt offerings and incense in the Old Testament, today, we offer sacrifices of praise to the Lord with the fruit of our lips, which are the words we speak in praise and thanksgiving to Him. The underlined expression, “giving thanks” is the Greek, “Homologeo”, meaning to make confessions; making confessions to His Name. click here for the message: Don't give up, Don't give in by pastor Chris Our sacrifices of praise are with words, and they transcend statements like, “Lord, I give you praise.” For it to be a true sacrifice of praise to God, it must be mixed with substance from your spirit. You must have definite reasons for praising Him, and then voice those reasons. Your Praise of Him must have content. In other words, you’re to consciously praise and thank Him in ...

Daily Juice

Many people have a tough time letting go of what lies behind. There are always focused on who hurt them or how unfairly they have been treated. You have to let go of the disappointments, failures, and let those doors totally close behind you.  click here for previous Daily Juice Step forward. Men may have given up on you, but God has not given up on you. He knows that He puts the seeds of greatness in you. The first place to start is in your thinking. A door is much smaller compared to the house, a lock is much smaller compared to the door. And a key is the smallest of all but a key can open the entire house. Just a small adjustment in your thinking pattern can bring about that required change. Send us an email @


Pastor Chris * PROTECT YOUR HEART * Wednesday 4 May 2022 * Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). * One of the most remarkable things about David was Samuel’s testimony in 1 Samuel 13:14 about his heart; David had a heart that was after God. That’s one of the greatest blessings to ever wish for: having a heart that’s perfect towards God, and a willing mind to do His perfect will. It’s a great blessing from God, but it doesn’t work by itself, because you have a mind and a will of your own. Remember, God gave Saul, David’s predecessor, a good heart (1 Samuel 10:9); yet, he didn’t serve God perfectly. When Saul first met Samuel the Prophet, the Bible says the Spirit of God came upon Saul and he prophesied together with the prophets (1 Samuel 10:10). That was the outward manifestation of what he had received; there was a change on the inside. The Bible specifically says that God gave Saul “another heart.” But Saul didn...


═══════════════ TOPIC: TRAIN YOURSELF TO PRAY  👤 PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  ═══════════════ TUESDAY, 3RD MAY 2022 ═══════════════ 📖And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God (LUKE 6:12) ═══════════════ Prayer is a spiritual exercise that you must train for. If you don’t train yourself to pray, you’ll never know how to pray effectively. If all you knew to do was mumble a few words in two minutes and you’re done, it’s time to get some training and discipline.  We see the example of the Master in our opening scripture. As long as your body is calling for food, or itching to go do some other things while you ought to be praying, that’s the more reason you must remain there and subject your body to the discipline of the Spirit.  click here for yesterday's Rhapsody of  Realities However, the purpose of prayer isn’t merely to control or discipline your body, as good as that is. The m...


👤 Pastor Chris Oyakhilome "Jesus told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up) (LUKE 18:1 AMP)." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing”; that means continue in prayer until there’s a change; don’t give up; don’t give in! Some Christians give up too quickly; but faith never gives up. It’s like what happened with the Apostles in Acts Chapter 12, when Herod arrested Peter, having killed James, one of the Apostles. Herod saw that killing James pleased the Jews, so he purposed to do the same with Peter. However, the Bible says “…prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him” (ACTS 12:5)  click here for the message: pray more by pastor Chris The Holy Spirit specifically emphasized the phrase “without ceasing.” This shows that the Apostles made intense petitions and gave God all the reasons Peter’s life should be spared; and they continued in prayer until he was miracu...


Man is a spirit; when he is born again, he receives the life and nature of God into his spirit. The changes that are later observed in his soul and body are activated from his spirit. You need constantly to feed and nurture your heart with God's word. God doesn’t appeal to the human mind or the senses because the mind limits God; rather, he appeals to your spirit. click here for yesterday's Reality check  He communicates and leads you through your spirit. The Bible says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord (Proverbs 20:27). So the light of God is not in your mind but in your spirit; this is where the Word of God illuminates. Send us an email @


  ═══════════════ TRUE PRAISE AND WORSHIP  👤 PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  ═══════════════ MONDAY 2ND, MAY 2022 ═══════════════ 📖 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh ( PHILIPPIANS 3:3).  ═══════════════ The Church of Jesus Christ has come of age. Some of the things the Lord tolerated in the past, even though they didn’t make much spiritual sense, are now being corrected. This is because He’s perfecting the Church for the coming of the Lord. For example, true worship and true praise in the house of God: many don’t understand what it is. Some think that when they dance themselves high in church, they’re really praising and worshipping God. But dancing in the flesh is neither praise nor worship. click here for yesterday's Rhapsody of Realities  What is praise? And what is worship? Worship is the recognition and appreciation of the reality, blessings, character and gr...


SUNDAY, MAY 1ST 2022 👤 PASTOR CHRIS TOPIC: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (There’s More To Life Than Physical Things) TO THE BIBLE                                 Luke 12:15 NIV “…He (Jesus) said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”” LET’S TALK Would it surprise you to know that there are people in prison today who are joyful and more at peace than many who are free and have all the nice things the heart can desire? That’s because joy isn’t dependent on your surroundings and circumstances; it’s in your spirit. This is what the apostles had, such that even when they didn’t have life’s material comforts, they remained enthusiastic about the gospel. When they were oppressed, persecuted, and imprisoned for preaching Jesus, they were full of joy. So, joy and satisfaction aren’t in material things but from your spirit. S...


SUNDAY 1ST MAY 2022 👤Pastor Chris Oyakhilome  TOPIC: CELEBRATE HIS GOODNESS EVERY DAY For they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened (Mark 6:5)  In Mark 6, the Bible tells us how the disciples of Jesus were gripped with fear when they saw Him walking on the water. Why were they afraid? We find the answer in our theme verse: "...they considered not the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was hardened." click here for yesterday's Rhapsody of Realities  They had seen several miracles with Jesus and the latest of such miracles was that of multiplying bread and fish to feed thousands of people (Read Matthew 14:13-21). Yet, it didn't seem to mean anything to them; they were still hardened in their hearts. Some are like that in the Church today; not considering as they should, the miracles of Christ, performed through the Spirit today. It reminds me of an inspiring experience I had in 1981. I was attending a crusade where the ...


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (EPHESIANS 6:18)  The more time you spend in fellowship with the Lord through prayer, the more His character and personality are revealed in and through you. This is one of the most exciting benefits of prayer. Through prayer, your spiritual antenna is raised to pick God's thought and think like Him. Some people only pray when they're compelled to do so by certain challenges they face in life, and that's not right. As Christians we were called into fellowship with our heavenly father.  You get to know the Lord and love Him more as you fellowship with Him through prayer and study of the Word. Praying, and praying the right way, is an important activity in the life of every Christian. It makes your life beautiful, vibrant, and exuberant with  praise at all times. Take your personal times of prayer, devotions, and meditation ...


The more you learn God’s word, the more you avail yourself of the privileges and advantages of God’s wisdom. God’s wisdom will teach you how to manage your home,your family, your marriage, your business and your finances. There are peoplewho make king-sized errors, but when you function in the wisdom of God, you will walkyour way out of affliction! The Bible says the whip is for the back of fools! (Proverbs 19:29). What kind of whip is it talking about? The whip of life! So if you let God’s wisdomfunction in you, it will be impossible for life to whip you. Happy new month world! Send us an email @