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Showing posts from July 14, 2024

Excerpts from Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 9 Phase 6 Day 2


Excerpts from Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris Season 9 Phase 6 Day 1



THURSDAY JULY 18 2024 PROJECT YOURSELF TO YOUR NEXT LEVEL Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he... (Proverbs 23:6-7). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  Did you know that with your mind, you can project yourself to your next and higher level in life? Your mind is an instrument given to you by God to improve your life from glory to glory. You have to see first in your mind the things you desire for your life, and create them. God had to teach this to Abraham when He brought him out at night and instructed him to look at the stars and number them (Genesis 15:5). He was getting Abraham acquainted with the power of vision; how to use mind-power to create realities. Recall what we read in our theme scripture: as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. The quickest way to affect your thoughts is through mental pictures. You can project yourself out of poverty into abundance through your thoughts. Every man is t

*Fresh Dew*

_Cheating undermines the very essence of personal integrity and mutual trust that forms the foundation of any meaningful endeavor. Whether in academic settings, professional environments, or personal relationships, cheating erodes the principles of fairness and honesty. It breeds an atmosphere of cynicism and diminishes the value of hard work and merit. Choosing integrity over cheating is not just about adhering to rules; it's about cultivating a character that respects oneself and others, upholding ethical standards that contribute to a more just and trustworthy society. By embracing integrity and rejecting cheating, individuals uphold the fundamental principles that sustain progress, fairness, and genuine achievement.


  SEASON 9 PHASE 5 DAY 3 REV CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSC DSC DD  Matthew 16;19 The knowledge of the word of God is important.  What do you use keys for? To open doors. You find in the kingdom of Heaven, amazing things that you can make real for your life.  Matthew is so accurate in how he distinguishes between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven The Kingdom of Heaven It's that part of the Kingdom of Godestablished in the earth by Jesus Christ. It is the heavenly power being established in the earth. You are in the earth but live the life of heaven. Prayer is God's idea so you have to follow the rules.  Yesterday I was saying something about why we pray and why certain times we pray again and again. It's not in all cases.  For some, praying again and again means that you are in unbelief.  You have to know what the word of God says concerning any situation and whatever your request is. Learn spiritual secrets from God's word. For example God told Moses to come up to the


  SEASON 9, PHASE 5, DAY 2 Opening Prayers led by H.E. Pastor Deola Phillips  Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD  Welcome to day 2 of our 7 day fasting and praying and fasting. We already started and I hope that you gave some time to prayer earlier. 1 Tim 2 Some wonder why do we have to pray for the nations and their leaders ever so often? If you look at 1 Tim 2:1-2, 'First of all' means, as a priority, top on the list.  "All men" means all nations of men.  As a priority, do this.  Vs1: These are four kinds of prayers. It says to pray this for our leaders. You can't do that once and stop. Your living a quiet and peacable life depends on this. You can't expect that you pray for and declare peace and NOT do this.  You cannot NOT do this.  You have to understand the place of this.  In 2020, the churches weren't praying like this for the nations, that's the reason Covid came and the whole world was almost captured.  (We're going to have a volume 2 of How


SEASON 9, PHASE 5 DAY 1 Opening Prayer by Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD  I want to welcome you to today's program.  First day of our 7 day dating and praying program.  The Lord led us to do this. At the beginning of the year, we also had a time of fasting and praying like this and the Lord gave us amazing victories and wonderful blessings in the first half of the year  Today is the first day of the second half of the year. And we are beginning in Fasting and praying and we will have even greater victories and wonderful blessings. Remember something. The Bible says that in Christ Jesus we were called to inherit a blessing. So we can be blessing and favour conscious.  It's God's plan to bless us always.  There are people who say "it can't be always good" But that's why Jesus came. Always good always health, always success.  If at anytime something bad happens, that thing didn't happen as a disadvantage to you. It's only


WEDNESDAY, JULY 17TH 2024 HIS TRUTH PREVAILS Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come (John 16:13). PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME  In John 16:7-8, the Lord Jesus spoke to His disciples, telling them that it was to their advantage that He had to go away, for if He did not go away, the Helper (the Holy Spirit) would not come to them. But soon after His ascension, the Holy Spirit came as foretold and has been here ever since, to guide men into the truth. The Holy Spirit is carrying out His work in these last days as we preach, teach and disseminate the Word of God to help bring the nations of men into the knowledge of the truth for their salvation. The Bible says in Acts 19:20, “So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.” This is happening all over the world. In a world of darkness, deception and falsehood, God’s truth is prevaili


The Name of Jesus never fails. No wonder Paul said in Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him". What it means is that you’re to live your life in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In all situations and circumstances, your life proclaims the Name of Jesus Christ; you live as His representative. You live your life every day in and with the consciousness of the power, glory and dominion of His Name.


MONDAY JULY 15 2024 YOU’RE GOD’S FAVOURITE For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation (Psalm 149:4).  The psalmist in the opening verse uncovers a profound truth that transcends mere religious rhetoric. It's a revelation that speaks at the very heart of our relationship with God. Observe that it doesn’t say "For the LORD taketh pleasure in the beauties of heaven or His holy angels," no! It says, "For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people..." (Psalm 149:4). It means God delights in you. He likes you! Pause for a moment and ponder those words. This isn’t merely about God loving us, even though that truth is monumental in itself. This is something more personal, more intimate— God delights in YOU. Someone might think, "Pastor Chris, how can He take pleasure in me? I smoked last night; I told a lie last week.” Irrespective of what you’ve done, the Bible tells us that the Lord takes pleasure in His people, and that incl