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Opening Prayer by Esteemed Pastor Lanre Alabi

Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD 

I want to welcome you to today's program. 

First day of our 7 day dating and praying program. 

The Lord led us to do this.

At the beginning of the year, we also had a time of fasting and praying like this and the Lord gave us amazing victories and wonderful blessings in the first half of the year 

Today is the first day of the second half of the year. And we are beginning in Fasting and praying and we will have even greater victories and wonderful blessings. Remember something. The Bible says that in Christ Jesus we were called to inherit a blessing. So we can be blessing and favour conscious. 

It's God's plan to bless us always. 

There are people who say "it can't be always good"

But that's why Jesus came. Always good always health, always success. 

If at anytime something bad happens, that thing didn't happen as a disadvantage to you. It's only for your increase and promotion

When you received Christ you were brought into a new environment in the spirit. 

1 Peter 2:9

Look at that. It's not a promise. It's a statement if fact. A declaration of your identity. Who you are in Jesus Christ. 

You are a king priest. You are royalty. 

What's the purpose?

That you should show forth the praises of him...

The AMPC best describes it. 

That you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of him...

That's amazing. 

You are called to set forth God's wonderful deeds and display his virtues and perfections.

What a life he's given us!

You are a royal priesthood. 

You are King as well as a priest.

Revelation 1:4-5.

The same one who washed us from our sins made us Kings and Priests. 

What's the work of a Priest?

First, is to offer gifts to God. By virtue of this office, He is empowered spiritually to convert material or physical gifts into spiritual substance/elements useful to God. 

You can give anything to God but it doesn't mean God can use it. 

God created that office. 

To convert material substance to spiritual tangibility. 

That's why we give offerings. 

Second thing: The priest was set by God to intercede/pray for people. By empowering the priest to pray that way, God bound himself to honoring those words. God has to honor the priests words that he prays for others. 

Third: The priests office was set by God to teach the way of God. To teach the knowledge of God. God gives his word, his word is a mystery. The priest explains this spiritual information to others. 

Genesis 20:3-18

The encounter with Abimelech, King of Gerar. He had taken Abraham's wife. 

Everybody and everything had gotten barren in the house because of Sarah. 

God said Abraham would pray for him after He restored his wife. 

Job 42: 42

Job had three friends who were Kings. When they heard that Job had lost everything, they decided to visit him

 When they came and saw Job in his condition, they could not talk for days. They were in such shock and they began to look for reasons why this must have happened instead of praying. To them, Job must have done something wrong...

Until God decided to intervene.

God specified what sacrifices the friends should take to Job to offer for their cleansing

But it was Job God was going to listen to. 

God established these patterns and He has brought us into such a place at such a time to pray for our world to have mercy and favour on these nations. This is the day of his favor and mercy. This is the day of Salvation. This is not the time of the judgement. He wants to save them.

Pray for the nations of the world. Pray that they will be delivered from the hands of wicked and unreasonable men. 

Pray that this ministry of the holy Spirit will be evidenced in their lives. They will not be the victims of deception like they did in the past. Their leaders will be enlightened and darkness will recede from them. Pray that this blindness be removed from their hearts and minds because this blindness is from the devil. 


This is the first day of these 7 days of prayer and we are saturating the spiritual atmosphere with the power of God. And the Prince of the power of the air shall not hold sway over the nations cos the Lord has given us power in the spirit over all principality and power. He gave us dominion. We have been raised together with Christ and made to sit together with him in the heavenly realms 

We may be walking in this earth but our dominion is from above. 

We rule over the nations from the spirit and we refuse to let Satan dominate these nations. 

Some years ago, back in the 80's, we showed from the Bible that there would be absolute surveillance in those days and men would not be able to hide. So much so, what you said in your house would be known by the government and their agencies. It was difficult to explain how such a thing would even happen in those days.

One of the ways most thought that it would happen was through television sets. The idea that the TV sets in your homes would come embedded with recording devices seemed far off. Of course, years later, it's been found to be true. 

Many TVS are embedded with cameras that watch you. 

But that's the smaller part. 

Today we can understand better what the Bible talked about all the time. 

During Covid, in several countries, they had a monitoring system. They monitored you with your phone. 

They sent certain applications into your device unbeknownst to you.

So if you came close to someone tested positive for Covid, your phone would identify this and send the message from your phone to the government agencies and then you would get a message asking you to report to the government office. 

Your own phone!!!

Imagine you paid and hired the FBI for yourself. 

That's the way people were monitored in many countries. 

Now it's a lot worse. 

Apple announced that they are releasing their new devices embedded with AI. These devices can record everything audio and video without your knowledge. 

The ultimate Spy. 

It also doesn't have to work with the Internet. It records without your permission. 

We are constantly finding our world fighting hard to bring us to the antichrist system where men have no liberty. 

What a world! 

I told you that there are some working on destroying the Internet. The current Internet protocols would be shut down and new ones will be established. 

But because we are praying, that will be delayed. 

The gospel must be preached. And as long as we need the Internet to preach, nobody can mess with it. 

When the last person hears the gospel and receives salvation according to the number determined, the trumpet will sound.

If you want to understand these last days, study for yourself the books of Zechariah,  daniel, Amos, the epistles, revelation..etc.

All these things are there. 

You can't study these things and miss them

What are you going to do with your life?

That's why we are preaching the gospel.

Altar Call..


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