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Matthew 16;19

The knowledge of the word of God is important. 

What do you use keys for? To open doors.

You find in the kingdom of Heaven, amazing things that you can make real for your life. 

Matthew is so accurate in how he distinguishes between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven

It's that part of the Kingdom of Godestablished in the earth by Jesus Christ.

It is the heavenly power being established in the earth.

You are in the earth but live the life of heaven.

Prayer is God's idea so you have to follow the rules. 

Yesterday I was saying something about why we pray and why certain times we pray again and again.

It's not in all cases. 

For some, praying again and again means that you are in unbelief. 

You have to know what the word of God says concerning any situation and whatever your request is.

Learn spiritual secrets from God's word.

For example

God told Moses to come up to the mountain for him to talk to him about certain things. 

For 40 days Moses was there and God said nothing to him. It was the fortieth day that God spoke. .

Didn't God know he was there all the while?

Why didn't God talk? Prayer secrets. 

Why will the spirit of God tell you to fast and pray for 3 days or 7 days? Why 3 days?

Doesn't he hear you the first time?

If he didn't tell you how long to fast, if you don't get an answer the first day, it doesn't mean God is responsible for the delay 

(E.g. Daniel- The Prince of the Kingdom of Persian withstood the angel until he got reinforcement).

Imagine if Daniel hadn't continued praying.

It won't stop the fight in heaven, but stopping when you shouldn't stop might result in unbelief. 

The Bible says without Faith, it is impossible to please God. There would be a displeasure 

God's kingdom functions in an atmosphere of faith.

You can repudiate your healing through unbelief. 

Same thing for anything you were laying claims to from God. 

Think about what happens in our world. Why do certain things happen?

We've been praying for Leaders of nations, heads of institutions, monarchs etc and we've come to see pseudoscientific psychopaths that are trying to destroy our world. Why would people think like that?

Why would they seize the healthcare system and industry and turn it into a nightmare.?

Something must be wrong..

Who needs men to become so evil wicked, callous and dangerous? Why?

Ephesians 4:17-19 KJV AMPC

Look at the choice of words.

Have you ever met people with darkened understanding? They know nothing about the life of God.  They are so ignorant of God. 

Certain people are psychopathic. This is more than a social misbehaviour. It's from the callousness of the mind. They do evil and wicked things without caring who it hurts. 

They tested the vaccines to be sure it would do the damage it was meant to.

The Bible describes them with the insensitiveness of their moral nature. 

They don't feel the pain of other people. 

2 Corinthians 4:3-

Our gospel is not hidden. It's not mysterious. 

Remember there was a Dr. Death in Australia, one in England and One in the U.S. 

These people murdered others. They were doctors in the hospital. People consulted with them. 

The perpetrators of Covid 19 were worse. Now it's on record that more people died of Covid than the first and second world war put together. 

Yet they say, you haven't seen anything yet. They intend to kill a whole lot more. It's the uncompleted pyramid that you see in the American dollar. 

But the church holds back these wicked forces. 

.it's difficult for us to think that the guy next door can be that evil..but we have seen such things happen. 

It was just last week that two immigrants in the US ...the guy was going somewhere with his girlfriend...hours later, the girl was murdered. Did she know that her boyfriend was going to kill her?

.It's hard to think that this nice fellow very educated, in charge of the NIH, how could he be that bad? 

Satan blinds their minds from truth. He hardens their hearts and makes them do the things they ordinarily wouldn't do.

The prodigal son spent all he had living a life of debauchery.... When he spent all he had and came to himself..

Luke 15:17

He was not himself all that time... 

Did he know he was not himself?

He thought he was intelligent and smart. 

He convinced his Father.

He thought he was a big boy. But he was misled by Satan's voice. 

A fellow said "I don't want to be like could he have been so nice and helped many people, yet they killed him". He decided he wanted to strengthen himself with whatever power he had to take out any body on this world. 

He didn't understand that Jesus laid down his life. It was a choice. He chose to die and he died for a purpose. 

He didn't know the full story.

Jesus was not a Matyr. Jesus was a sacrifice. 

It was because he wanted to pay the penalty for our sins. It was required. We would have never been saved without the shedding of sinless blood. 

And nobody's blood was pure enough. It had to be blood of someone who was never tainted or stained with sin.

That person would have never been a blood descent of a man. 

Jesus was born of a virgin. Not of mans blood. He was the only one qualified to be the sacrifice for our sins. He chose to die. 

And when you study further you discover that 

It was actually God who made himself so.

God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself.  It was the work of God. 

So, don't be sorry for Jesus. They killed him because their hearts were wicked, but

Jesus was powerful. He knew what to do. He could have taken them all out. But he came to save them, not to destroy them.

So now the power that he chose not to use against them, he gave to us. 


The word of God tells us that our spiritual engagement is what we should focus on. 

So he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spirit beings. And he gives us a description of these beings. 

Ephesians 6:12-

These are Spirit beings that lead men into destruction. They deceive men. Satan passed thoughts into their minds and when they accept those thoughts, Satan passes into them. (Same way people receive Christ)

They pass the same thing to their Children..and they can't understand  why they are so wicked. 

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities...against powers...

The Bible doesn't say "therefore pray that God will deliver you from there". 

Jesus said in my name they shall cast out devils. 

When we pray today, use the name of Jesus to break this power of blindness over those that the Lord will bring to your mind. 

Break the blinding spirit of darkness over them. Then, they will be able to come to themselves. (Luke 15:17)

Man is not a sense. He has senses. But his senses are physical.

Then there are spiritual senses. When they are evil, they are evil.

Only God's word can transform them to be right.

The Bible didn't say the prodigal son came to his senses. It says "when he came to himself". 

The scripture was written in spiritual language but everyday language. The words were chosen by God. 

When we pray like that, the power of darkness is broken off of them and they can come to themselves. They suddenly realize they are going in the wrong direction. 

The spirit of God is going to bring certain people to your mind in prayer. And when you pray, use the name of Jesus. Use this power of the spirit that we have. You can address the devil directly. "you spirit of blindness that has blinded the mind of so and so, I comment the scales to fall off his eyes. I claim his life for Jesus Christ. I declare salvation over his soul in the name of Jesus Christ"

You're going to pray in tongues. When you pray in tongues, several things happen.

When we pray in corporate prayer, we are hauling back the forces of darkness. 

For example, Syria invaded Israel the northern kingdom, and they fought against it for three years until Samaria fell. It took three years of fighting till they broke through. 

Imagine if they did it for two months. 

Sometimes, we have to pray like that. 

It can take days to have certain kinds of impact that Satan cannot recover from. 

As we press, at a certain point, they have to give up and go to another location. That's how you win territories. 

As you pray, the spirit of God will tell you how much longer you have to go. 

You are pushing back the forces until they can't resist anymore. 

Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 


#YourLoveWorld #PastorChris #WeAreStillPraying


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