Opening Prayers led by H.E. Pastor Deola Phillips
Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD
Welcome to day 2 of our 7 day fasting and praying and fasting.
We already started and I hope that you gave some time to prayer earlier.
1 Tim 2
Some wonder why do we have to pray for the nations and their leaders ever so often?
If you look at 1 Tim 2:1-2, 'First of all' means, as a priority, top on the list.
"All men" means all nations of men.
As a priority, do this.
Vs1: These are four kinds of prayers. It says to pray this for our leaders. You can't do that once and stop.
Your living a quiet and peacable life depends on this. You can't expect that you pray for and declare peace and NOT do this.
You cannot NOT do this.
You have to understand the place of this.
In 2020, the churches weren't praying like this for the nations, that's the reason Covid came and the whole world was almost captured.
(We're going to have a volume 2 of How to pray effectively)
"I exhort therefore..."
It's part of how we war a good warfare.
On the basis of whatever Paul was telling you in Chapter 1, this is a kind of submission
1 Tim 1:18-20
Using the prophecy spoken concerning you, you can war a good warfare..
It's like you are seeding and watering your clouds with prayer, and at the appointed time they pour out.
The atmosphere becomes saturated with Faith.
Exodus 33:14 KJV ,TLB
Here, God is talking to Moses.
Don't think of God like you think of yourself. He doesn't move like you. His presence goes but he remains where he is. .
Isaiah 63:9-10
"The angel of his Presence" saved them...
And carried them....
V10: He just told you who the Angel of his presence is. The Holy Spirit.
He is the one that brings the presence of God. He makes the presence of God real to you. That's his ministry.
A lot of times, many think old testament thinking.. You cannot live the Christian life with Old testament truth or reasoning.
Like when Christians say "I want to seek the face of God*...they probably mean they want to pray.
In the use of that terminology, we are expressing something we want to say but it's old testament language.
2 Chronicles 7:14
The word "face" is the same word for Presence.
It's like Moses saying "if your presence doesn't go with me, don't let me go ...". He wanted God's presence to go with him.
But it's old testament language so it's inappropriate.
Psalm 27:8-9
That's not Christian prayer.
Isaiah 55:6
Isaiah speaks to God's people of the Old testament to seek the Lord while he may be found.
Why? Because His presence was not with them. Whenever the Children of Israel sinned against God, He abandoned them to their enemies.
Romans 10:20-21
This refers to the Church/the Gentiles.
They weren't seeking yet they found him. Why? Because his plan for the new testament was different.
Colossians 1: 26-27
Christ in you; Not Christ visiting you.
The very presence they were seeking in the sold testament resides in you now.
He is with us and in Heaven at the same time.
When we pray we are talking to our Heavenly Father. Heaven is in the spirit. Often times that's why we close our eyes to shut ourselves away from this environment and think the thoughts of God. Then we speak words that go up to God. It's an Act of faith.
Don't picture that you are floating in the sky. Picture that he is right there with you listening to you.
It's a most beautiful thing.
Pray for God's people everywhere that God will deliver them from wicked and unreasonable men. Pray for their protection everywhere.
While we pray for them, we must activate our faith in the knowledge of the reality of our own protection.
When I pray for the sick, I don't think I need healing..but that this power comes from the reservoir of the healing power of God deposited in me.
2 Kings 6:13-23
This king wondered who was leaking his secrets to the King of Israel.
V16: Observe the spirituality of this Man of God. He was referring to the forces behind them versus behind the forces behind us.
You win or lose by what happens in the realm of the spirit.
Do you think it is Only Elisha that has chariots of horses and fire?
We have this army with us all the time.
They that be with us are more in number and more in strength.
Matthew 28:20
"I am with you always"...not sometimes.
We've got to trust this.
Jesus never lied to anyone. He never exaggerated. When he spoke, it was absolute truth. These are his words.
Isaiah 54:17.
Every child of God should recognize this and enter into it.
Luke 10:19
I give unto you "Power/Exousia/ Authority" to tread on Serpents, scorpions and all the power/Dunamis/ability of the enemy.
You have authority to rule over demons and wicked people and over all their ability (no matter what they can do). You can say HUSH!
And nothing shall be any means hurt you
In the Greek, it's a double negative. It says "NO NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU".
It's stressing the fact that Nothing can hurt you...on the second hand it stresses the fact that all of them are Nothing.
Every child of God needs to know this and walk in this light.
We are more than conquerors
There is no power hatched out of hell that has power over us.
They make plans but their plans go to Nothing.
When we speak in tongues, things happen.
Doesn't matter who is planning against you. They may send doesn't matter.
We are going to pray for God's people around the world
We are speaking words.
No Nothing shall by any means hurt you.
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