Mistakes and challenges do not erase who you are. You can still be the person God created you to be. Bad days do not make you a bad person. Don't allow your mistakes to define you. God already provided forgiveness for that mistake even before the thought of it. God is in the now of your life; He does not consult your past to determine your future! Your life is not a chess game. Don't play games with your life. Flies cannot perch on a hot stove; life is spiritual. You are always responsible for how you turn out in life, not people or the circumstances of your life. Don't let how you feel make you forget who you are. Refuse to change what your heart believes because of what your eyes see. There's more to life than meets the eyes. Life is beyond the senses. If you only believe what you see, then you 're terribly limited to what's on the surface. Click on the link below for previous Daily Juice 👇👇👇 https://thekingsnation20.blogspot.com/2022/11/daily-j...