👤Pastor Chris
*Friday, February 18*
(The Knowledge Of God Through Relationship)
TO THE BIBLE 📖 Ephesians 1:15-17
“Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
Longevity as a Christian doesn’t necessarily spell effectiveness in the things of God. It takes more than singing nicely, praising God joyfully, and even preaching, to be effective for Christ and the Kingdom. You’d have to know Him in a very personal way. This is the reason for Paul’s prayer for the baby church in Ephesus, as read in our opening verse.
Paul heard about their love for God—they were excited about the things of God—but he knew they lacked something and prayed that the Lord would grant it to them: “...the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
There’s a certain type of knowledge, a certain type of revelation of God that you ought to have; it’s called “epignosis” (Greek); knowledge that relates with the known; a knowledge of relationship. This knowledge is different from theology or mere science.
You can appropriate that prayer of the Spirit through Paul for yourself; put your name there and say, “I have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the accurate knowledge of God.” You’ll experience the unveiling! It’s the work of the Spirit of God.
Without this kind of knowledge, you’ll be a religious Christian, doing things religiously, without having a real relationship with God. When you have that relationship, you no longer see Him as the God of David or the God of Elijah; He becomes your God; He’s personal to you. That’s when you really appreciate and celebrate your union and oneness with Him.
Go Deeper 📚
2 Peter 1:2-3; Ephesians 1:16-17 AMPC
Pray 🙏
Dear Father, thank you for giving me the spirit of wisdom—insight into realities—and revelation in the knowledge of you, absolute knowledge that comes through revelation and relationship. Through my relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, grace and peace are multiplied in my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Mark 3:13-35, Leviticus 13-14
Matthew 15:21-28, Genesis 49
Meditate on and pray the prayer of Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:15-17.
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