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Opening Prayers by H.E. Rev Ray Okocha

Documentary: Info Wars


I want to welcome you to today's program. We are starting today with Season 9, Phase 7. 
What you just saw is a reminder of the wickedness in our world. It's sometimes difficult to consider that certain individuals could be as evil.
To think that your next door neighbor could be the perpetrator of some heinous crime. 
It's somewhat difficult.
That's why it's important for us to remember firstly, things that the Bible tells us. Secondly, history.
The most popular of them is the Holocaust and think about what happened in Rwanda years ago; the killings. These were neighbors. People of the same country (hootsies and tootsies).
Think about what happened in Cambodia years ago. Who would believe that their own leaders would destroy so many people?
History is replete with such information.
Then if course, Mao Zedong. More than 45m were killed because of his policy of collectivization. 
Men have instituted different kinds of policies at different times that led to the death of so many. 
But it's often difficult for people to consider that their leaders could do such things, until it actually happens and then it's too late. 

When we talk about corruption, I'm talking about those who lead to the deaths and killings of others. And they are heartless. 
Jesus talked about this. 
Wicked men often like to stigmatize those things that will help you discover the evil work that they do. 
They don't want you to think or use your mind. The ability to be suspicious is a positive thing. 
They want you to trust the government.

Ronald Reagan said "the government is not your friend". Because there is no Human being called "Government". In reality, the government institution cannot be your friend because it's not a person, but a system. 

Matthew 24:1-12
This Chapter follows several things that Jesus had said to them in previous chapters. 
He had talked about when he would leave and the things that would happen, etc. 
Jesus spoke about the soon destruction of the Temple.

They asked him 3 questions.

1. When shall these things be? 2. What shall be the sign of your coming? 3. What shall be the sign of the end of the age?

Jesus begins to answer them in the fourth verse. The first thing he says to them is "Don't be deceived". Why? It's easy to get deceived. There is a potential of deception.

V5: These are false Christs. 
V10: Talks about hatred and betrayals.
V11: Pseudo prophets. What does he mean by False prophets? If you are not careful you would be thinking of some religious person. But it could be a political person who pretends to come as a deliverer/Messiah. 
There have been many and there will still be more. 
Who were those who were described as False prophets in the New testament? 

Acts 13:6- Same term that Jesus said of those who would come. Here he was called a Sorcerer (an oriental scientist). This was the term applied by the Babylonians, medes and Persians to astrologers, physicians, wise men, scientists...
Jesus said many of these will rise and deceive many.
They often are connected to people in government power. They didn't find him in church. No, they make friends with people in authority.

That wasn't Elymas's first time of trying to stop people from hearing about Jesus. 
Pallus, The government functionary, had called for Barnabas and Saul and desired to hear the word of God. But when the apostles came, they met the sorcerer who withstood them and stopped them from hearing the gospel.

People in government, a lot of times, want to know about Jesus and the truth. But often times, they have a bad friend who says 'thats not good for you'. 

Paul has to take actions spiritually. He used words. Then Elymas was in trouble. 

Jesus said "False prophets shall rise and shall deceive many". 

Just like the vaccines in 2020. They had it all the while, and pretended they were going to work hard to get the vaccines to be used to save our lives from the Covid the created.

(Video clip: Chronicles of prophecy.. where they lied that fully vaccinated people would not get infected) 
They all lied when they told you that if you got vaccinated, you won't have COVID. 
All of them still got Covid after getting vaccinated. 
They tricked many into getting the vaccine and many are injured from the vaccines. They've been trying to hide the information. 
They are still propagating their vaccine message to the world.
There's the deception! Jesus said it. 
He told us what kind of a world that it would be.

Matthew 24:11-12
Iniquity shall abound. There will be so much evil, wickedness and corruption. Many will be tempted to do wrong. Many will even lose their faith.

There is a reason why we cannot sit by and allow the kind of things they want us to have in our world. 
Jesus told us about the Antichrist that will come. 
The apostles told us about the Antichrist 
The prophets of old told us about the Antichrist 
And they told us about what point in time 
Jesus said the days of the antichrist would be restricted/limited. 

Daniel 8:25- TLB, NLT, MSG, 
Have you heard of Mayors and Governors that have been described as being soft on Crime? They take severe actions on those who do right and set criminals free. That's an antichrist spirit. 
So how can the antichrist gain more time since he will not be allowed to extend his time?
Daniel 7:25
In his days He shall wear out the saints of the most his days; For three and half years. 
If the devil is going to have more time, he will have to start earlier. 
And that's what he is trying to do because the end is near. 

According to scriptures, there is a period called the church age, and immediately after the church age,the Antichrist reign will begin.
Especially in the second three and half years.
When you follow the scripture timeline, we are approaching the terminal point of the church age, before that seven year period of the antichrist will begin. 
But the antichrist wants to start during the church age. But that's our time 
But the Lord gave us power to retrain the forces of evil.

 (2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 ESV, KJV,  NIV
The day of the Lord is a day of judgement. That seven year period will be a time of Judgement. 
The first horse rider in the book of revelation is the antichrist. Judgement will not begin until the antichrist is revealed. 
He is called the man of lawlessness. The man of sin. 
He declares himself irreligious. He acts like he isn't into religion and many will believe that, but he will eventually declare himself to be God. He himself becomes an object of worship. He eventually does this in Jerusalem. He will set up his headquarters in Europe, then He will move from Europe to Jerusalem.
V6-7: He could have been made manifest ahead of time, but for the restraining power of the church. 
We must not let him come or do his thing before then, even though he is eager to. 
"Until he is taken out the way"... Until he is taken out of their midst.
That tells you about the church. 
It's about the rapture. .the church will be taken out of this world. 
Aren't you glad we have power to hold back and restrain evil?
That's how we retrained them in 2020 and we will continue to do so. 
Once we are taken out, there will be no restraint to evil
Make sure you are part of the first flight! when that trumpet sounds, we will check out of here 
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. 

Question: If those who already died are already in Heaven, why will they come out with their bodies at the rapture?
1 Thessalonians 4:14-
In Heaven, they are in the spirit. They don't have their physical bodies. But to function in this earth you need a physical body. 
When Jesus comes, they will come with him and they pick up their bodies from wherever their bodies where dissolved. 

Remember when Jesus arose from the dead, many bodies of the saints that slept years before Jesus, came out of their graves. There had been an earthquake when Jesus gave up the ghost. When Jesus arose, they came out of their graves. 

Remember their bodies had decomposed long time before. But it's never lost. They just expanded. Every single element came back. 
The dead were seen in the holy city until Christ ascended. 

The ascension was in two parts.
The first one was when he ascended in the garden.
The second was in the presence of his disciples in Bethany. 

Don't miss the first flight. You have to be prepared. Live for him. 

If we are the restrainers of evil, it helps you understand even better what the Bible says about Jesus and about us. 
John 9:5- Think of the confidence with which the Lord spoke. 
That's the way He wants us to think.
As long as we are here, we are the light of the world. 

Matthew 5:14
We are the light of the world
1 Thessalonians 5:5- This is addressed to the saints of God in Christ Jesus. 
If you are a child of light, what are you? Light. 
We light up everywhere when we show up.
That should be your consciousness. Don't hide. Don't be afraid or scared of evil and the workers of evil. Don't be afraid of them. Light repels darkness. They are afraid of you. They are afraid of truth. Men of truth don't fear lies. They are not afraid of others having the freedom to speak. Truth will always overpower lies. 
When you tell a lie, you always need more lies to sustain the lie. 

In some countries where they created bad laws... When there is a bad law it needs to be rejected and abrogated/abolished. But it takes people of courage. Man was not made for laws. Laws were made for man. So if a law is not right you have to reject and change it. 
When there is a law against free speech, it should be disallowed. 

In some countries, they say if you own a social media platform you will be held accountable for things that are said by any individual on that platform that is not right.

That is very foolish. 
Just recently, Senator Kennedy of the US was questioning the CEO of Facebook. 
He made a statement... "Platforms like yours are no longer just companies. They are like countries" (paraphrased)
In a sense, he was saying to Mark 'you are like the head of a country'.
They forced some of those platform owners to accept such a responsibility. 
Doesn't that mean by simple correlation, that the president and senators of countries should be held accountable for crimes committed in their countries? But it's not right
If that is not good, then that law is bad. It is unjust to hold the owners of the platforms responsible for the things said on their platforms. 
It must not be accepted. No one should take it lightly. 
Free speech should be free even when you don't like it.
God allows men to say anything. 

In Genesis, Cain killed his brother, Abel. When God asked Cain "where is your brother"? He said "am I my brothers keeper"? 
God didn't kill him. He engaged dialogue. 
You respond to words with words. 

The war against free speech is a pretense. A clandestine effort to make the narrative of one sided the dominant voice...for one reason only: Totalitarianism. Only despots do that. 
Satan pushes leaders do to that. It's Satanic. It must not be allowed or continue.

Saints of God, pray against these things.
They have no clue what they are doing
What's happening in Australia, UK, Ireland, France is not good. . This is a manifestation of Satan. Pray in the churches. 
There is nothing that God cannot help you with. Those laws must be overthrown. You cannot allow yourself to live in fear. It's not okay. 
All of us who are adults were born into a world that many others fought tyrants to get free speech. We are heirs of a free world. What are you going to bequeath to your children? A world of darkness? A world of fear?
Don't accept or allow it. 

Even those who are in power, you have to remind yourself, you will not always be there. Use your power to cancel and fight those evil laws. Don't allow those things.

We need to be wise, take action and d not just think that the evil will not come to you (remember the Holocaust)
There were perpetrators, collaborators and enablers. Sometimes the collaborators and enablers do not realize what they are doing. 
Look at your actions and your words. Are you enabling things?
First is the mockery... Then follows the murders.. 

In Tacitus's writings, he gave a description of what happened in the days of Emperor Nero after the great fire of Rome. 
He describes how Christians were mocked. The mockery and the murders went together. The most inhumane treatment that Rome ever saw. 

We must be very careful. While we can, we must do what the spirit of God wants us to do. God hears and answers prayers. Our prayers are not just mere religious prayers. 

Pray for the nations of the world that the leaders will not Cave in to these religious manipulation trying to rob the people of their free will. When you lose your free speech, you lose your free will. 
This deception with the vaccines, we cut them off in the name of the Lord Jesus. 
This evil effort to vaccinate people that do not need to be vaccinated.
There is no scientific evidence that absolutely describes that Vaccines ever worked. 
Vaccines are based on the premise that a healthy person prevents a disease by introducing a disease into him
How in the world did people ever fall for that foolishness?.
They say that if you introduced a weakend version of the disease into a healthy person, the person's immunity would be activated against the disease.
But that's how they introduced sickness into chickens bodies.

It was all a means of population control but no one believed it. There was no polio until the polio vaccine was introduced. 
Now they want to bring Malaria Vaccine and vaccines to prevent cervical cancer. 
It's a lie. They are introducing the sickness into the people
That's how the lied about Covid. It became the pandemic of the vaccinated. 
From the very beginning, it's been a fraud
 The perpetrators of vaccines are the descendants of those same perpetrators in the early 1900s. 
It was always a deception. 
They use money for bribery and corruption. 
They lobby leaders with money 

(Prayer session)

#YourLoveWorld #PastorChris


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