Stop complaining! If you approach life complaining about what you don't have or complaining about what’s missing then you’ll be dissatisfied. Satisfaction comes from knowing that things can always be improved but at the same time appreciating what is right in your life, right now. When you complain too much, you carry an air of defeat around you that is very difficult to remove. You're even defeated before you start out anything because of the mental construction of your mind. What did David need to neutralize Goliath? Just one stone! He didn't need the armies of Israel. He carried a consciousness of the One that's with him. Don't think inadequate. Carry an air, an atmosphere of the supernatural, that's a possibility consciousness every where you go. All you have is all you need. The answer you seek is inside you, because success is inside you. Bring it forth with your words.
Happy new month blessed one, welcome to July the month of JOY.
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