_The life you see this very moment isn't necessarily the life of your future. You might be viewing things through the eyes of your fears, limitations and false assumptions. If you are going to have a more glorious future, you must do something about the present. Behind every successful person, there's God! Small wins matter. Track your small wins for they motivate greater accomplishments. Sometimes, we face “the tyranny of the urgent”, but ensure that the things that truly count never get sacrificed for those seemingly pressing but unimportant ones. Refuse to major in the minor things of life. Your thoughts are the prophecies of your future. While your mouth is the control room of your life. Focus on improving yourself, not on proving yourself._
- Attended Edo College for primary and secondary education. - Studied Architecture at Ambrose Ali University (formerly known as Bendel State University) on a scholarship. - Graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. - Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Benson Idahosa University. - Honorary Doctor of Science from Ambrose Alli University (AAU). - Honorary Doctor of Science from Igbinedion University (now known as Igbinedion University), Okada, Edo State, which also features a teaching hospital renamed after him. - Recently conferred as the university Chancellor and Head of Government/Chairman of Weldios University in the Republic of Benin. - Recognized as a Professor of theology and divinity due to his contributions to the field of theology and his leadership of Christ Embassy and Loveworld Incorporated. - He is a prolific writer and author who has written hundreds of books and devotionals, including the Rhapsody of Realities. - His sermons, prayers, and thoughtful re...
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