If you focus on who you are not, you will lose focus on who you are. Your life has a beautiful blueprint from God's Word. If you always think you need to be someone else you will never get to a level of knowing yourself and discovering your potential. You will always find someone better than you at something but you will never find anyone better than you at being you. There is nothing as interesting as being you. There are others who try to be others until they lose themselves in the process.
You are a unique seed! The power of a seed is not in its size but in the quality of its product. Remember, the fruits come from the seed. Good things come from within, the seed germinates from within. For growth to be realized, it has to be from within you. If you are looking for greatness outside there, then you are looking at the wrong direction. When you discover the greatness inside of you, it will attract the greatness outside.
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