*_"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" (James 1:2)._*
I've heard some ministers say, *"I don't like criticism at all."* If you're in that group, it means you're not yet ready for the real work; the miraculous. The moment miracles start in your ministry, you'll start hearing things like, *"Hmmn! Who does he think he is?"* *"Where does he get his power?"* *"The miracles are fake!"*
Show me a man who has enemies and I'll show you a successful man. A hard statement, but a true one nonetheless! Nobody needs to announce you when you don't amount to a heap of beans. Nobody will criticize you when your car is smoking like a chimney all over town. The reason they don't criticize you is because they haven't noticed you. When they notice you, they'll criticize you for sure!
So when the people around you say nasty things about you, don't be angry or mad at them, don't even reply your critics. Just smile! God has made you a city that's set upon a hill; you cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14). He wants to display you for all the world to see.
It's not necessary to run from criticism. Besides, you wouldn't be the first to be criticised. Remember that David was criticized by his brothers after he was anointed by Samuel. Eliab, his eldest brother criticized him when he showed up at the war front, but David was unperturbed by his criticism. By this attitude he was able to fulfil his destiny by killing Goliath (1 Samuel 17:42-50). Even the Lord Jesus was criticized by the scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees because of His miracles. So you see, you shouldn't worry about about your critics neither should you be disturbed that you're the devil's target. It's at that point that God becomes your Jehovah Nissi - The Lord your Banner. *Hallelujah!* Right in the midst of the problem you can say like David, *_"...now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me..."_* (Psalm 27:6). Count it all joy for you're a victor at every count.
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