There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." (ROMANS 8:1).
The word translated 'condemnation' in this verse of Scripture also means Judgement.' So we can read it thus: "There is therefore now no judgement to them which are in Christ Jesus." Judgement is a part and of God's programme even though some folks don't think so. The Bible clearly reveals two main judgements for sinners. The first one took place when the Lord Jesus was judged for the sins of mankind on the cross of Calvary, and the second will take place on the judgement day, before the great white throne. Sadly, most folks are only familiar with the latter.
According to Romans 8:1, a man doesn't have to face the second judgement. He can obtain God's righteousness by faith in the first judgement. Jesus became the sacrifice for our sin on the cross of Calvary and He paid the penalty by His death (Galatians 3:13-14).
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Thank God He didn't remain in the grave. He resurrected on the third day! Therefore, as many as believe in Him are justified from every sin. What's more, what we have is more than remission of sins; we now have a new nature. So you see, we have every reason to celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah!
Today, Jesus is sitting on the throne of grace calling all men to accept what He did for them. Now, every man can boldly come before the throne of grace to obtain mercy (Hebrews 4:16). But someday not too far away, that throne of grace will become the throne of judgement where the entire world would be judged according to their works. It's our responsibility to announce to the world that the price has been paid already for their redemption as there will be no place for repentance on the Day of Judgment.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 4:25; Jude 1:14-15
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