_Negative people are only happy when they bring you down to their level. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. Don’t ever let anyone bring you down, define who you are or destroy your awesomeness. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Whoever is trying to bring you down , is already below you. Do not be lured by the need to be liked: better to be respected, even feared. Being fully who you are is the only way to find your people. Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, they’re behind you for a reason. You don’t need to dull your shine for anyone. Let them wead..
- Attended Edo College for primary and secondary education. - Studied Architecture at Ambrose Ali University (formerly known as Bendel State University) on a scholarship. - Graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. - Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Benson Idahosa University. - Honorary Doctor of Science from Ambrose Alli University (AAU). - Honorary Doctor of Science from Igbinedion University (now known as Igbinedion University), Okada, Edo State, which also features a teaching hospital renamed after him. - Recently conferred as the university Chancellor and Head of Government/Chairman of Weldios University in the Republic of Benin. - Recognized as a Professor of theology and divinity due to his contributions to the field of theology and his leadership of Christ Embassy and Loveworld Incorporated. - He is a prolific writer and author who has written hundreds of books and devotionals, including the Rhapsody of Realities. - His sermons, prayers, and thoughtful re...
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