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_17TH APRIL 2023_


I want to welcome you today to Season 7, Phase 3. 
I'm not sure if when we got started any of us thought we would get to season 7. And each one has had several phases..
When are we going to stop?
You know we didn't plan this at all. 
But it was God's plan. He knew we needed it. 

Some thoughts coming to my mind tonight from Luke 23:33
V34 gets my attention
Read v33-34 in the NIV.
They condemned a righteous man to death, but on the cross, Jesus said "they don't know what they are doing".

I'm thinking. As of now, how many leaders of government and state officials don't know what they are doing? They need God's forgiveness.
Think about nations destroying their own future with borrowing money that they can never pay. They borrow money from the IMF without even reading the conditionalities and policies of the IMF. They have no idea what they are doing

Historically, do we know nations that have been helped by the IMF that came out of their indebtedness?
It's like the United States freedom interventions. (Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan). Which of those nations, after they were visited by the United States became peaceful and prosperous? 
Historically, there is none.
They don't know what they are doing.

Jesus was right. They had no clue what they were doing (Herod, Pilate)

If you know when major policies are being enacted, you want to know if they are good or bad. You don't listen to the sweet talk of politicians. 

David was motivated by Satan to do what he did and he had no clue.
You can tell from the scriptures whether or not something is godly or satanic. Once the inspired word of God(truth) can guide us. 

E.g. The war against fossil fuel and the claims about saving the planet; Where a group of pseudoscientists (who say 'folow the science but never follow the science..who have lost the true definition of science) have connived with a audicious Plutocratic oligarchs supported by mendacious media creating instability in the world. 

It's another subterfuge. They say "fossil fuel" and you are thinking dead plants and animals of long ago...but that's not their thinking. 
Fossil means "Obtained by digging"
So they have a scientific definition for the chemistry guy in the classroom who's always been fooled. 
They say "Fuel", and you're thinking of hydrogen and carbon. But they are thinking about anything that helps you to be you.
That's why they are coming for your water. 
Better thank God for rain that they can't stop.

A couple of weeks ago, something happened
The UN sec general in his message on "World water day", 
They don't like those places where people are free. They hate freedom.
They talk about polluting the soil..and that we are draining the water. 

Those in Sub-saharan Africa need to get water from streams, rivers, have boreholes... They are strong and they try to make the best of their terrible situation. I said they would try to outlaw those things. 

They came to Abuja of Nigeria to have World water day. They have a plan to control water supply. 
He told them in a few words that water was fuel. 
Why do they want to control the water? Because they want to sell to you what God gave to you free. 

They hate free speech. To them, our free speech has expired and is revocable. 
It's ridiculous. 
We are witnessing from different sides, a diabolical convergence of business, politics and religion under the dragon of Revelation 13..
Rev 13: 1-2
Rev 12:9 (Global deception). That's the one that gave the beast his power/seat of authority. 

We are looking at this convergence of business (private public partnership), religion (they are following Albert Pikes recommendation who stated that Free Masonry is a religion)-
All these you see today: Pushing the LGBTQ, hedonistic ideas to schools, atheism not because they love them, they are using them. Then finally, Lucifer will be unveiled to the world as the true God. (They don't like to call him Satan. Satanism is heresy to them in Free Masonry). The deceiver has deceived them.

(Documentary: Agenda 2030)

Sometime last year, we were having YLWS. A day or two before, Biden had announced the new world order but we cancelled it. Now the world is even more polarized. 

"All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order": David Rockefeller.

The crisis would be manufactured. 
George W Bush speaks of a new world order where the world will be governed, not by the law of the Jungle, but the laws of a credible U N.

These are masters of the art of deception.

Prov.11.21 - Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.

You heard the "Build back better". What are they building back better?
It's the unfinished pyramid.
Gen 11:4-8 (The tower of Babel)
They were already building the tower before God confounded their languages. The work was left undone. 
Why did they want to build to heaven? They had no clue what was up there.
They would have never gotten there...but God stopped them in his love.
They were not the first generation of humans. They knew about them but rejected his word.

Today, the United Nations building in Brussels has the sign of the Uncompleted work. 
Satanism is the enthronement of Satan as their God. 
The Building was deliberately designed like that. It is is symbolic of the Uncompleted work of the pyramid.

They say they want to build back better..but it's not their country that they are trying to build back better. It's their original satanic work. 
A lot of them are reading speeches, recording and saying things they are supposed to say... They don't know what they are doing. (Biden has goofed several times exposing this)

Except we are prayerful....
You don't want to be led by someone who is blind, but by someone who knows what he is doing
Remember, this is man's world and God intervened upon invitation.

Ezekiel 4:16-17 KJV, AMPC (they will ration food and water). This is a result of judgement. It's a punishment because of sin. 

But God offered Jesus for the sins of the world. Only Satan punishes people who have already been punished because he is trying to destroy them.
God is not interested in rationing your food and water because it is a punishment for sin

Since Jesus has taken the punishment for sin, anyone doing that to you is wrong.

They are trying to blame it on Climate change..... Yet they don't want to attend debates with people....they want to enforce these things that's why there is a war on misinformation while they are commiting disinformation (the real crime which they alone commit)
It's often the man/woman in power that perpetrates disinformation. It's government disinformation that people suffer from.
These guys want to have a patent on truth. 
They want to be the only ones with the right over truth.
How can lying men and women be given the right to be truth police. 

The president of the USA has repeatedly made false statements, yet his government was setting up a truth police office. We prayed and that thing was cancelled. 

Guterez said "We must make lying wrong again". But the United Nations didn't tell the truth during Covid and Gutterez was there making these lying statements. 

When you fail to recognize the gift that God has given you: Free speech is God given
It's not a gift by the state and therefore cannot be revoked by the state.
We have some inalienable rights and the power to speak your mind freely is one of them. It's irrevocable.
That's why you were given a mind. 
What if what you say is wrong? Yes, it's got to be proven wrong. 
Who decides what is wrong? Sometimes, it's outside the scope of the law. Free speech is a human right. As simple as that. It's not a gift of the state.

Acts 17:24-26 KJV, TLB l, NIV, AMPC
This is really wonderful. 
God planned their periods, eras and boundaries.
So, our Job is to know what God has planned so we walk in sync with God.

In this earth, he gave us the name of Jesus Christ with which to live our lives and direct the course of our world. 
God holds us responsible for the direction of our world. As a child of God, you must understand that you have a role to play. 

In our first Global day of prayer, I was saying, "we take our cities back. We take our streets back..etc"
And we did. 

What time is it in God's Calendar? What's supposed to be happening?
Jeremiah 1:1-10
V10- So, there was a time in History when God said these words to Somebody!!!
Make no mistakes about it. God hasn't changed. He was expecting Jeremiah to utter words. A prophet uses words. 

Hebrews 11:2-3
God put his words in the mouth of these elders and they framed their times. 

That in a nutshell is what the YLWS has really been about. I give you words so you can use them and chary your course in life. 
The current era in God's Calendar is the Church Age.
During this period, God gave no man or nations or entities, the absolute right of government of the world. 

There have been different world orders, but the last one was Rome. After Rome, another one will come, which will be the days of the antichrist. But between fallen Rome and the antichrist is the church. The name of Jesus Christ has been given authority over all nations.
".... And the Government shall be upon his shoulder."
Jesus is the head of the church and his body is the church.
(Isa 9:6-7
Of the increase of his government and peace....there shall be no end 

His government will continue to Increase from Jerusalem, to Judea to Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 
Everywhere our message is received, our peace is there. 

Matthew 28:20
He told us to go and make students/pupils of the nations. 
We are not alone. 

Galatians 4:1-3
When we were children, we under bondage under the elements of the world.
As long as the church was nepios, it wasn't different from the rest. 
When you become the adopted son; when you come to office. When you have matured to that are no longer pushed this and that way just because somebody said something. (You won't just run and hide because of Covid)
When they say, they will cease your water and lands, You will utter words that they cannot reverse. 

The WHO and the UN think they are running this world. But they cannot dictate what happens in this world. 
They used to, when we were children...but we have since grown up.

Romans 12: 2
That you may prove...m to scrutinize like a customs officer...making sure that only the right things pass through. 
If it is good, acceptable and perfect within the confined of God's will, you let it pass.
But if it fails the test, we kill it. 

(Remember Monkey Pox. We killed it. It gained no traction)

Do not sleep. Jesus told us to watch. 
If we were not watching, they would have changed a lot. 
No matter what you do, work but have your weapons like in the days of Nehemiah.
Jesus told us We are porters. Watch ye therefore. Watch and pray. 

One of the best ways to watch is by praying in tongues. The holy ghost will help you see and know. 
It's not just by listening to news. 
The holy spirit can enlighten you.
Be alert, praying in the spirit and you'll find that you've taken over your city, state and country by the power of the holy ghost.
We must keep praying and rejoicing in our victories. Nothing stopping us. 
We have been given the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

2 Chronicles 15:1-8NIV
V5-6- that's the kind of world they want us to have. 
V8: Asa took courage after the prophet spoke to him.

In walking in God's light, you can have peace that passes all human understanding.
No matter what the world sees, be anxious for nothing. Make your requests known to God and live with real peace with victory in your spirit 
Refuse to be worried or moved by the things happening around you.
We live in victory everyday.


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