_You’ll only make progress when you get the courage to step outside of your comfort zone. The past is just a lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation. The transformation might not happen overnight. But small, daily changes will still get you to wherever you want to be. You were born with the power to change your life. Once you realize that, the whole game will change. Doors are closed for a reason. Find a new door, find a window, climb a wall. Your options are limitless if your desire is endless. You know those big dreams you have? The universe put them into your heart for a reason. If you want something you never had, you have to do the things you’ve never done. Train your mind to see solutions, not the problems. Your destiny is so beautiful. Have faith in it and in yourself._
#Welcome to the month of October
#The Month Of Insight
#The Kings Nation
#Pastor Chris Generation.
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