Sit down and make your life worth-while, spice it up with God's Word. If you don't starve your past, it'll keep drawing you back! There's no joy in living your whole life on the ground because of the mistake of the past; there's no passion to be found playing small; in settling for a life that is less than the one you 're capable of living. Stop short-changing your life.
God has designed you for something greater but He wants your thinking to be in sync with His thoughts towards you. The best way to guard your mind is to fill it with God's precious thoughts towards you. Refuse to allow others discourage you, for you 're so much better than this. Don't give up or reduce your relationship with God to accommodate and please people who don't care about you as much as God does. If a man makes you, a man can "unmake" you if you offend him or he's not pleased with you anymore, but if God makes you, you are irreversibly made for life.
#Welcome to the month of November
#The Month Of Increase
#The Kings Nation
#Pastor Chris Generation.
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