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One of my favourite activities is a habit that Pastor Chris sowed and nurtured in us (cec members) in our formative years. 

Till this day, I find myself doing it regularly

This habit is reading and studying bible characters.

There's so much to 

1. Enjoy 

2. Learn 

3. Pray

4. Emulate 

Whenever I study a bible character

For example, Samson was such a feelings ruled person. 

He always always did whatever he felt like doing.

He didn't have principles. 

And he exemplifies the gifted and talented person who is ruled by his feelings. 

Attractions. Sex. Hunger. Whatever he felt like, he did it. 

I read about Samson in my 20s. I learned that talent without discipline will not produce success. 

Discipline involves setting rules for yourself and doing the rules even when no one is watching.

Many prophecies have been wrecked by the lack of character ie fruit of the spirit.

Make your bed.

Clean your room.

Brush your teeth. 

Wear clean clothes only.

Wear fresh clothes only.

Wear clean underwear even though only can see them.

Wear clean bras only.

Wear clean singlets/vests.

Wear clean underpants. 

Wear fresh underpants. 

Wear clean socks.

Wear fresh socks.

Clean your wig. 

Change your hairstyle b4 it begins to itch you.

Stop scratching your head with a comb. Wash it.

Stop slapping your head.

Do things not because you feel like it. Do things because they're what should be done

Don't stop because you're tired.

Only stop because it's finished. 

Be done because it's done.

Little disciplines like dressing your bed when you wake up.

Cleaning your room. 

Cleaning your bathroom everyday. 

Washing your underwear daily. 

Little disciplines like these will make you consistent in the ensuring that big deals are done

Big deals like praying. 

Reading your bible. 

Avoiding lazy people etc

Many people don't realise the importance of praying daily. In tongues. At least a cumulative total of 30 minutes daily. May 2 sessions of 15 minutes each. 

Disciplined consistent speaking in tongues.

Long ago I noticed that the greater number of world changers in scriptures were singles.






Of course, our Lord Himself, Jesus the Christ

It make me think marriage is wrong but it made me realise that marriage wasn't and isn't a step up in levels. 

Marriage is only a different kind of living that must not distract or extinguish my world changing vision and life

Samson was meant to change his world but a zest for sex; an unbridled desire for sex curtailed his life

Samson was blind by choice before he became blind by force.

Romans 8:5

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

Romans 8:6

For to be CARNALLY MINDED is DEATH; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace

Romans 8:7

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

Romans 8:8

So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

What is it to be CARNALLY minded?

To understand it, you have to understand the meaning of carnal. 

It means relating to the physical feelings and needs of the body

So be carnally minded means to prioritise the physical feelings and needs of the body.

Note that it's the physical feelings b4 the physicalneeds. 

Every thing begins with feelings. 

Hunger. Crying. Sex. Inferiority etc it begins with feelings.

The carnal mind prioritises the satisfaction of these feelings above all else.

That was Samson.

Note the scriptures say the carnal mind is an enemy of God. 

Why would you, a born again tongues talking inspired saint, choose or yield to be an enemy of God?

How does that happen?

The carnally minded saint cannot be subject to the law of God. 

Which law?

The law of life.

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from death and the law of sin

So the carnally minded saint, though he/she has eternal life, shall die

What's the way forward?

We must live our lives in the way that Samson never did.

Colossians 3:5

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

Romans 8:13

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall DIE: but if ye through the Spirit do MORTIFY the deeds of the body, ye shall LIVE.

What is Mortify?

Yes. Yes.

The original meaning is to put to death. To kill

The way anything dies is to cut off the supply or source of what gives it life

A mortician is someone who preps a corpse (a mortified body) for interment ceremonies and burial

To mortify your body and it's passions is to cut off the source and supply of life to those passions






The social media platform that provides all these to you in one place eg Twitter/WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram etc 




TV shows 

Anything that is the supply, cut it off.

Also, and very importantly, do something when such urges come eg watch a message; speak in tongues fervently; listen to a message. 

Whatever, do a spiritual activity. Speak to yourself affirming who controls you. 

Say what you do or what you will do.

Please. Remember. Keep in your mind this:

Victory is certain. 

But be consistent. 

If you fail, don't berate yourself. 

Celebrate your victories. 

If you succeed for 12 hours and miss it, Celebrate the 12 hours. Ignore the miss. Celebrate the victory. Amplify your victories over your mistakes.

Go for one day at a time.

Live holy one day at a time but everyday.

Pray in tongues with daily goals. Just ensure you meet your goals for the 24 hours. Don't worry about tomorrow. Just live today.

I could go on and on. But I have to stop here.

If you seek to get married, it's a good thing. 

But don't ruin your life because of it.

Celebrate being single. 

It's a terrific period of your life. 

Enjoy it.

Embrace it.

Don't ruin it with sex and relationships. 

Don't ruin it with experimenting with non-penetrative sex acts while consoling yourselves that it wasn't sex. There's fornication. 

There's also inordinate affection, uncleanness, evil concupiscence, lasciviousness. 

Go and study these words and their meanings.

God bless you. 

Study the scriptures that I've shared with you.


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