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"Train Up A Child πŸ“ŒπŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦

The phrase "Train up a child in the way he should go" is a well-known biblical proverb found in the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the Bible. The full verse, Proverbs 22:6 (KJV), reads:

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

This proverb emphasizes the importance of guiding and teaching children in a manner that aligns with their individual inclinations(preference, tendency) and needs. It suggests that by providing appropriate instruction and nurturing, children are more likely to follow a positive and righteous path throughout their lives.

Here's an explanation of the proverb:

"Train up a child": This implies that parents, caregivers, and mentors have a crucial role in shaping a child's character, behaviour, and values through education and guidance.

"in the way he should go": This part underscores the idea that each child is unique and may have their own distinct talents, interests, and tendencies. Therefore, the guidance provided should be tailored to their specific needs and inclinations.

"and when he is old, he will not depart from it": The proverb suggests that when children receive appropriate training and guidance that aligns with their nature and needs, they are more likely to carry these values and principles with them into adulthood.

In essence, this proverb emphasizes the importance of personalized and thoughtful upbringing, recognizing the individuality of each child, and guiding them in a way that nurtures their character and values. The ultimate goal is to help them grow into responsible, virtuous adults who continue to follow the right path throughout their lives.

Here are 10 Parenting Tips to help train your child:

1. Try not to leave your child alone at home while attending a place of worship. Involve them in your daily devotion with God. Let them participate. Study with them, and make them understand what you are doing. Failing to do this could inadvertently send the message that spirituality is unimportant.

2. Avoid automatically siding with your child in conflicts with others, whether they involve neighbours, teachers, or authorities. This can fuel the belief that they are infallible while everyone else is to blame.

3. Refrain from constantly cleaning up after your child's messes. Doing so might instill the idea that others are responsible for their actions.

4. Be cautious about what your child watches on television. Exposure to unsuitable content can blur the distinction between childhood and adulthood in their perception.

5. Don't readily hand over money whenever your child requests it. This could give them a negative impression about how money is generated, and might even encourage dishonesty. Use wisdom.

6. Refrain from granting your child every desire they express. This can lead them to believe they are entitled to everything they want.

7. Resist the temptation to laugh when your child uses disrespectful language. Normalizing such behaviour can make them perceive disrespect as a form of entertainment.

8. Don't turn a blind eye to misbehaviour without addressing it. Ignoring bad behaviour may lead them to believe there are no societal rules. 

9. Refrain from speaking ill of family members or your spouse, as it can teach your child to cause harm and accept conflict as a norm.

10. Don't set the example that ignoring those in need is acceptable. Instead, impart the values of grace and kindness.

To simplify matters, train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

@Princessa Joyce

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