December is the month of Thanksgiving and it is important for us to recognize what God wants us to do. Did you know that He actually wants us to live a life of thanksgiving?
It's one of the ways to be in perfect health, absolute health. Don't let anyone deceive you that nobody can be perfectly healthy
Colossians 1:10-12
Being fruitful in every good work is an excellent life. A true Christian life is worthy of the Lord, pleasing to the Lord, fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
No matter what you are going through, you can be patient with endurance and at the same time with joyfulness.
He doesn't want you going through some kind of situation without joy.
He wants your life to be a life of thanksgiving. I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saint in light and part of that inheritance is the divine life which comes with divine health.
So begin this month to live a life of thanksgiving, so when you get into January it's still thanksgiving.
I am living a life of thanksgiving, I am giving thanks to God always for all things.
Colossians 1:13-14
I live in God's kingdom now, that's my life; it's got to be your consciousness.
It's God's will for you to be in health. 3John 1:2
Your soul is prospering through the Word of God and the Spirit of God.
God wants us to be in health, so it's not true like some people say that God use sickness to tempt us or test us, He doesn't use Satan's tools to test us.
James 1:13
Sickness doesn't come from God in any form
Acts 10:38, Acts 3:15
Matthew 10:8
When you heal the sick you're giving them healing, when you cleanse the lepers you're bringing them freedom from leprosy.
James 1:4, Romans 8:2, 10-11,
Hebrews 13:15 AMPC
How do you pray, what words do you say to Him? That's why we study the scripture, we look at what the prophets say, what did Jesus say, what did the Apostles say, what's written for us in the New Testament, how are we to express ourselves to God, what do we say when we talk to Him?
#Happy New Month.
#Welcome to the month of December
#The Month Of Thanksgiving
#The Kings Nation
#Pastor Chris Generation.
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