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Dictionary Definitions of Redemption:

Make amends for.

Obtain the release of something from captivity by paying the ransom.

To turn in vouchers coupons for actual value.

To release from blame or debt. 

*Let’s look at the  4 important definitions of redemption that are relevant to our discussion for this year.*


Jesus paid the redeeming sacrifice for everyone and that's what the Gospel is about- salvation for man's soul/spirit. In this salvation, He took away sins and gave us something. A lot of times, we talk of what He took away (sin, condemnation). Most people don't mention what He gave.*

*The death of Jesus was only a means to an end; it was not God’s ultimate plan.*

*His death settled the debt, satisfying the claims of justice for all men. But there was much more. Christianity does not begin with the death of Jesus but with His resurrection. Until a man believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he cannot be saved.*

*When Jesus died, he died in our place. He was crucified in the place of sinners. He paid the penalty for sin. Because He paid, you don't have to pay again. There is no such thing as penance.*

*No man could ever pay for his sin. Imagine that you were owing a debt  but you couldn't pay, then another man comes to pay your debt for you.*

*So you paid, even though you didn't pay by yourself. That’s what the death of Jesus did.*

*His resurrection did something completely different from His death. Through His resurrection, He brought us justification.* 

*This means to be acquitted or declared not guilty. The payment for sins does not make you justified. In Justification, you are said to be without guilt. You are discharged and acquitted.*


*Because the resurrection gave you a new life. It made you a new creature; one that never existed before. That's why you are justified.*

*You are not the same man who committed the sin that was remitted. His resurrection gave you a new nature. That's what it means to be born again. The death of Jesus Christ brought a certain kind of blessing- remission of sins; while the resurrection of Jesus Christ brought us justification and eternal life.*

(Study Romans Chapter 5) 

2. TO TURN IN VOUCHERS OR COUPONS FOR ACTUAL VALUE: Did you know the scriptures that talk of Jesus’s vicarious death, resurrection, ascension and consequent priesthood are vouchers/coupons for redemption? By faith you take these vouchers and present them for the actual values. When you trust the reality of these things and make a confession of them, eternal life and all the unfathomable  blessings of salvation become real to your spirit.

3. TO RELEASE FROM DEBT OR BONDAGE: Today's feudal masters must release their serfs. There are feudal nations and organizations that are holding others in bondage today and claiming debts that are unjustified. They must let them go. If not, in this 2024 this shall be as a plague, harassment, and restlessness to the nations and organizations who have become feudal masters and turned the others to serfs. It’s been far too long, there has to be a change.

4. TO EXTRICATE ONESELF FROM SOMETHING THAT’S DETRIMENTAL: Individuals and nations who have found themselves in illegitimate debts and wicked bondage must extricate themselves from these detrimental associations and treaties. I speak to African, Asian and South American nations. You must now extricate yourselves and come out of this bondage. It takes boldness, leadership and decisiveness. It’s time to say no more! Don't wait for government because sometimes, the government may not speak for you.

Let me give you an idea: Sue the government for making those payments and sue those who are claiming those payments. Sue with proof that the debts are illegal. Get good lawyers.You will win for your country, organization, yourself and your future. So many countries are in abject poverty today because of this.Wake up! There are answers.

Youth Organizations, don’t mortgage your future, become bold. Try doing what I have told you, because many have never tried it. There is more than enough proof that the debts that are being claimed from Africa, Asia, Central America and South America don't have to be paid.

They have been overpaid and it's time for redemption. God is saying to those holding them: let my people go! This is a year that will bring sudden changes. You cannot fear your adversaries. If you do, you will empower them. Your adversaries are not God therefore do not fear them. Your adversaries are not as strong as you think. In fact, they are weak.







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