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*Documentary on the Hoax of Malaria Vaccines*

When you understand the African policy of the United States as clearly stated by Henry Kissinger,the former secretary of State, you'd see that it was a policy of population reduction.

It is America's policy for Africa...which means, whatever food they endorse, send or sponsor to Africa, Whatever drink and whatever is in their national interest of drastically cutting down population in Africa to "near zero". 

(Video play out of a member of British Parliament about the WHO and their plans to strategically take over the nations of the world- The Pandemic Treaty/Accord)

The WHO wants to have the absolute power to decide what is misinformation. They want to assume the power of the Truth police. On suspicion of what they think is a health Crisis, Mr. Tedros can shut down your country. 

The WHO cannot and should not be given such authority. The nations will lose their sovereignty.

For the financing of the WHO, all the nations contribute only 40%. the  rest of it comes from clandestine organizations. 

(Healing Streams Video Play out)


Ezekiel 37:1-

"valley" is described as a plain. 

In the spirit, the Prophet Ezekiel was made to move around this wide Valley full of dry bones. 

These dry bones became corpses when he prophesied to the bones. .

V5-6 : Look at the content of the prophecy.

V8: There was still no breath in them

V9: He was told to prophesy the second part of it. 

The same word for breath is the same for wind or spirit. 


V11: The bones were symbolic for the whole house of Israel. 

V12-14 : He is going to bring them back from Captivity into the Land of Israel; What was seemingly a hopeless situation. 


He is using symbolisms here for the nations of Israel and Judah.

1Kings 13:1-5

This Prophet is prophesying to the Altar.

Prophecy is not only to people. 

About 300 years later was when this prophecy was fulfilled. 

They would have thought he was a false prophet. Different Kings came, died and left...

2 Kings 23:15-18

King Josiah had been born at this time. He became King at the age of 8. 

He fulfilled the prophecy exactly the way it was said...three centuries later. 

These are very significant stories because first you see he tells us about Ezekiel being in the spirit and being shown things.

The first is to see if in the spirit.

He is given words to speak .

And he speaks them in the spirit. 

In the Natural, he is told what he saw in the spirit and what that signified.

It is important to interprete correctly. 

He then prophesied to them, having done that in the spirit. 

The other one spoke to an inanimate altar as he was instructed, having seen so in the spirit. 

What we see here is the power of God's word in the mouth of his prophets. 

When we were watching the documentary a moment ago I was thinking what goes through the minds of many people. 

Sometimes they think of the insecurity of food and government policies..

We are not I. This world as Victims. 

God has put us here to keep the peace. We are to keep the world the way God wants it. 

There are others who have a bad Job of working with Satan to destroy the world. Our job is to give healing and blessings to the nations. 

I shared with you last time... "If they shall drink/assimilate/imbibe any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them". It is a sign of who you are. You are born again with the life and nature of God in you. 

There are a lot of Christians who don't know this and because they don't know this, they live as humans and suffer human experiences. 

This is why spiritual growth and upbringing is necessary. 

They have to grow and be trained in the life and nature of God. 

Like learning to crawl, walk...

You can't stay in a phase for too long. 

Suffering everything that humans suffer...

The stage comes when you MUST change. 

Growth... Where you DON'T GET SICK! Where is doesn't happen anymore. No Infection.

If you are not raised in the spiritual (the Pneumatica) how will you know it?.

There is a spiritual training that's necessary. 

(Participate in YLWS this week.. it's part of what God is bringing your way to help you grow and become Stalwarts. 

Nothing builds you up like God's word. 

Acts 20:32

The word delivers to you an inheritance. 

This month of May is the month of Prophecy. 

You are going to prophecy.

You will speak forth the word and it will come to pass. You will speak words about your family, your city, the heaven lies, your atmosphere. 

This month, you are going to prophesy.


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