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This is the month of June and every year for us it is the month of Prayer.  

I want to read some verses of the bible to you

John 14:12&13

Jesus is talking here.  

Its remarkable what he said here.  

Isaiah 53:1-6,10-11

The prophet is talking about Jesus Christ here.  

He prophesied many years  before Jesus Christ.  (About 700 years before fulfilment.) 

He spoke concerning the son of God who would come and take sinful mans place and be crucified. 


After his sacrifice for man, 

He shall see his seed... He shall prolong his days

The church,  the nodybof Christ,  is prophetically refered to here as "His seed" and that's wonderful. 

No wonder,  in listing the different generations,  He lists Christ as two generations.  One is the man Jesus himself and  the second is his seed; the church (the 13th and 14th generation from the carrying away into babylon) 

The  church carries on the works of Christ. 

V8: "Who shall declare his generation?"

He was cut off.  

That's  the reason he prolongs his days in verse 10 through the church. 

They thought they were done with him but it's  not over.  He multiplies himself throigh the church everywhere. 

John 14v12- 

We continue the works of Jesus. 

Acts 1: 1- 

What He began both to do and  teach,  we have continued both to do and teach. 

Prayer becomes our way of carrying on the works of the master.  Prayer for the church is not how to try to get what we want.  It is how we carry out Gods will. 

Whatever it is you can ever desire in this world, its provided for in Christ. 

What the Christian  ever needs is how to use the word to appropriate for himself whatever he requires.  Nothing to  cry or beg for.  

1 Corinthians 3:21-22

All things are yours.  Think about it.  That covers everything.  

The whole world is yours.  Things present... Things to come...  All are yours.  

Whether in this life or the one to come.  

Your life can be full of praise everyday.  

Don't  look at life from your experience.  Get your experience to conform to God's  word.  Learn God's  word.  Put the word of God to work.  

Your job is to make the word manifest in your life.  

2 Corinthians 4:6

Christ has shined in your heart.  Christ is in you now.  What's  he doing there? 

he is in you to make manifest the glory of God. . Everyday your life should be the manifestation of the  glory of God.  

Your life is for the out working of the glory of God.  You have this extraordinary power and glory in your life.  

There are too many who live life according to how they feel,  what information they received or how others perceive them.  

But no!  You are to live your life according to the knowledge given to you by God. 

How does God see it?  What's his opinion? 

He lets you see life from his perpective. 

What does God think or Know about that situation? 

You've got this amazing treasure in your life.  

V7: Did you know you have treasure in you? You have it right here.  In this physical body.  

His extraordinary glory and power is deposited in this body,  so that when it is manifested,  anybody can tell that this glory is not human.  It is beyond what the human body can  produce. 

My life is for the glory of God!!! 

(Read above verse in AMPC) 

Everyday of your life,  you can have the glory of God manifested.  You are living a life that is not human

I live a supernatural life.  

John 14:12-13

These are the Love works of the master. 

He is still working.  He is making things happen through us. . 

I'm not alone.  Christ is at work in me. 

V14: no special  clause.  If you ask ANYTHING in my name,  I will do it.  

Most people have never tried that.  They don't believe Jesus meant it.  

I believe he said what he meant and he meant what he said.  

John 16:23-

Referring to the day of the church.  

This is not a contradiction of what we just read.  

You cannot ask Jesus something  in the name of Jesus.  That's foolish prayer.  Its praying without thinking about what you are saying.  Such people don't get results.  

Here (John 14),  he is saying when you make a Demand in his name,  He will make it happen. 

I'm not alone.  Christ is at work in me. 

Acts 3: 2-8

This was the first miracle reported to us after Jesus left his disciples.  

We have to see what they did.   

Peter used the name of Jesus for a man who could not walk from birth.  

Acts 3:12-

Remember,  we have this treasure in earthen vessels.. That we will manifest it.  

V16: His name... Through faith in his name,  has made this man strong.  

He gave us his name to use in prayer.  In this special type of prayer,  you are not talking to God.  You are using his name.  

John 16:23

You give your lawyer the power of attorney to act on your behalf.  Not towards you,  but towards others.  Jesus gave us the power of attorney to function on his behalf. 

When you walk in live,  theres no chance that you would ask for something that's wrong.  

How could you be denied when you ask something in the name of Jesus ?  It's  not possible 

John 16:24

Don't apologize to your heavenly Father for asking.  He desires for you to ask.  The asking and the receiving go together. Ask and  receive it. Start acting like its done.  Start rejoicing cos its done.  

In our personal lives,  we have too many people,  especially  parents,  who dissapoint.  But not with God.  He never fails.  He never dissapoints.  

Don't  let your experience determine the circumstances of your relationship with Him.  Relate with him based on his word. 

There are people who are used to a life without much results.  Never accept that life.  A life that is just religion.  Put the word to work.  It works.  

Bible days are here...  They are not gone. I am living bible days.  

I am a success everyday.  

Everyday is my Day.  

When you wake up,  declare TODAY IS MY DAY. 

Be excited everyday.  

I always win!  No matter what,  its for good.  Its for my benefit.  I'm always moving forward  and upward.No


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