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Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips

Documentary: Depopulation By Design


Welcome to today's program. 

What you just watched is painful. To think that there are men and women in our world who have yielded themselves to satanic manipulations ignorantly. 

If they knew what they were doing, they would act differently. 

These are blind leaders of the blind. Jesus said they both will fall into the ditch 

The scriptures tell us clearly what they are doing.

Remember Jesus last few words on that Cross. He said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". The Romans and Jews were there. Their leaders and Priests...many of the people were there. They condemned him to death. They said "by our Law, he ought to die". They didn't commit any crime even by their law. But he was condemned to death and in dying he prayed to the Father for them.

Jesus said they didn't know what they were doing. And He was right. 

Ask yourself "How often and In what cases or occasions did our leaders not know what they were doing?". Many times. 

In connection with COVID 19 and it's associated strains and its development to mpox, they didn't know what they were doing. 

When they closed the offices and schools... They didn't know what they were doing.

When they happily received the vaccines pledging their sovereign assets for vaccines that neither prevented or cured... They didn't know what they were doing 

Through Covid, nations went into horrendous debt. There are businesses that will never return. The losses were gargantuan. 

They will never recover. Think about it. 

How often have they not know what they were doing?

And even now, with the pressure that many of them are facing to accept new vaccines. 

It's amazing that they even listen. 

Maybe amazing to the general public and uninformed in spiritual things ..but for us, it's not amazing. We know exactly what the problem is. 

Why anyone will listen to them as the advocate of the vaccines...with all the failures from 2020 to 2023, after making promises....

But because many were afraid of them, because these are people who have entrenched themselves in powerful positions so there are Presidents and monarchs that are afraid of them.

You are not supposed to be afraid of them. There's nothing in them

Because of fear, many are doing the things they are asking them to do. 

Just like the Devil who has been defeated a long time ago but there are people still afraid of the devil. 

The WEF for example.. through intimidation and fake stories, they got companies around the world to pay subscription to them. It's a form of Tax. The WEF is receiving taxes in reality. 

If those funds are not paid, then of course there are tacit consequences. 

We have to understand, a lot of the problems in many countries, are not coming from the leaders of those countries but from those that are oppressing them from Afar... especially from Europe...the WEF.

I have studied the WEF, it's history and activities carefully. This is one of the most atrocious organizations in the world. 

And of course, assisted by the UNO that's gone rogue. They don't like to be told these things, that why they hate free speech. 

They want to be able to tell lies and no one challenges them. They want us to accept only what they tell us. 

They gave us fake research and papers for the Vaccines and Covid and so on...

I don't think that many are aware that a lot of our so called scientists have been lying to us for years...and these are the people who want to police truth. 

Here is why God's people must stand strong. 

You have to know who you are in Christ Jesus.

You have to know what Jesus came to do.

Who is He?

The Bible says that he's been given a name by God that is greater than every name 

Greater than any title that could be given.

And all power and authority is subject to him.

That's why, no Christian should fear anyone. 

He said "Fear not_. He told you that anyone coming against you is defeated already. The day they position against you is the day they inherit their defeat 

In the video you were watching you heard Dennis Midos advocating for what he called "Smart Dictatorship". That's one of the dreams of the WEF. 

Smart homes, Smart cars and Smart dictatorship. 

That's like the devil saying to you "I'm going to be very nice to you".

It's not in his nature to be nice. He is not forgiving. He has no self restraint for evil. That's why God positioned us to restrain him

 Demons have no self restraint. You cannot plead with or negotiate with them.

When I say that these are Elitist Kleptocrats, I'm telling you the exact truth because nations have been robbed. 

Fake vaccines. The vaccines produced nothing. They don't cure, they don't prevent. 

They don't prevent the infection or the spread. So why the vaccines then? That means there is a different agenda. 

There are Injuries and deaths by the Vaccines and these are all on record. 

You heard what they told you in that video. 

They happily announced that they had solution for the population problem.

That's quite interesting.

When you learn God's word, you are made strong for these days. 

Jesus said "Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold$. 

He told you there would be so much wickedness. He also warned if deception. 

If you don't know the truth (Christ), you will be deceived. 

Jesus said I am the way, the truth and life. 

As a share God's word with you, you will be energized. God's word is building you. 

Ephesians 5:


This verse 26 is where I want to begin showing you something. 

The word there is RHEMA; the spoken word.


Jesus is doing something. He is working on his church. To present His church to himself and glorious church. Not a weak or beggarly church. 

The church is not a building. 

The church is the body of Christ.

He is talking about you and me 

He is talking about Us who believe in him

When he says "a glorious church", He means each one of us is made glorious. .

(Colossians 1:21-22)

You used to be a sinner, cut off from God.

Now he sees you as Holy, Unblameable and unreprovable in his sight. 

He will present us a glorious church, not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing. 

(1 Peter 2:9-10 AMPC)

YOU ARE is present tense. 

You are, in the now of your life, a chosen race. 

Special people. Do the Christians know that they are a special people? They mock you for believing in Jesus Christ.

As they mocked him for Daring to say he was the son of God. 

But he laid down his life purposely to save them. He gave himself up as a Sacrifice. 

He died the death of a Sacrifice, not a Matyr.

You are special. God tells you this In his word. The Bible says you are bought with a price. The price of the blood of Jesus. 

"That you may set forth the wonderful deeds.."

This is your ministry. 

You have obtained mercy. 

He wants you display the excellencies and perfections of Him..

(John 15:1-5)

The fruits are found in the branches. The flowers are found in the branches. The beauty of the plant is found in the branches. No wonder we are the glory of Jesus Christ. 

The same life that goes through the vine, goes through the branches. 

If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are infused with eternal life; the life and nature of God. 

A glorious Church..

Remember we are serving Jesus Christ, not in his state of Crucifixion or burial, but Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead, ascended into Heaven and is seated today at the throne of God. This is the glorified Christ.

The Bible tells us he is coming back in power and great glory. 

John 15: 3

When you speak the word, it becomes Rhema. 

Jesus is the Logos of God, and he says you are clean through my spoken word. 

When you read in the New testament and you see that word "Rhema" , it is Used for God's word in our mouth, not God's word spoken by himself. 

Ephesians 5:26

He is not doing it himself cos he is in heaven

He is doing it through us. We utter those words by the inspiration of the holy ghost as Rhema. 

John 17:17

This was in his prayer to the Father. 

The Logos of God is truth. 

Jesus is the living word. The living Logos.

When you study God's word, the word carries out a ministry in your life. The word of God is also a mirror. 

James 1:22

There is a huge difference between the new testament and the old testament. In the OT, they were told to OBEY the word. In the NT, we are not told to OBEY but to DO. 

There is a difference. 

The OT man was trying to obey an outside instruction. He failed. He tried but couldn't. Then he concluded "There is none righteous, no not one"

In the NT, you are born of the word of God that liveth and abideth forever. 

When you do something outside of the word of God, your conscience pricks you. 

What is your conscience? The voice of your Human spirit. 

Now that you're born again, you love God and you just want to do what's right. 

When you do what'm isn't right, your conscience whips you. Then you receive forgiveness. 

The Bible doesn't say you should ask for forgiveness but to receive forgiveness. 

Do you think He forgives you only when you cry or really mean it? What he wants from you is to obtain/received forgiveness. Not beg for it.

He is not like your Uncle who is expecting you to beg and beg. Especially when you have committed it this tenth time.

Not our Jesus. He is the propitiation for our sins. 

Just say "Father in the name of Jesus, I receive forgiveness for my foolish act". 

Receive forgiveness. He loves you. He is not waiting for you to plead and cry. He already made provision for everything about your life. 

James 1:22-24

If you are a hearer only, you are deceiving yourself.

He didn't say what shape or complexion was your face when you look at the mirror. He talked about the nature. He is looking at something beyond the appearance. "What manner of man"

When you look in the mirror of God's word, you discover what kind of a being you are. 

James knows what he is telling you.

You discover what species you are. 

(James 5:18)

We are a kind of first fruits. 

He perfectly aligns with what Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 

We are not ordinary beings. 

You have eternal life. You are different from the actual recreation room place when you received Christ into you. 

Old things have become new. That's why meditation on the word is so important. 

If you understand this stuff and live by it, no sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in your body. 

"I walk in absolute perfection in the name of Jesus"

The word of God is how you live. Not by the doctors certification. 

Practice using the word. 

"In the name of the Lord Jesus, I reject any tumors in my body. I refuse to accommodate any pain in my body. My kidneys, lungs, blood, veins are perfect in the name of the Lord Jesus "

That's how you use the word. 

You've got to talk. The power is in the saying of it. 

James 3:2

Christian perfection is in your mouth. Your words locate you. Your tongue is the rudder to live the real Christian life. It will regulate your behavior, your actions, your life. 

You have to control your body. Don't let your body control you.

That's why we always say "I'm excellent and full of glory". That means I'm in the miracle arena. I'm in the supernatural. 

When you meditate on God's word, something happens. Same as when you pray in the soieit.  You glow. Maintain that glow. 

Romans 12: 11 KJV, AMPC 

Be aglow and burning with the spirit.

I'm aglow all the time.

No down days. No down times. 

I'm always full of the holy ghost.

With ever increasing glory.

That's what He wants for everyone of US. 

Speaking to yourselves with Psalms and Hymns... Filled with the spirit. 

You've got to practice talking sessions. 

Sit on your own. Don't let anyone interrupt you. Get in your closet and start talking the word. You've got to use God's word. 

Speak in praise to God and talk about you. 

Speaking to yourselves is you talking to you. 

In Psalms ... Psalm 23 is a good one. 

You are saying these things!

Open the Psalms that talk about you. 

Psalm 27 is another nice one 

You already declared the future of your enemies and foes. 

Psalm 91.  I'm untouchable because I feel in the secret place of the most high. 

Practice talking sessions. 

By the time you are done saying all of that's the inspiration that wrote all of that in the first place, will begin to say more through you. 

I think it would be nice if you would do some praying right now now with the inspiration that you just got 

 Use words. Speak about your now and your tomorrow. Speak about your health. Declare that the life of God is at work in you. 

(Prayer and affirmation session)

#YourLoveWorld #PastorChris


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