Don't let your accomplishments define your self-worth. You are more than what you do. Your identity goes beyond your achievements, your job title, or your relationships. You are a unique, divine, and valuable individual – not because of what others think, but because of what God says.
When you know who you are, it transforms what you do. You'll live with purpose, confidence, and direction. Your sense of purpose isn't something you find outside; it's already within you, waiting to be unleashed. Don't look to others to define your worth or purpose. Instead, look within and align yourself with God's description of you.
One of the most liberating things you can do is to become independent of others' opinions. When you allow others to dictate your self-worth, you're saying that their opinions matter more than God's truth. Don't give others the power to define your identity. You are worthy, valuable, and loved – not because of what others say, but because of who God says you are...... click on the link below to study previous Daily juice
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