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Your Loveworld SpecialsSeason 5 Phase 2 Day 1

Opening Prayer: Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

I want to welcome y’all to your Loveworld specials season 5 and phase 2. During this phase there’s a lot we are going to be looking into, and I trust that, through the ministry of the Holy Ghost, you will receive information, direction and gain so much.

Our world is in a state today, that all the players are discovering that things are not going according to their script. This is like participating in a drama that went off script.
The nations of the world have found themselves in this drama, where the major players have found out that something is wrong with their script; because there’s a master script and they generally had ignored that, and only those who have insight into that script know what exactly is going on in our world today. So for anyone who wants to know what’s going on in the world today, they’ve got to consult the original script. This is God’s master script, it’s called THE BIBLE, the word of God. It’s all in there.
Amusing is the way western nations are crying foul at Russia. The point is, they’re looking for relevance, because Covid made them look stupid. They’re trying to make Russia the scapegoat just as they did during the elections: creating fraudulent security informations about Russia’s intended invasion of Ukraine.
Two things are actually happening:
1. It’s fraudulent 
2. They’re actually inviting Putin codedly. Behind the scenes they’re telling him that nothing will be done to him, if he invaded Ukraine, but on camera, they’re saying something, just like the feckless and toothless political class that we’ve ever had.
Pastor says “this isn’t my personal opinion; I will show you from the Bible that they feckless and toothless”. So the threats to Russia is well understood. It’s all coded language. 
Pastor says “I can tell you, if Putin went into Ukraine, none of those nations: the USA, France, and the European nations will not fight. It will happen like he took over cremea.”
All the howling of war is them looking for relevance because Covid-19 made them look stupid.

Ezekiel 38:11
There’s going to be a peace deal and within this period is when Russia will plan their attack.

Ezekiel 38:13
The prophetic revelations of the Bible are so accurate 100%. The Bible shows us why all these people are feckless. Ezekiel talks about sheba and dedan and the merchants of tarshish. Now sheba and dedan, he is referring to those nations along the Arabian peninsula (saudi arabia; Oman; Qatar; Yemen) and the merchants of tarshish! Notice he didn’t say the kings of tarshish; and all the young lions.

Sometimes when we look at prophecy, we have to be careful about assumptions. In reference to the young lions thereof, the question is, are the young lions from tarshish? Or do they belong to all the three locations mentioned. Some have speculated that tarshish refers to the United Kingdom and the young lions are the nations that came out from it, because the symbol of the UK is a lion; No! That can’t be accurate because the interpretation doesn’t say so. They have submitted that the young lions are America, Australia and Canada; but that’s not what the Bible says. So what then is it? Let’s look at what the Bible tells us. So where is tarshish?

Psalms 72:7-10
Shows us that tarshish was a region of trade, which had kings, in fact it is referring to the Mediterranean region of trade. All the Mediterranean countries all the way to Spain, and the isles under them, are those islands that were controlled by them. So the construction given to us in Ezekiel 38:13 is a little bit of an unfortunate rendering,because  reading it from the NASB shows that it is the villages under tarshish and not young lions. The villages are the extensions of those islands that were controlled by them at the time.

What about the merchants (business men) of tarshish? They will be the ones controlling the Mediterranean countries in the future,  not kings. This is similar to what the Bible tells us in Revelations 18:23 CJB, shows us that merchants of tarshish were the most powerful business men on earth. 

Back to Ezekiel 38:13, the political leaders of the Arabian peninsula and the great business men will say to Russia and its allies “have you come to take a spoil?” That’s all. They ask questions and that’s it. It’s over and they don’t fight. Now because the political leaders are toothless, the Lord’s would go forth as prophecy against Gog, which left its place from the north part, this is why Russia is being named as this Gog. The farthest north part of where? The farthest northern part to Israel. (Ezekiel 38:15 AMPC); in God’s prophetic calendar and geography, Israel and Jerusalem is the central point of all nations. And God said it will happen in the final years; and the prophetically predicted nations, not the assumed ones, will play the major roles. Their attack on Israel will be massive because they will come with an army so vast, it will be like a cloud covering Israel. 

Daniel 11:40-42
Shows us that at the time Russia is making advances at entering Israel, the antichrist and his western and European allies will be moving their forces also against Jerusalem. The advancing of the Antichrist will consume many nations with some like Jordan and a few others escaping, but Egypt will not escape. 
Daniel 11:43
Shows that the antichrist will be in control of the banking sector.

Daniel 11:44
News from the North and from the East will disturb the Antichrist because he making his moves on Jerusalem. And then the war begins.

Matthew 10:1
Jesus gave us power to heal all manner of diseases. That’s why we are doing healing streams. 
Isn’t it interesting that when they said there was a plague that was killing everybody, we came out for everybody with healing power.


Nothing is too good for you. Trust him with your life!

Call to Salvation.


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