Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSc, DD
Thursday, May 12th 2022
(Your Hands Are Full of God’s Power)
📖TO THE BIBLE Exodus 14:15-16 RSV
“The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the people of Israel may go on dry ground through the sea.”
Some years ago, I organised a crusade together with some of my friends and we witnessed amazing miracles. One of such miracles was the healing of a little girl who had braces on her legs because she couldn’t walk. The little girl’s sisters’ had brought her to the front, a few meters away from the platform I ministered on. I didn’t lay hands on her, I just stretched my hand towards her and she was completely healed; she walked normally without the braces, glory to God!
Do you realise that as a Christian, your hands have God’s power in them to heal the sick? Jesus said so (Mark 16:17-18)! He laid his hands on the sick, healed them of their diseases (Luke 4:40), and you’re just like Him. You shouldn’t allow anyone tell you miracles are unreal, or can only take place using ‘black magic’, whatever that means. Refuse to be ignorant of God’s Word and His power in you.
Understand this, as a child of God, you’re not ordinary! You’re anointed with divine ability and there’s a lot of power surging through those hands of yours! So, your hands aren’t just for holding and carrying things; God stretches His hands in and through them, transmitting His healing power to those hurting around you.
Use your hands today in faith using the Name of Jesus, and watch as signs and wonders take place through you.
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Acts 5:12; Acts 19:6-12
I’m the temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives in me in all His power and glory. Therefore, as I lay my hands on the sick in faith, God’s power heals and delivers them. Divine power is released into my world today through me because I’m full of the power of God. Hallelujah!
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John 6:1-24, 1 Kings 9
Mark 9:38-50, Numbers 15
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When a friend of yours, a classmate or probably a neighbour around you falls sick, you can lay your hands on them, and they’ll recover to health.
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