The Bible says in Isaiah 33:24, “And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick…” I refuse to be sick because it’s not in my nature. I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. The man that could be sick is dead; the ‘me’ that’s alive today has Zoe - the supernatural life of God that makes me invincible and impregnable to sickness, disease, and infirmity. I have the life of God in me; it’s the superior life of glory, success, and victory. Thank You, Lord, for making it possible for me to receive this glorious and wondrous life into my spirit, thus making me superhuman. Praise God! I belong in God’s class of divine beings; therefore, I look beyond the natural realm of existence to my heavenly rights, blessings, and provisions in Christ Jesus! Today, I recognize and take hold of my divine right to live in health, prosperity, victory, success, dominion and excellence! Thank You, Lord Jesus, for giving me the right to reign and rule over the circumstances of life and exercise dominion over Satan and the power of darkness.
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