Click on the link below for ICLC 2022, Day 1, Morning Session
In a few hours from now, we will be recognizing several cell leaders for their enormous work in soul winning.
I want to begin reading to you from Genesis chapter 1, from verse 28.
You are very familiar with the verses leading up to that.
Gen 1:26-
Every creeping thing.... Remember that part.
To Bless primarily is to praise or give thanks.
But when you bless another or God blesses you, it means to confer some benefit or to empower.
God blessed them... And God said...
You look at God's plan in that place and it's very clear. He said "Be fruitful. Be productive.. and multiply...and refill the earth".
Remember in the earlier verses, the earth had been made empty.
John.15.16 - Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Reading the KJV. "He may give it you... "
It's not speculating. It's affirmative.
Look at the context and the strength of that word in that particular use. It is firmly affirmative.
This was prior to Jesus crucifixion.
So in order to make this happen, He did something else.
Luke.24.45 - Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
This was after his resurrection. He appeared unto his disciples and instructed them...
John tells us how Jesus opened their understanding. He breathed on them saying "receive the Holy Ghost"
But we know as at them, the Holy Ghost had not been given yet because Jesus had to ascend to the Father..
So when Jesus breathed on them what exactly was he doing.
Job let's us know
"There is a spirit in man, and the breath of the almighty giveth them understanding".
That's what happened here.
Luke 24:46-49
That's wonderful.
V50- He lifted up his hands and Blessed them.
That's wonderful.
"And God blessed them. And God said unto them.."
Children were brought to Jesus and the disciples tried to stop them but he let them come and He blessed them. How? He put his hands on them.
This time, He didn't put his hands on the disciples. He raised his hands and Blessed them.
V51-53. Amen! That's great.
Acts 19:1-5
V5: They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
(Isn't it evident that the name of the Father, the son of the Holy Ghost is the name of Jesus?)
V3- Unto what?
When you are baptized, you baptized Unto/Into something.
It's not about the water.
The connotation of verse 5 isn't that obvious yet. They were actually baptized INTO the name of the Lord Jesus.
When you are baptized in water, you are baptized into that name. That's the more significant part of it.
V6-7. Paul laid his hands on them and the holy ghost came on them.
They were just 12 people.
That's one Cell.
V1: Apollos had been there before Paul came. But he found only 12 disciples.
Imagine being invited as a minister to a certain program and you traveled all the way. You arrive and some 12 men come to receive you and you say "wonderful. I'm glad I've heard what is happening here. And you say " can we go to the meeting? " And they say " we are all here".
Only 12 people in Ephesus?
Paul immediately knew what the problem was. So he asked "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"
V8-: Paul decided to do a sewing machine Job.
For 3 months, step by step, one step at a time.
Look at This man. Understand what he does.
He lays hands on them
Then he leads them in an evangelical operation.
He stays for 3 months then he goes to the synagogue where the Jews often gather .. arguing and persuading.
V9: Prior to this time, the right place to go was the facilities designated for religious purposes. But now because they made a lot of trouble, He separated the disciples to a new facility which was a School building.
V10- He stays for another 2 years. He pays for 2 year rent and has the school building.
What was the result?
All those in Asia Minor heard the word.
He started with 12 men.
The first thing I see there is CAPACITY.
He wasn't the first one to come and preach to them, but they were still 12.
Paul shows up, and all of Asia minor hears the gospel.
He had it inside of Him.
What can you do with 12 people????
When I was coming to Lagos, I said "if I have 10 people, I have it made.*
Jesus needed 12 men to change the whole world and all generations.
I said if I have 10 men, the world will hear it.
I had 10. The world heard it.
What we are doing right now is very significant. Each one is so important in God's scheme of things.
This second half of 2022 means a lot for all of us.
By December, you should have a very significant report. Are you hearing me?
In the next 6 months!
You are going to go WILD FOR GOD!
Last night when we were here praying, I was seeing visions. I was seeing the practical experience of Us into every man's world.
And I thought about it, I called it Code- RABAH!
So we are launching CODE RABAH today.
Rabah is the word Multiply in Hebrew: To multiply, to enlarge and to excel.
Gen 1:28
Multiply means you are going to multiply the cells.
Every 2 or 3 begins a new cell.
When the cells get into a new place, they enlarge
And when they enlarge with the word of God, they will excel in every field and every thing.
Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.
Cells Wake up!
Every 2 or 3.
Don't wait to become senior cell leader.
We are moving with speed.
Acts 8:14
They heard that Samaria had received the word of God....they sent Peter and John
Like when Paul arrived Ephesus. He knew what to do.
When Peter and John arrived what did they do? They ministered to them to receive the holy ghost.
We have to have the mentality and thinking of these apostles.
As far as they were concerned, Samaria had heard the word.
The seed had been sown.
As far as they were concerned they had conquered Samaria.
Jesus said....
The kingdom of Heaven is as a Mustard seed that grows and becomes bugger than all others.
The Apostles knew what to do with the word.
In many places, we have been too slow.
We need to sieze cities and communities with the gospel.
Think like the apostles.
Paul knew that he was not just conquering Ephesus but all of Asia.
Same with you.
Arrive like Paul. Arrive like Peter and John.
When you leave this conference, arrive with the mentality of a conqueror; a winner.
We are moving alacrituously .
Acts 19:11-12
There were special miracles.
The people took handkerchiefs and aprons in those days. Now we have materials, ROR, Healing to the nations.
Those materials will always direct one to the scriptures. .
We have seen even more special miracles than the ones recorded here all around the world!
Even the dead have been raised multiple times in several different countries. How can it be so consistent? Because it's from God.
A lady told her sister "I heard that when people use Rhapsody they raise the dead. Please come with the ROR and put it on my dead husband in the hospital". And she did and the husband came to life. Glory to God.
She Heard!!!!!
And the Lord didn't dissapoint!
I like the other story in NYC where the guy died in the vehicle, and the police had come and the other officials. Then he remembered he had a copy of Healing to the nations magazine in his car. He got it and slapped it on the man, and the man came back to life. Glory!!!
Multiply the cells.
Think "where am I planting the next cell?".
2 or 3! Multiply them everywhere.
Wherever they are, Increase! Enlarge!
2 to 6 to 10 to 50.
Jesus said something about the Leaven that baffles bible expositor's.
The Kingdom of Heaven operates like leaven. It spreads and expands.
There is no slowing you down. There is no stopping you
Multiply! Enlarge! Excel!!!
So, right away, Code Rabah begins!
The whole world!!!
We are creeping into every man's world.
We are going through their husbands, wives, daughters, nurses ... Everywhere!
If we can't reach the master of the house, we go through his Drivers, security officers.
Everybody is connected to somebody.
Speak in other tongues!!!
Acts 19V18-20.
This is about to happen in your city and in your country
Can you see it happening?
My brothers and sisters, this is not a topic.
It is not a topic on "prevailing word".
This is a historical report.
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
That word is in your mouth. And it will prevail!
The word is in your mouth and it will prevail.
Are you ready??
Open your mouth and speak. Release words!
Pray right now!.
For that nation, for that city, for all men, all nations.
When you get back, things will never be the same.
The word of God will prevail in your community, in your city. The word of the Lord will prevail.
Of our own selves we can do nothing.
If by our own selves we could, we would have done whatever we wanted.
I love the prayer of Asa in the Bible.
He heard the Ethiopians and Libyans were coming out against Judah.
He said "Oh God we have no might against this multitude...But our eyes are upon you and in thy name we go out against this multitude".
And they CHARGED against them. And the Ethiopians and Libyans were completely discomfited before Judah!
In thy name, we go out against this multitude.
Speak in tongues again.
#ICLC2022 #PastorChris
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