_Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. The difficulties you face are what makes your life story an interesting one to tell. You are not in the mountains, the mountains are in you. A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions._
- Attended Edo College for primary and secondary education. - Studied Architecture at Ambrose Ali University (formerly known as Bendel State University) on a scholarship. - Graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. - Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Benson Idahosa University. - Honorary Doctor of Science from Ambrose Alli University (AAU). - Honorary Doctor of Science from Igbinedion University (now known as Igbinedion University), Okada, Edo State, which also features a teaching hospital renamed after him. - Recently conferred as the university Chancellor and Head of Government/Chairman of Weldios University in the Republic of Benin. - Recognized as a Professor of theology and divinity due to his contributions to the field of theology and his leadership of Christ Embassy and Loveworld Incorporated. - He is a prolific writer and author who has written hundreds of books and devotionals, including the Rhapsody of Realities. - His sermons, prayers, and thoughtful re...
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