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Opening Prayers led by Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan

Video playout (Ventilators Part 1)

Kindly click on the link below for YourLoveworld Specials with pastor Chris, season 6, phase 1, Day 3 Note

Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD 

I want to welcome you to today's program. This is day 4, season 6, phase 1. 
I trust that the Lord will open your mind today and help you comprehend his word in a very special way. 

Something quite interesting just couple of days ago about some microchip to be put in Lawyers brains. The internet of brains.

When I told you these things at the beginning in 2020, there were those who wanted to ridicule us and tell us I didn't know what I was saying. I talked about the IOT and I told you they intended to make you a device and you were going to be connected to that network. 
And we were sanctioned for that diagram that I put on the wall.
Now look at it. 
"Prepare now for internet of Brains".

Well, that is going to happen, but not now. It's all going to be part of the one world government, economy and religion orchestrated for the antichrist period which the bible talks about. If you are still wondering if those things are true, don't waste your time. All the signs are there.
One of the best signs was covid and all it came with; the lockdowns, the restrictions etc. At that time they brought in what they called the new normal supposedly based on science. They had planned to continue but we stopped them in their tracks.
That project has been truncated. 
There is a moratorium in place in the spirit until we are done. 
This world is not ruled form Davos or Washington or Brussels. Don't deceive yourselves. They thought it was. I think they are beginning to find out it's not. 
There is a name that is above every name, title, system, government... That name is the name of Jesus Christ.

All those in Satanism as various religions who are interested in spiritualism of some kind, the topmost ones know that Jesus is not just a name. 

The way the world reasons is, they kind of build on some religious topos, hoping that somehow it will lead them somewhere. They are so used to this familiar train that religion really doesn't give any meaning. Even some times churches are built that way. They are used to everything being the same that they don't really expect any change. 
So even when you talk about Jesus coming again, it's viewed as relics of past statements. But that's not true. The holy spirit helps you to see that God is acting now. Things are happening now in the realm of the spirit. That's why those in the negative world, into secular humanism,(in the last several years there has been some kind of renaissance). Secular humanism is actually a subterfuge. It is meant to be a rejection of the spiritual and religion. But with all that rejection, they embrace a religion because Satan deceives them.
They say "I'm a humanist" but they don't understand.
The cocoon of humanism are actually in prison for satanism. You've been captured by Satan the deceiver. You have been deceived. Because in the real life, humanism as defined as Secular Humanism is not practical. It's a contradiction. 
It's like staying somewhere and saying "I don't believe there is a God" ..  it doesn't make it real. 
You think it's about how you just use your mind to construct or deconstruct God. 
Believing in God is not a mental or intellectual exercise. 
Believing is with the human spirit. You cannot believe with your mind.

The bible says "with the heart man believes unto righteousness". The heart is your spirit. You cannot understand the nature of man except from the word of God. 
The bible is not a religious book for Christians. It is proveable. The writers are across different several prophets spanning different times.  But it's the same spirit that spoke to them... And still speaks to us. 
Such that if you had never read the bible and you believe in Jesus Christ and receive the holy spirit, you will begin to say the things that are in the bible, such that when you finally read the bible you would be amazed. Because it's the same spirit. It's the spirit in the book and it's the spirit of God.

I have been proving the scriptures. That's the major thing I've been doing in my life. Proving the scriptures to be true and to be the truth, by putting the scriptures to work. 

That's what he sent us to do. To be his witnesses; proof producers. We provide evidence of not only the Lordship of Jesus, but that he is alive today and is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

I've got several things to show you -

1 .
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
V38 There are Gods children and there are children of the Devil. 
V39: world = Aion= Age. 
Jesus himself explained this parable. 
1. There were wheat and tares and satan sowed the tares. 
2. The son of man sowed the church. They came from Jesus. You are in the world but not of the world. The field is the world. 
3. Jesus is saying "I'm not going to kill those who don't believe in me. Let them grow together in the field". That's been Happening since the day of pentecost when he sowed the church right in the world. 
4. The harvest is the end of the age.

What did I tell you in that prophetic word? 

(Dec 2019 Prophetic word. Video playout) 

Notice something very important.
I said that man's work that has advanced both in the positive and negative.... (All truth is parallel) Would collide with God's work that has advanced .
The spirit of God was telling us something here. 
When they thought they were ready, God was also ready. 
(Example the kingship coming to David).
Jesus said let both grow together... 
The church has surely grown. The church is not a baby. And we can take on any force in the world. Those who assume that the church will go under because of their threats are deceiving themselves. 
They came from the devil and they have been watching themselves growing... But we also have been growing. 
When they said they wanted to vaccinate almost the whole world (not less that 80%).... When they said 7bn to be vaccinated, we also said 7bn for Jesus Christ. 
What we are doing is not ordered by man.
There is a conflict in the realm of the spirit but the overcomers were already predetermined. 

Luke 21:12-15
We have seen in in Church age and church history. All the Martyrs etc. 
V15- They can't counter or refute what you say. They will have no argument before what you say. 

1 John 4:3-6
It doesn't matter how angry they are about us. Don't even care if they hate you. Every christian, never be bothered if they say they will cancel you. Anyone that cancels you is canceling himself. Don't be moved. Have no fear of them whatsoever. They can't cancel or marginalize you. There is something inside you ...
V6 error means deception, fraud. 

1 John 5:4 KJV, AMPC.
Where else do you find things like this written. And this is real. This is true. 

Matthew 24:32-33
He was taking about the kingdom of God coming; the end of the age. 
If you read from verse 3, it is stated. 
Again, the world is referring to the end  of the age
 V34: We've talked about this before. The generation that sees this rebirth of Israel refered to as a fig tree. Israel became a nation again
What does he mean by Summer? 
What's summer for Israel? 
Summer spells judgement for Israel and the nations. 
And we know that just before he comes back, there will be a judgement period which is called the great tribulation which is full of several judgements. 

Amos 8:1-2
God showed Amos a basket of Summer fruits 
He says "I will no longer overlook their errors and sins anymore". That's the meaning of that last line. 

You can read Matt 24:14
This is the final thing. 
This gospel is going around the world like most people never though possible. It's happening with tremendous speed, spread and penetration like nobody thought possible, except with the eyes of the prophetic. 

24:15 He just told you about the preaching of the gospel and then suddenly he tells you about Israel back on the Calendar. Because during the church age, Israel is suspended from the calendar.

According to the prophecy of Daniel, in the 69th week, the church age comes in. 
God deals with the church until he returns to the calendar with Israel for the 70th week. 
Before the 70th week, the church is out. 

Songs of Solomon
There are several prophetic things written in these canticles. It's between the Lord and the church. 
Songs 2:8-13
V13-: green figs refer to figs that are not yet ripe. Summer is time for harvest, when he puts in the sickle. Sickle is representative of Judgement. 
Jesus is talking to the church, saying Summer is about to come, judgement is about to come. Arise, come one, let's go. 

The Summer would be the time of Jacobs trouble. The great tribulation. (Jere 30:7)
The tribulation will be such as the world has never seen. Don't plan to be here. 
All those things that we have issued a moratorium on, will be unleashed on this world at that time. It cannot be a place to live. And those who live through that period to come to Heaven can only do it by death. 
There are only 2 groups that will get to heaven witour dying.
1. The 144,000. 
2. The 2 witnesses who will be killed but come back to life. 

Col 1:20... We are looking at the reconciliation where glory is restored. 
Romans 3:23
Sin took away the glory. Man lost the glory. 

Col 1:20.  "Peace"means reconciliation. 
It's not just to reconcile men. The blood was meant to purify all things.
Now the blessed name ofJesus is named upon all things. The elements, the oil in the ground, the air, etc have been reconciled.

V21-22 You were reconciled to God.. the result was you were brought to God holy and unblameable. Jesus took responsibility for your errors. He took your blame. Stop blaming yourself. 
There are people who find it difficult to forgive themselves when they do something wrong. Stop doing that. He took your blame, sins, errors, mistakes...
And in the presence of God, you are holy and unblameable.
This is Christianity. This is the gospel. He says "tell them I am not counting their sin against them".

V23-24 AMPC: Christ's afflictions, not Jesus' afflictions. The church must suffer persecution to some degree. Jesus has paid his part. You have your part. It can be something between you and your colleagues or the government etc. Right now there are some Christians going through terrible times. 

V25-27: Remember the Mystery of Christ. 
Can you believe and meditate on the fact that Christ is in you. 

(Story about how Pastor Meditated on this scripture and got levitated)
The glory was lost but it has come back inside you. Now you are a "Christ in you person". You are not an ordinary person. Have the consciousness. Till you have the consciousness, you cannot act unconsciously in the kingdom.

V28-29. I share the word of God with you so you can be built up and perfected in Christ. You are being strengthened in Christ Jesus. There is a glory that is increasing in your life everyday. This is a transformation. 
The holy ghost is not just quiet inside you. He is working in you mightily. That's why you cannot be sick. Declare "Christ is in me, every fibre of my being, every cell of my blood.  I refuse to be sick. I've got the life of God in me. 24 hours a day."

What I'm sharing with you, I've been doing for decades. The word of God works. 

Colossians 2: 11
You have been circumcised by the circumcision of Christ. 
You were buried with him. When you were baptized, it was significant of what happened in the spirit. 
That's why we baptize people by immersion. 
V12-The bible says the Israelites were baptized  unto Moses in the sea. In the spirit, there was water. The water came back and buried the Egyptians. When you are baptized in water, you don't go back to sin. You are eligible for persecution now. You are eligible to be hated by all men. Baptism is not a game. It means you have made up your mind that you are never going back to the world. 
This is how your faith works in baptism

V13- The term here is a little problematic in the english language. In the general sense in English, to forgive is to pardon even though the person is still an offender. This is limited. (Just like there are different meanings for Knowledge and for Love)
You need to look at the language from which it was translated. 
What Jesus brought to us is not forgiveness in the general sense of Forgiveness meaning Pardon. What he brought to you is primarily the remission kind of forgiveness. To remit. 
In this verse, Forgiveness is 'charisomai' which means to be gracious to one
 He was gracious to you over your transgressions. Or he remitted your sins. The word means to put away, obliterate, blot out, completely separate from... That person ceases to be an offender. 
 It's a complete removal. 

Remember when Jesus said to that man "your sins are forgiven you", the Jews were stunned. Because he was talking about remittance. They said "who is this that remits sins, it's only God that does that".
But the son of man had power on earth to remit sins. He also gave us that power.

V13-: When God raised Jesus from the dead, you were raised from the dead. He was gracious to you about your trespasses before you were raised from the dead. 

(See Ephesians 2:4-5 - rich in mercy "charisomai")

V14-: The Gentiles were never given the law, but the presence of the law condemned the gentiles. By not giving them the law, he was saying "you are not my people" 
V15-: We were with him on the cross in him. It was because of us, the Cross happened to him. He died, fully identified with us. We went to Hell in Him. 
Same way, when he threw off principalities and powers and triumphed over them, we were in Him. 
In Context, God was doing all these in Christ. 
The last line should read "in Him" not "in it".
You have defeated the devil in Christ. 

Sometimes we don't keep the consciousness of the fact that his victory was our victory. He didn't defeat the devil and come and give it to us. We were in Him on the cross, in the grave, in hell.
Everyday, say "Satan, I defeated you in Christ Jesus".
No wonder he says "You are of God ... And have overcome them".. you are not trying to. When did it happen? That's what I've shown you 
The greater one is your teacher and he will guide you into all truth. 
We are more than conquerors. 

Colossians 2:6
Keep this mentality. Stay in this environment. You are in Christ.
You are in Christ in his resurrection. 

Col 2:16-19 KJV, AMPC 
Now that you have defeated them, you pray In the name of Jesus Christ, not angels. All angels are subject to Jesus. 
Each one of us is supplying for the growth of the body. Let no one take advantage of you because Christ is the head of the body.

V20-21 this verse was talking about the law, but Look beyond the law and think about even prescriptions of fear. 
Who told you you can be infected? In Christ, you cannot be infected. It's only if you are in Ignorance. The life that you have is not by blood. 

Romans 8:10-11
The spirit that raised Jesus from the dead... The same spirit... Lives in you. 
He shall make alive, quicken, your dead doomed body. 
If he raised the dead body of Jesus to life, that spirit which lives in you, will make alive your mortal body. 
The day the spirit of God came to live in your body, you ceased to live by blood. 
This scripture is not for quoting. It's for living.
Will the holy ghost suspend or keep down his glory when he lives in you? Your body is the living temple of the holy ghost. You have to have Christ consciousness wherever you are. Airport, market etc.... Understand that you feel are distinguished in Christ. 
Live it! Have that consciousness everywhere.
The life in you is by the holy ghost. Not by blood. He has vitalized your body so it is no longer death doomed. 
The generation that catches this, is the generation that will see the rapture. They will be alive and see the rapture. They will not see death. 
And I am telling you, We are in that generation already.

Col 2: 22
Some were washing and spraying to kill germs. That's not Christianity. You can speak a word a a leper will be cleansed. Why can't you cleanse your air. What have you believed. Have you believed in vain?
Sometimes you can be so acquainted with the negatives that you no longer know the truth. 
Get to the PCDL. Listen and listen and listen again
 Get your faith stirred up and live the life that he has given us.

1 John 5:13... Many of them didn't know that they had received eternal life. Don't live like you don't have eternal life. 
I know what it feels like to be sick. But even when that happened and they carried me to the hospital, I refused to submit. In growth sometimes, there is struggle. 
In the midst of sickness, my eyes were on the word. I kept asking how do I live beyond this. I said "No, my experience cannot stop me. I must live the life that was written of me. " Well, I got it. And ever since that time, never again! I understood the secret. 
1. Speaking in tongues
2. The 3 levels of meditation
3. I used the word and came back with a testimony.
I frighten the devil out.  I don't get sick anymore.  I can't even think it. I chose the patho eternal life. My body, soul and spirit is in the word. 
The more you pray in tongues, the healthier you are.
When your mind is inundated with the spirit, your body will get the message 

I had a stomach problem for years. On this ocassion, there was no drug for me because it was at night. I knelt beside my bed and determined to speak in tongues till morning. Suddenly I was laughing and saying "that's what it is like when you are getting healed". I did that and slept. I got the victory.

(Healing streams testimony)

Call to Salvation


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