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Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu

Kindly click on the link below for YourLoveworld Specials with pastor Chris, season 6, phase 1, Day 4 Note

Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD 

I want you to today's program and I want to begin with Reach out World. .
(Pastor talks about the Braille version of the Rhapsody of Realities and Reach out world 2nd and 3rd of September)

Hallelujah! The Lord is gracious, kind, Holy, just, pure. 
We're going r have a beautiful time today. I have a lot to share with you 

Last night, we got to Colossians 2:15

I told you climate change is a hoax. But what is it about? Why are they doing it? What's the satanic agenda in it?

The founder of the weather channel had some things to say on climate change. 
(Video playout: John Coleman.... "Climate change is Baloney". Science is about facts, not votes.  )
They are robbing those who know what they are saying of their ability to get the attention of others by reducing whatever honor they have. 
Jack Coleman, and they say he is a co-founder just to reduce his honor. 

The other day we saw a video where they were preparing leaders for H1N1. They used this format for Covid. 
Now watch this on Project Veritas on how they want to get people to believe in Climate change. 

(Playout on Project Veritas... )

The video we showed you is to let you understand the clandestine work on climate change. The biggest problem in the world is deception and those who are masters of thee art want to make sure that others have no voice to give a different narrative. That's why they are crying foul for misinformation while they are responsible for Disinformation.

Think about this. From 2020, some of those who gave false information, even after what they said was found to be untrue, never repented. They didn't apologize but doubled down on what they were saying. Same thing with climate change.
They want to insist on whatever information they want to give. They want to project the message they have for their agenda. 
The problem is not having an agenda but about whose agenda is it? Is it about good or for bad? It turns out it's for evil. 
I was telling you about the mystery about world population today.

Yesterday we showed you a documentary on ventilators. I was praying and the spirit of God told me about the ventilators. Then our guys went to do research and found a lot of information on how ventilators were used in killing people around the world. 
Same with population: The media has sensitized people to believe that accurate information on population comes from the United Nations.
How? They don't have anything to find the population more than the individual countries themselves 
The idea is for the countries to lose any grip on whatever the data should be about their country. They are told that numbers are apportioned to them.
What the UN did was to get an office that concocts the numbers. Don't think that they used some satellite. 
This is part of the global idea for world population reduction.

Right now they are telling you the highest causes of death is UNKNOWN. 
How? So when it is caused by vaccines, it is called "Unknown"
.(video playout on Alberta, Canada)

The figures of unknown deaths have tripled since 2019. In 2021, the leading cause of death in Alberta is UNKNOWN.

The perpetrators lying with obduracy is sad.

(Video playout: Michelle Walensky, head of CDC'S lie to the media. Now that the world has seen these are lies, no one has lost their jobs. Infact, they are promoted)

At the beginning of Covid, they said children could not be infected or transmit. Now Fauci says they can be infected. Horrible lies! They leak it, so people panic, then deny it, then suddenly, they hit harder. They try to inject you with fear and then comfort you so that you believe in them, then it becomes too late for you because they capitalize on your trust

Why do they insist on their scientific claims?
Bill Gates admitted that the vaccines were imperfect. So why mandate it? So who was supposed to be dispensable knowing that it was imperfect? That meant that you knew some people would either be maimed forever or even die? 
So who are these dispensable people? Same people that Harari of WEF called 'USELESS AND WORTHLESS PEOPLE".


Recap Col 2:15
We were in Christ on the cross, in his death, burial, when he went to hell and when he spoiled principalities and powers and we were in Him when he resurrected. Christianity begins from the resurrection from the dead. 

Romans 6:1-4.
Now that we have been raised together with him, we should walk in this new life he has given us. 
You died in Christ. 

Col 2:16-23
Now that you have a new life, in Christ you have gained authority over principalities and powers. ...

V23 AMPC- With all the acceptism, you are still under the power of the flesh... Inspire of your self denial of not eating this and that.
All the renunciation of worldly pleasures don't help as far as salvation is concerned.
Remember the Roman centurion, who despite of his devoutness and religiosity, he wasn't saved. 

Col 3:1
V2- set your affection on heavenly things. .when your values and focus in life are different it will change your life. 
This is something you've got to do for yourself. Be spiritually minded, not carnally minded. 
V3-. You are dead! You died with Christ. But God raised him. Your life is his with Christ in God. How secure you are! Hallelujah!

Romans 6:9-11
In the same way that Christ lives now unto God, reckon/count yourself to be dead to sin and to the world. But you are alive to God because your life is hid in him. Spiritual things are real to me because I'm alive to God.

The word was given to us to receive in our spirit and talk the word. We should meditate on them and reproduce them. God's word becomes your word. That's what brings the oneness. 
Have this mentality. 
Say it 'I'm dead to sin, but I'm alive to God". 
I am fully secured. I will never go to hell. My life is hid with christ in God.

Colossians 3:4
You are not living by blood but by the spirit. 
Christ is your life. 
These should be your everyday contemplations. 
" When Christ who is my life shall appear, I shall also appear with him in glory ". 
What a revelation! What power!
It changes how you live, how you think, and the things that happen with you. 
There are just some things that should not happen if you don't play in that arena or live in that world. You live in another world. In Christ. 

V5-11: He begins another segment. 

V 5- mortify= Put to death. 

Read in AMPC. 

5. So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members [those animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin]: sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that is idolatry (the deifying of self and other created things instead of God).

6 It is on account of these [very sins] that the [holy] anger of God is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience (those who are obstinately opposed to the divine will),

7 Among whom you also once walked, when you were living in and addicted to [such practices].

8 But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips!

9 Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old (unregenerate) self with its evil practices,

10 And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it.

11 [In this new creation all distinctions vanish.] There is no room for and there can be neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, [nor difference between nations whether alien] barbarians or Scythians [who are the most savage of all], nor slave or free man; but Christ is all and in all [everything and everywhere, to all men, without distinction of person].


Verse 8: have you met people who are often controlled by irascibility. That's the kind of thing the word is telling you here. It's so easy to get them angry. Suddenly they flare up. 

V 10: It means to be renovated. To grow in freshness, in newness. This is a renewal in growth. The knowledge here is Epignosis. It is the knowledge in which the learner participates and relates with the object of knowledge. It's not like reading a newspaper. This one causes a meditation. Your spirit is sucked into it. There is a oneness with it. It's a knowledge that brings you revelation. 
There is something new about your life all the time because there is increased knowledge which your spirit has related with. You are more and more like the one who created your spirit. You are more and more like God. 
(Ref 2 Cor 4:16-18 The inward man is renewed day by day)

V10- it's like a Father and son. As a little boy, you look like your father in nature. But you aren't talking like him in wisdom because you aren't grown yet. He can only play with you. That's not fellowship. But as you grow, you can discuss deep things.
That's how Epignosis works. You grow until you can use his word to talk to him. 

V11:  in this new nation in Christ Jesus, there is neither Greek, Ghanaian, Nigerian Christian. We are Christian's and saints of God. Christ is all and in all.

Change your way of thinking and talking. Only the word of God can give you new mindset. 

Colossians 3:12-17 - New Segment. 

V12: 'put on' in Greek  means to 'sink into'. It's like a paradox. It's like getting into a Sack. 
'bowels of mercies' is an interesting play on words. 
Bowels is translated from the word that means Spleen or intestines. 
He is talking about inward affection towards others. Tender mercies coming from within you. Kindness. 
Have these things within you. 
 Humbleness of mind. (Seen again in Philippians 2:3). Lowliness of mind. 
The best English word for it is Modesty. Freedom from vanity and conceit. 

V13-: "Forgive" is 'Charisomai'... It's forgiveness in terms of remission. God wants us to do this towards others. Don't merely pardon people when you say you have forgiven them. It should be a complete removal... Just as Christ was gracious to you. Be favourably disposed towards others. 

Let the peace of God play the Umpire. Look at the verse in the context. He is talking about our relationship one with another. You are called to the peace of God in the church. Always ensure peace. How we solve matters should be what brings peace within us. Your conscience is the voice of your spirit. And your spirit will be at peace According to it's knowledge. Your conscience is a student of your belief. 
Some people's conscience has been seared with a hot iron... Compromised to allow them do whatever they want to do. 
You will have peace in your heart of the word of God has come into your heart. Remember our spirits bear witness with the spirit of God. It instructs you to study the word and begins to condition your mind. 
( See Romans 12:1-2) you renew your mind with new information from the word Of God. 
-study to show yourself approved
-Jesus said you err because you know not the scriptures 

V16- Let the word dwell in Your heart richly
V17- remember you are a representative of JESUS Christ.


3V18- 4:6

God knows everybody. He knows the wives may offend but says Husband's should not be bitter against their wives. 
Bitterness is costly. It produces diseases within the body.

V20 Obey your parents in all things. But what Jesus says is greater. 
V21 Don't discourage your kids 
V22-25: those who serve others.. don't do it in eye service. Work as though you are working for the Lord. He is the One who sees you and promotes you. (E. G Hagar)

Col 4:1 Give your staff what they deserve. Don't cheat them

V2-5: Walk n wisdom towards unbelievers
V6 AMPC: Don't talk Ugly or angry. God cares how you talk. Practice being Gracious. Learn to use words that are gracious. Let your words be polished.

Think about and observe the different people he mentions

4V7- can you be described as a faithful minister?
V8- In those days there was no telephone. They prayed for each other and sent someone to find our how the brethren were doing. 
V9: Onesimus was to go with Tychicus
V10- This was the Same Mark for who's matter Paul and Barnabas had a falling out.
V12: Epaphras was always contending in the spirit for them in prayers. Paul knew. He could hear the guy praying for the Colossian Christian's. He fought in prayers. (Agonizomai.).and  He was not the Pastor. 
May God raise up more like this. Take up such responsibility. Pray for your pastors, the leaders, the children, the church... Fighting for God's people in the spirit. 

Remember Jesus said "Simon Satan has desired you to sift you as wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not". Today who will pray for such Simons? We need such kind of prayers. 
This is God's will for his people.. to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.... but somebody has got to pray for that to happen. 

As ministers we ought to be fighting in the spirit all the time for the brethren because Satan likes to embarrass them and do evil to them. Don't sin against the Lord by neglecting to pray for them

V14-15 Demas later backslid. 
V16-: they exchanged epistles. It would take weeks to get there. Those who could write and copy would copy and give one to another... Praise God for our day.

V17: if God gives you a ministry, take heed to fulfil it. There is the chance you may not fulfil it, and its not going to be God's problem but yours. 
How do you take heed? Be prayerful, be studious, have the right fellowship, be humble, be pleasant. Live according to the scriptures.
You can do stupid things and you will lose the ministry. Bad behavior can lead you astray. Pride, anger and arrogance are things that make people do the wrong things. 
There are people in the bible who did not fulfil their ministry because of Anger. 

V18-: Salutation

Let the word of God guide you and be not moved because of the things you hear, or let anger rule your life. When you find yourself in that kind of situation you may find that you cannot step backwards. So how do you come out of the conundrum. You are stuck in a Morass, how do you come out?
Always be patient and pleasant. 
Remember long-suffering with Joyfulness. 

(Prayer for everyone)

Sometime soon, we will have a special kind of praying which will be effective. 
But right now, just pray in the spirit
Several of you will have to go into Spiritual incantations. Repetitive sounds. Released or said in codes. Just go on in the spirit and pray as we do right now. 


September 11: Praise Night.
Sept 14-16: YLWS Phase 2
Sept 23-24: Global day of Prayer

(Healing Streams Testimony)


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