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I want to welcome you to this month global communion service.

It’s a very beautiful month so much has be happening.

We started exactly on the 27th March. 
You recall that on the 27th of March 2020 we started something very special program which is the GDOP, with that we led so many around the world in prayer and we have been doing it.. Moreso that we have also been on unending prayer also the word also tells us to Praise without ceasing.. He tells us to give praise always.

A sacrifice to God Primarily giving thanks to God/making confessions to His name.

Evangelist Kathy Woghiren (Director, LMAM)

How can we have unending Praise really ? Many think it’s impossible.

We started on the 27th of March already we have had 156 hours since then non stop. 
Like you have taught us in the scriptures, Moses was given a patterns for bulls and rams for sacrifice. 
As David came with a different pattern set up choirs with the Levites to praise day and night. 
There are those who think that having a choir in the church is Pentecostal, Anglican, etc.
It was started by David. 
It is not a denominational thing.
5 minutes per song that’s for half an hour. 
Think about when you can take part.
We are not asking for professional singing, because this is being done unto the Lord. We just want you to get involved in unending Praise to God and this is important.

Register at And also anyone of us can watch or  participate ( as an individual or a church and honestly praise God.

H.E. Pastor Emeka Eze:

Thank you pastor for the songs. You have been teaching us about praise. It’s a new era of praise; it's a new day now.
Thank you pastor sir for the new songs. Everyone sings them. 
You taught us that Praise is the highest form of prayer, so moving from unending prayer to unending praise we are going to be suffocating the devil out of this environment.

Psalm 145
With praise we execute judgment, we are going to see much more glory. You know the fulfilment of everything God planned for us as a church.

Prayer is one thing, we discussed already on the different kinds of prayer.
He tells us, in nothing shall we be anxious but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving make your requests known to God.
The peace of God that surpasses understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
What does that peace mean? it’s the sign of victory, it is the peace of victory.

How important is this in the Christians involvement in spiritual warfare?

Pastor Esteemed Deola Phillips

Thank you so much Pastor
Hebrews 13:15
Its continually giving thanks and it comes at the end of the book of Hebrews after everything: the sacrifice, priesthood, the new tabernacle. 

Many don’t understand praise. For a long time they tried to define it as jumping up and down like monkeys, screaming at the top of their voice.
If you could shout loud enough then they thought that was praise. 
Dance in the flesh and spin around in the flesh and jump with your handkerchief then that was praise. 
They never considered  the wordings of the songs. They didn’t think about it.
They thought that was praise because it was loud and wild. They thought it was high praise because they saw that in the book of Psalms. 
They thought high praise was shouting until their voices went hoarse...
But praise has nothing to do with the loudness or how much you could out-dance others. 

"I danced for my God."

Did he ask you to do that? 
The question is if He is accepting your dance. 

Read your bible He didn’t accept every offering, He specified what kind of offering should be given to Him. 
So in dancing to the Lord, what kind of dance did he ask for and what kind of dance are you doing?

Foolish dance is that which is not required by God and you are dancing for Him. 
It’s foolish like the offering. Foolish offering is the offering God didn’t ask for. 
That’s what they did in the Old Testament.
It didn’t matter how big your camel was....they didn’t offer it to God, because He told them what kind of animal to bring in sacrifice. It didn’t matter how well trained your dog was....very expensive dog.... you couldn’t give it to the priest to offer in sacrifice. 
He told them what kind of offerings should be brought for offering.

The same thing with the dance. Study your bible and find out what kind of dance does God want and what kind of dance have you been dancing? 
A demonstration in rampage of the flesh? It was never for God. Thank God we have pushed all that. 
The church is moving forward. Only the ignorant is remaining behind.

So caution yourself today, don’t try to move in the way you did just because it made you happy. Something doesn’t remain right just because you are happy. 
Ask yourself what God wants so you can give him what he wants not what you like.

Ask yourself what did He ask you to do? 
The time for that foolishness and ignorance is over, give God what He has asked for and don’t let the beat or rhythm of the song determine your offering to God.

Doing something right is not enough. It has to be done the right way, and that not enough, it has to be done with the right motive. Serve God with the right heart.

Let your heart be guided by the knowledge of words of God. What did Jesus say? "you err because you know not the scriptures".

What kind of dances does the bible talk about?
Have you ever studied the scriptures what God said about what should be done and not done in the New Testament?

A testament is a will, it’s a form of covenant, and you have to understand. 

So where ever you are right now go ahead and praise the Lord thank him for the opportunity to participate in giving him unending praise.

At this time I want us to look at something very beautiful concerning the Healing Streams, this is the first communion service after the healing streams, I want to thank you for the hard work you did and the prayer, distributing magazines etc.. Think about it …

In fact before the healing streams Pastor Benny described it as an avalanche of Miracles…

(Play out: Healing Streams Live Healing Services of the 6th edition video) 

Thank you so much for these amazing testimonies of healing.
We are working on getting the actual population of the world.

Now with that in mind our next major program of course its ongoing is Reach out world Extravaganza, we are reaching every one. Remember the earth will be covered we the knowledge of Him.

2 Peter 1: 1-5
It's not enough for us to win souls. We must impart knowledge.
V5: You have knowledge imparted to you through the ministry of the spirit. 
Faith is not enough, live right (virtue). Let your life be worthy of praise. Add to virtue, study/learning. 
(The ROR helps to educate people about how to live the Kingdom life)


This month of April is very special for us for several reasons. Last year, the month of April was for us a month of watching and praying
And the Lord directed us to watch and pray.
We read from St. Luke's gospel chapter 21 verse 36. 

Luke.21.36 - Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

I'm still impressed in my spirit that this month, we should watch and pray. That's not the theme of the month, but it's very important that we watch and pray even because of what this month is to us and what the Lord will have us do.

He told us of terrible things that would come but he wanted his children to be watchful and prayerful.

Phil 2:14-15 KJV, 
14: When people do the right thing with the wrong heart, they don't get the intended results. 
For example There are people who give offering in church and complain. They don't get results because they don't give it with the right attitude. 
You prayed, you gave your offerings but you found fault with the Usher 
If you want to have the best result, here is the way.
Don't complain about something that you can't fix. 
If I complain about something, I'm ready to fix it. I can't leave the issue.. I have to fix it. If I can't fix it, it's senseless to complain. 
If I want God to fix something, I complain to him
I complain to the one who can fix it.
Don't complain against God. Nobody can fix that. If you have a problem against God, who can fix it for you?

V15: in the midst of this crooked and wicked generation, you are bright lights, a beacon shining out clearly in a dark World. He calls us Bright lights, stars, Beacons. 

John 5:33-35
Jesus said about John that he was a burning and a shining light. 
He was ablaze, aflame, radiating energy, emitting energy. 

Luke 12:35
It's not enough to shine. He wants it burning! Emitting energy! He wants you to be ablaze for God. Aflame for God. 
V36- Jesus is coming again. 
When Jesus talked about the second coming, he was talking to Israel and he didn't address the rapture of the church.
(Its remarkable here that he says waiting for their Lord when he returns from the wedding.)

Every true servant of the Lord and saint of the kingdom must be shining and burning. 

Psalm 119:105
A lamp is an artificial source of light or illumination. 
God's word is a lamp. You can use it. 
It is a light to lighten my path.

Isaiah 8:16-20
V19: Are you supposed to consult the dead for the living? 
V20: He has given us both the ways for testing prophecy. The law (the Torah), the testimony (the prophets). You are supposed to seek to the Law and the testimony. If it is not consistent with the law and testimony it is because there is no light in them.
(Read 19-20 in AMPC)

2 Peter 1:16-
V19: a few translations read it almost backward. "We have a word of prophecy made more sure". But the contextual analysis of the Greek rendering and the discussion shows that the most accurate is in the KJV.
Peter is saying In spite of our experience; even though we were at the mountain with him, or heard that voice from heaven with him.... We have THE more sure word of Prophecy. 
Dark refers to poverty and penury. It refers to wickedness. A place where there is no light... Not just because of brightness; it is lifeless. 

In life, this more sure word of prophecy in the scripture. It is more dependable than your experience. If you had doubts. IfX were in the worst situation, take the scriptures as a light in the dark place. Even if it's just a flicker of light, hold that scripture as a light ... Until... The day dawn's and the daystar arise in your heart 
Have you ever been a situation where you are praying and hoping and there is no sign of a change?
Do you have a scripture?
It is a more sure word of prophecy. 
Hold on to it. Don't look at your feelings or circumstances.... Hold on to the more sure word. 
If there is a flicker of light, there is hope. 
In darkness, you would journey towards the light. Hold on to the word until you know that you know that you know.
There is a time to hold on to the word... You may not feel closer to what your desire is... But hold on to that scripture until you KNOW!!!!

This month is the month of lights!
We will be the light in the darkness everywhere. Ablaze for God. Shining and burning everywhere. 
I'm a shining light
I'm a burning light
By the power of the spirit of God 
I've got words in me.
Words with the capacity to effect changes. 
I've got them in me and I'm going to utter them 
I'm effective in the name of the Lord Jesus
I have capacity. 
Energy is capacity to do work
Since I'm a burning light and I'm emitting energy, that's capacity. 
I release words into the realm of the spirit by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Pray for your country and the nations of the world. 

I want you to pray specially for your country and nations of the world this month. Here's why... 
Judges 2V13
Israel as a nation sinned against the Lord several times. They were God's covenant people. God blessed them and gave them laws which were intended for their blessing. When they sinned against God, they were oppressed by their adversaries. 

Idols have forces behind them. Demons are behind them. When people offer sacrifices to idols, they are offering them to demons. 
When they forsook the Lord, they were worshipping demons. 
V14-15: They found themselves in great distress. Their enemies ruled over them.

The bible tells us that the earth is full of the goodness of God. There is no much good and beauty in this world but most people don't experience this, instead they experience hardship, wickedness and pain because of Sin and ignorance. They get leaders that spoil and rob them through various methods and means. It gets worse and worse and worse. 

V16:In God's mercy, when they cried to the Lord, he raised Judges. They had no king. They had no army. Their enemies marched against them with armies. But God would raise up one man or one woman out of them, and God would fill them with the power of the spirit and cause them to beat their enemies. God saved them supernaturally like this and brought them to the good place he had for them.

V18-. The Lord was touched by their pain and that's why the raised the Judge. And throughout the lifetime of that Judge he delivered them from their enemies 

Nations have found themselves in pan serving under wickedness. Many nations are reeling from bad decisions from bad leaders. They can't free themselves. Even those who protested went from one bad leader to another. 
It takes the grace of God to take a nation from this.
It takes a man or woman filled with the spirit to actuate God's plan.
Any nation can come into this victory be ause the time for their help and favor from God is NOW.
In the word, it takes only those who will pray effectively for their nations 
If you will pray, this victory will be yours. . something will supernaturally happen 
This month, pray specially for your country. God wants to help. He wants to supernaturally help your country . 
You can't imagine how things can change overnight, but it will.
This month, organize and pray.
You will see a change.
This word will not fail.


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