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6th, August 2023.

Romans 5:17

In a broader teaching of this subject, I've explained that when God says this, thatbthey shall reign BY Jesus Christ, it means "Through". Thats different from when He is in this world during the millenial reign, we will reign WITH him. 

There is a great difference. 

This verse is talking about reigning by him or through him; using his name 

In other words, Reigning in his place.

2 Corinthians 2:14


- He ALWAYS causes us to triumph. Not sometimes. He makes it happen. He propels us to triumph. He orchastrates us to triumph ALWAYS!!!

-He makes the aroma of his presence known through us everywhere. 

How can a verse like this go unnoticed?

Psalm 110:1-2

David was talking about Jesus.

How that the Lord would be seated at the right hand of God...and He is there today. 

While he is seated in Heaven, God said to him "rule in the midst of your enemies". 

His enemiws are not in Heaven

He rules in the midst of his enemies through his church.

"Out of Zion"

These scriptures, in no way, suggest that the christians have some sort of beggarly life or subjected to ridicule. 

No! We are honored in Christ Jesus.

The church of these last days must xome to the understanding of our place..of our rights...of the authority given to us in christ Jesus. 

The message of the month is something you carry along with you. You keep living that life. Make is special to you tou. Internalize it. Live it and grow in it. You'll be amazed what will become of you. How things fall into place. They have to! 

Remember he says "all things work together for good to them that love God..."

You have no reason to worry irrespective of circumstances. 

You just keep saying "it is turning out for my good".

There couldn't be any other result 

It's impossible for you to be disadvantaged.

The more powerful your enemies are, it is an indication of your growth and of what God is doing in your life. 

So never be scared about anything.

Its just a sign.

You are so powerful thay it takes all those forces to come against you 

So, you rejoice and say "Wow! God is blessing me so much".

Never be moved when you face troubles, trials, challenges. 

It just means God is blessing you so much the devil has taken notice of it.

This month is the month of DOMINION.

You have to exercise dominion.

Three important things in the exercise of dominion

Through prayer: James 5:16-17 KJV, AMPC. The fervent prayer of a righteous man is effective. 

Romans 5:17, he gave you the gift of righteousness. In the mind of God, you are as righteous as Jesus is righteous. 

Elijah prayed ernestly. It is heartfelt, Continued, persistent. 

He prayed that way because of the sins of the nation. He prayed for a change. He wanted the rain to cease to get the people's attention

He got their attention.

He went after the prophets of Baal. 

He prayed again and the heavens gave rain

He is teaching about being fervent in prayer and expectations.

In dominion, you can make remarkable change through prayer. 

The heaven gave rain after Elijah prayed. Heaven responded and fhe earth brought forth her fruit.

Is there anything you want a change in this month? No matter what you are going through or confronted with, understand that you can pray and effect the change. 

God gave us Elijah's prayer as an 


Secondly, faith proclamations 

Your faith must be connected to God's word. It is different from positive thinking or positive talking. Some people make positive declarations that are not connected to Gods word. That's just being positive in the works sometimes, but when push comes to shove, when it really matters, it fails. Its unable to resist the forces of the spiritual when demons get involved in it. There is no promise to it. Otherwise, the natural man would have been completely successful in all things.

For us, we talk according to what he says.

Hebrews 13:5-6

Be content with such things as you have..why? Because with this principle, you can get anything you want. 

Never feel like you have been shortchanged in life. 

Be content because God is on your side. 

God has given you material.

God's word is creative material.

For the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. 

He has said...

The principle here is....

He is has that we may boldly say....the blessing is in the response.

So that i may Boldly say. 

God said something so that i can respond in consent with him.

I boldly declare the Lord is helping me right now. I am helped. I have help. I have help from Heaven.

Whatever man can do unto me is Nothing. They are not a factor. 

My life is from above. 

Greater is he that is in me than he that us in the world. 

Hallelujah! Blesed be God. 

Faith proclamations! 

Declare what God has said Boldly!

3 John 2: I walk in health and every system of my body is perfected 

And i walk in prosperity in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I walk in dominion.

The forces of this world are beneath my feet.

This is our month of dominion. Release words everyday as you pray. 

I am abundantly supplied.

I have more than enough in everything in the he name of Jesus.

Every tongue that is against you is paralyzed in the name of the Lord Jesus.

The third one is Prophecy. 

There is a lot of prophecy in the bible. 

Pull them out. 

1 Tim 1:18.

He doesnt want you struggling. You are winning. You are on top.

Use prophecy. 

Ephesians 6:17, Psalm 149:5-6

The revelation of the new testament church was hidden in the prophecies of the old testament.

"A two edeged sword in their hand" Its actually in our mouth. 

Revelation 1:15-16

Talking about Jesus Christ. 

The two edged sword came from his mouth 

This kingdom is different. We dont fight with the sword in our hand but in our mouth.

Rev 19:14-5,21

"Out of his mouth"

I have the two edged sword of God in my mouth. 

Its the Rhema of God. 

Jeremiah 51:20

Tell the devil "God is going to use me to paralyze all your works. I am Gods battle axe and weapons of war". 

For this purpose, the son of God of manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil 

Lift your hands and thank him. 

It's your month of Dominion


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