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And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth (Genesis 1:28).

In Genesis 1:26-28, the Bible shows us that God created man in His image and in His likeness, and blessed them with the ability to have dominion over all the earth, including every living creature. "To bless" (Hebrew “Barak”) is to praise or give thanks. When you bless God, you’re praising and giving Him thanks! But when you bless another or God blesses you, it means to confer some benefit or to empower. So what God did in Genesis 1:28 was that He empowered Adam and Eve to be fruitful and productive, to multiply, replenish and refill the earth.

In John 15:16, Jesus tells us, "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that you should go forth and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." The word "may" in the King James translation carries a firm affirmationrather than mere speculation. Thus, we are called to go and bring forth fruits.

Secondly, our fruits are meant to remain and have a lasting impact. This means that He has made you efficacious. You have the ability to produce desired results. If you were given a target, your efficacy can be trusted. There’s an ability introduced into your life to produce desired results. It’s your nature in Christ.

You can approach life with confidence, knowing that every endeavour you’re engaged in, will turn into success. It’s the life God has given us—a life of purpose, power, and productivity. Embrace this truth and walk in the confidence of being chosen and appointed by God to live a productive life.


I'm like a well-watered garden, fruitful at all times. I'm the fruit-bearing part of God's vine and I'm producing durable fruits—fruits of righteousness, because I'm a tree of righteousness. I’m standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. I am ever blessed, ever prosperous. Amen.


Acts 1:8 AMPC; John 15:1-2; Psalm 1:1-3 TPT




1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1 & Psalms 139-141


Luke 19:1-10 & 1 Samuel 14


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