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(Flashback of 200 Episodes segment)

Today I'm going to share a few things with you.

We began discussing these important truths.. especially on eternal life. 

(I will do a series on eternal life sometime soon). I did touch on it during season 3, phase 5. 

I think one of the beautiful things that you would have gained in YLWS is some kind of information in God's word. 

E. G. I defined for you eternal life. 

I knew that the church had not been given a definition

The English definition is 'everlasting life's. But the fact that it is the life that Jesus brought, made it so important to know what it meant. 

You have to understand the scriptures, what the bible says about God, deity, Jesus Christ, idolatry, life be able to define eternal life. 

Yet I gave you a very simple but profound definition of eternal life. 

Eternal life is the life and nature of God. 

That's very simple.

But then I gave you the definition that helps it. 


In those few words, you have the distinguishing factors. Everything that separates our God from all that may be called gods. 

Any one can be called a deity, but these attributes must be organic and existential. And you can only find these attributes in the gOd of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and expressed in Jesus Christ.

Many have built massive idols and shrines. We see their gods with eyes that don't see. They can't do anything.

What kind of God's are these? But these are the gods that many worship; that have ears but can't hear. 

But when you talk about our God, you can't find him. One may say that means he doesn't exist... But he came to us in Jesus Christ. And I showed you that this Jesus is himself GOD. The day you discover who Jesus is, it will change everything for you.

That's why I explain to you the divinity of Jesus so you know who he is. 

Everywhere I look in the bible, I see Jesus is God!

1 John 5:20 KJV, TLB, AMPC

Now we are in God, because we are in Jesus Christ his son.. who is the only true God... And He is eternal life. 

1 John 1:2- KJV, TLB, NLT

Christ is Eternal life. 

Here comes Jesus in the street. You are told  "this man is life encapsulated in a human body". It's beyond comprehension. You cannot comprehend this with your mentality. You can only receive it with your spirit. 

How can life be encapsulated in a human body????

But the word says "The life was manifested and we have seen it". 

So much is said in one verse. Note the emphasis. 

Jesus was more than a prophet, rabbi or great man. Look beyond what all the scholars of this world had told you. Jesus is life itself. 

The apostles were convinced Jesus was God. 

In Christianity, a major doctrine which had been lost to do many because they weren't taught is that JESUS IS GOD. 

Anyone who has seen Jesus Christ, has seen God. 

God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself....

2 Corinthians 5:19

If he were only a man, how could he qualify for our redemption? How could his blood be adequate for our salvation?

John 1:18

Do you know what he just said?

The only begotten son has  "declared" him.. meaning to rehearse/Unfold.

Jesus rehearsed divinity to us. 

What we saw what a practice for us to see. He came to show us God. He came to show us the life of the kingdom

He has given us an example that we should follow his steps. (1 Peter 2:21)

He rehearsed divinity

He rehearsed righteousness

He rehearsed the God life. 

He said 'if you have seen me, you have seen the Father'. 

Who could have talked like that? .

The soldiers said "No man ever spoke like this man".

Amazing words!

Ephesians 5:1-2 

We should follow his steps because he came to unveil God. 

The word "followers" refers to being an imitator; to copy another. 

How can you imitate God when you haven't seen him? 

That's why Jesus came to rehearse him. 

Christ showed us how to love.

Jesus in action was God at work.

1 John 2:5-6

The love of God is perfected in you.

It's finalized. You have the complete love of God in you. It is sealed, delivered. You can love as much as you want to. The God-love is inside you. 

If you say that you are in him, you ought to walk even as he walked. You can walk like God. If you can live like Jesus, you can be like Jesus...

He gave us his life. 

We have the same life with him

We think like him

I have the mind of Christ and I walk even as he walked.

He was never intimidated. He was always a success. 

When you go to work, you know that you are Jesus in a gown or suit. Because today you are a manifestation of him

Christianity is not a religion.

Eternal life of God is imparted to your human spirit and suddenly you have the same life with him. It supplants the life with which you were born from your earthly parents. 

This is what's changing the world; many discovering who they are in Christ. Discovering that what they have is not a religion. 

They don't know him, so they think it's a religion

Religion is about trying to look for, reach out for God. In Christianity, he came to look for us. He came to seek and to save us. Even from the very beginning...

Adam and Eve sinned, yet it was God who came asking "Adam, where are you?". It was Adam who was foolishly hiding from God. 

Because God already blessed Adam, he couldn't curse him. He cursed the ground for his sake instead. The ground would not longer respond to Adam as it should.

But in his redemptive act, now all nature responds to us because of Christ Jesus. 

All nature was commanded to hear Jesus. 

Jesus said "in my name.... you can exercise authority over all devils and demons of darkness.

The righteousness of Christ gave us this eternal life because he fulfilled God's will. We couldn't fulfil it. 

Jesus functioned as a man.. he became obedient even unto the death of the cross. 

That righteous act of Jesus made eternal life possible for us. 

Proverbs 12:28

This is a principle seen in the OT

Romans 5:18-21

The offence of Adam brought condemnation to all.

The righteousness of Jesus brought Justification for all.

V21: The understanding of righteousness is so important. God's intention is for the grace of God that came to reign through righteousness 

Prov 12:28

Righteousness leads to life. 

His act of righteousness brought life. 

The end of righteousness is life. 

In the PATHWAY there is no death. It's a death-free pathway.

Romans 8:1-2

The Greek construction is not that he delivered you from the law of sin.. it's not that he brought you out of death. Or that he freed you from the clutches of death.


The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you DEATH-FREE. 

You are in a death-free pathway. 

There is no death in me!!!!

Romans 7:23-24

Your human body is called a body of death. Right from when you were born, you for death in your body because that man lived a curse of death in the world... So he is born into death. From the womb to the tomb

So from when he is born, everything is done to stop him from dying.

Because the tendency is for him to die. 

He is in the body of death from when he is born

V25: Jesus Christ is the one who brought the solution.

The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me Death-Free. 


He has said so that you may boldly say. 

If you don't say it, you will be functioning from a death doomed body. 

Once the holy ghost has vitalized your mortal body, it's no longer death doomed. 

The generation of the church that gets this, is the generation that will see the rapture.

The rapture will happen by faith. 

By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death. 

We will walk in this word with such faith and understanding that each one of us will just say "The day is close. We are going soon. Glory to God".

Sin shall not have dominion over you because you are not under law but I dear grace. 

In my pathway, there is no death!!

I am the light of the world.. I am not a victim of the wicked. 

The law of the spirit of life has made me death free, sin-free. 

I walk in righteousness. Eternal life is at work in me

I've got the life of God in me

My spirit soul and body is preserved blameless till the coming of the Lord. 

Of Christ's fullness have I received grace for grace.

John 1:14-16 KJV, AMPC

Jesus was full of truth; full of reality. .

Children ran to him.

Sinners ran to him

The weak and hungry came to him

What was Jesus like? Full of grace and truth.

We have received grace heaped upon grace.

NOW that you are in Christ Jesus, your life must exude favor upon favor. Grace upon grace. 

Everyday of your life declare it. 

I have grace before God, before men and everywhere. I'm full of favour. 

Of his fullness, I have received grace heaped upon grace.

My life is full of grace.

Unending grace

There is more than enough grace for you everyday

How could you have managed without this?

Some of you have struggled too much.

You struggled so much to take care of your home, spouse, kids...

He says "take my yoke upon you. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

Stop carrying the load. Cast your care upon him for he cares for you.

Begin today to trust him

Romans 1:16-17

My life is from faith to faith. 

The more we talk about the righteousness of God, the more our faith grows. 

That's the only way we can live in this kingdom.

You've got to know the righteousness of God.

My life is from faith to faith. 

I don't have doubt or fears. 

I walk by faith, not by sight. 

It doesn't matter how it looks or feels. I walk by faith, not by sight. 

I'm a success. I walk by faith not by sight.

I am victorious

I am prosperous

I walk by faith, not by sight

2 Corinthians 3:18

The more I read the word of God, the more I see the glory of God. 

He calls my reflection, the glory of God.

I am the glory of God. 

I see the life that Christ has given me.

I live to the glory of God. 

As long as you are looking the mirror, there is a transfiguration from glory to glory. 

My life was designed by God to be from glory to glory. 

Last year should not be better than this year. 

I don't struggle. I am royalty. 

My glorious life is on!

It's from glory to glory. 

What a life he's given us!!!

Glorious things are spoken of thee oh city of God. 

A live a life of Unending grace, unending faith and unending glory.

What a glorious life. 

No failure!

Excellence all the way!

That's my life; Full of grace and truth.

(Healing streams testimonies)


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